Uses of Class

Packages that use ClassType
gnu.bytecode Contains classes to generate, read, write, and print Java bytecode in the form of .class files. 
gnu.expr Supports Expression, and various related classes need to compile programming languages. 
gnu.jemacs.lang Contains classes to implement the Emacs Lisp language. 
gnu.kawa.lispexpr Support classes for compiling and running Lisp languages. 
gnu.kawa.reflect Contains classes to use reflection. 
gnu.kawa.xml Classes for using XML within Kawa. 
kawa.lang Core Kawa classes for Scheme and Lisp compile-time. 

Uses of ClassType in gnu.bytecode

Fields in gnu.bytecode declared as ClassType
static ClassType Type.boolean_ctype
static ClassType Type.java_lang_Class_type
static ClassType Type.javalangBooleanType
static ClassType Type.javalangClassType
static ClassType Type.javalangNumberType
static ClassType Type.javalangObjectType
static ClassType Type.javalangStringType
static ClassType Type.javalangThrowableType
static ClassType[] ClassType.noClasses
static ClassType Type.number_type
static ClassType Type.objectType
static ClassType Type.pointer_type
static ClassType Type.string_type
static ClassType Type.throwable_type
static ClassType Type.tostring_type
static ClassType Type.toStringType

Methods in gnu.bytecode that return ClassType
 ClassType ClassType.getDeclaredClass(java.lang.String simpleName)
 ClassType Method.getDeclaringClass()
 ClassType Member.getDeclaringClass()
 ClassType ClassType.getDeclaringClass()
 ClassType Field.getDeclaringClass()
 ClassType[] Method.getExceptions()
 ClassType[] ExceptionsAttr.getExceptions()
          The types of the exceptions in this attr.
 ClassType[] ClassType.getInterfaces()
 ClassType ClassType.getOuterLinkType()
 ClassType ClassType.getSuperclass()
static ClassType ClassType.make(java.lang.String name)
          Find a ClassType with the given name, or create a new one.
static ClassType ClassType.make(java.lang.String name, ClassType superClass)
static ClassType ClassFileInput.readClassType( str)
          Read a class (in .class format) from an InputStream.

Methods in gnu.bytecode with parameters of type ClassType
 void ArrayClassLoader.addClass(ClassType ctype)
 void CodeAttr.addHandler(Label start_try, Label end_try, ClassType catch_type)
          Add an exception handler.
 void ClassType.addInterface(ClassType newInterface)
          Add an interface to the list of implemented interfaces.
 void ClassType.addMemberClass(ClassType member)
static void Attribute.assignConstants(AttrContainer container, ClassType cl)
          Add any needed constant pool entries for all attributes in a container.
 void InnerClassesAttr.assignConstants(ClassType cl)
 void CodeAttr.assignConstants(ClassType cl)
 void ConstantValueAttr.assignConstants(ClassType cl)
 void Attribute.assignConstants(ClassType cl)
          Add any needed constant pool entries for this Attribute.
 void LocalVarsAttr.assignConstants(ClassType cl)
 void SourceDebugExtAttr.assignConstants(ClassType cl)
 void SourceFileAttr.assignConstants(ClassType cl)
 void ExceptionsAttr.assignConstants(ClassType cl)
 void EnclosingMethodAttr.assignConstants(ClassType cl)
 void CodeAttr.emitNew(ClassType type)
          Invoke new on a class type.
 boolean ClassType.implementsInterface(ClassType iface)
          True if this class/interface implements the interface iface.
 boolean ClassType.isAccessible(ClassType declaring, int modifiers)
          Check if a component is accessible from this class.
 boolean ClassType.isSubclass(ClassType other)
static ClassType ClassType.make(java.lang.String name, ClassType superClass)
static void ClassTypeWriter.print(ClassType ctype, stream, int flags)
static void ClassTypeWriter.print(ClassType ctype, stream, int flags)
 void Field.setConstantValue(java.lang.Object value, ClassType ctype)
          Set the ConstantValue attribute for this field.
 void Method.setExceptions(ClassType[] exn_types)
 void ExceptionsAttr.setExceptions(ClassType[] excep_types)
          Set the Exceptions attribute to refer to the given exception types.
 void ExceptionsAttr.setExceptions(short[] indices, ClassType cl)
          Set the Exceptions attribute to refer to classes whose indices in the constant pool of `cl' are given by `indices'.
 void ClassType.setInterfaces(ClassType[] interfaces)
 Field ClassType.setOuterLink(ClassType outer)
          Note that this class needs an other link ("this$0") field.
static void SourceFileAttr.setSourceFile(ClassType cl, java.lang.String filename)
 void ClassType.setSuper(ClassType superClass)

Constructors in gnu.bytecode with parameters of type ClassType
ClassFileInput(ClassType ctype, str)
ClassTypeWriter(ClassType ctype, stream, int flags)
ClassTypeWriter(ClassType ctype, stream, int flags)
EnclosingMethodAttr(ClassType cl)
EnclosingMethodAttr(int class_index, int method_index, ClassType ctype)
Field(ClassType ctype)
          Add a new Field to a ClassType.
InnerClassesAttr(ClassType cl)
          Add a new InnerClassesAttr to a ClassType.
InnerClassesAttr(short[] data, ClassType cl)
SourceDebugExtAttr(ClassType cl)
          Add a new InnerClassesAttr to a ClassType.
SourceFileAttr(int index, ClassType ctype)

Uses of ClassType in gnu.expr

Subclasses of ClassType in gnu.expr
 class PairClassType
          A class type implemented as a pair of an interface and a class.

Fields in gnu.expr declared as ClassType
 ClassType Compilation.curClass
 ClassType PairClassType.instanceType
static ClassType Compilation.javaIntegerType
static ClassType Compilation.javaStringType
 ClassType Compilation.mainClass
 ClassType Compilation.moduleClass
          Generated class that extends ModuleBody.
static ClassType Compilation.scmBooleanType
static ClassType Compilation.scmKeywordType
static ClassType Compilation.scmListType
static ClassType Compilation.scmNamedType
static ClassType Compilation.scmPairType
static ClassType Compilation.scmSequenceType
static ClassType Compilation.typeApplet
static ClassType Compilation.typeCallContext
static ClassType Compilation.typeClass
static ClassType Compilation.typeClassType
static ClassType Compilation.typeConsumer
static ClassType Compilation.typeEnvironment
static ClassType Compilation.typeLanguage
static ClassType Compilation.typeLocation
static ClassType Compilation.typeMethodProc
static ClassType Compilation.typeModuleBody
static ClassType Compilation.typeModuleMethod
static ClassType Compilation.typeModuleWithContext
static ClassType Compilation.typeObject
static ClassType Compilation.typeObjectType
static ClassType Compilation.typePair
static ClassType Compilation.typeProcedure
static ClassType Compilation.typeProcedure0
static ClassType Compilation.typeProcedure1
static ClassType Compilation.typeProcedure2
static ClassType Compilation.typeProcedure3
static ClassType Compilation.typeProcedure4
static ClassType[] Compilation.typeProcedureArray
static ClassType Compilation.typeProcedureN
static ClassType Compilation.typeRunnable
static ClassType Compilation.typeServlet
static ClassType Compilation.typeString
static ClassType Compilation.typeSymbol
static ClassType Compilation.typeType
static ClassType Compilation.typeValues

Methods in gnu.expr that return ClassType
 ClassType ModuleExp.classFor(Compilation comp)
          Return the class this module.
 ClassType ClassExp.compileMembers(Compilation comp)
 ClassType Compilation.findNamedClass(java.lang.String name)
          Search this Compilation for a ClassType with a given name.
 ClassType ModuleInfo.getClassType()
protected  ClassType ClassExp.getCompiledClassType(Compilation comp)
protected  ClassType LambdaExp.getCompiledClassType(Compilation comp)
          Return the ClassType of the Procedure this is being compiled into.
 ClassType LambdaExp.getHeapFrameType()
 ClassType[] ModuleExp.getInterfaces()
 ClassType Compilation.getModuleType()
 ClassType ModuleExp.getSuperType()

Methods in gnu.expr with parameters of type ClassType
 void Compilation.addClass(ClassType new_class)
 Variable LambdaExp.declareThis(ClassType clas)
static java.lang.Object PairClassType.extractStaticLink(ClassType type)
          This method is called from compiled code.
static ModuleInfo ModuleInfo.find(ClassType type)
 void Compilation.generateConstructor(ClassType clas, LambdaExp lexp)
static Method Compilation.getConstructor(ClassType clas, LambdaExp lexp)
static PrimProcedure PrimProcedure.getMethodFor(ClassType procClass, java.lang.String name, Declaration decl, Expression[] args, Language language)
static PrimProcedure PrimProcedure.getMethodFor(ClassType procClass, java.lang.String name, Declaration decl, Type[] atypes, Language language)
 void Declaration.makeField(ClassType frameType, Compilation comp, Expression value)
 void ModuleExp.setInterfaces(ClassType[] s)
 void ModuleExp.setSuperType(ClassType s)
 void LambdaExp.setType(ClassType type)

Constructors in gnu.expr with parameters of type ClassType
CatchClause(java.lang.Object name, ClassType type)
PrimProcedure(int op_code, ClassType classtype, java.lang.String name, Type retType, Type[] argTypes)
ThisExp(ClassType type)

Uses of ClassType in gnu.jemacs.lang

Fields in gnu.jemacs.lang declared as ClassType
static ClassType SaveExcursion.typeBuffer
static ClassType SaveExcursion.typeSaveExcursion

Uses of ClassType in gnu.kawa.lispexpr

Fields in gnu.kawa.lispexpr declared as ClassType
static ClassType LangObjType.typeLangObjType

Methods in gnu.kawa.lispexpr that return ClassType
static ClassType LangObjType.coerceToClassType(java.lang.Object obj)
static ClassType LangObjType.coerceToClassTypeOrNull(java.lang.Object type)
 ClassType ClassNamespace.getClassType()

Methods in gnu.kawa.lispexpr with parameters of type ClassType
static ClassNamespace ClassNamespace.getInstance(java.lang.String name, ClassType ctype)

Constructors in gnu.kawa.lispexpr with parameters of type ClassType
ClassNamespace(ClassType ctype)

Uses of ClassType in gnu.kawa.reflect

Fields in gnu.kawa.reflect declared as ClassType
static ClassType OccurrenceType.typeOccurrenceType

Methods in gnu.kawa.reflect that return ClassType
 ClassType ClassMemberLocation.getDeclaringClass()

Methods in gnu.kawa.reflect with parameters of type ClassType
static PrimProcedure[] ClassMethods.getMethods(ObjectType dtype, java.lang.String mname, char mode, ClassType caller, Language language)
          Return the methods of a class with the specified name and flag.
protected  PrimProcedure[] Invoke.getMethods(ObjectType ctype, java.lang.String mname, ClassType caller)
static PrimProcedure Invoke.getStaticMethod(ClassType type, java.lang.String name, Expression[] args)
static Member SlotGet.lookupMember(ObjectType clas, java.lang.String name, ClassType caller)
          Get a named property - field or 'get' accessor method.
static Member SlotSet.lookupMember(ObjectType clas, java.lang.String name, ClassType caller)
static ApplyExp Invoke.makeInvokeStatic(ClassType type, java.lang.String name, Expression[] args)
          Return an ApplyExp that will call a method with given arguments.

Constructors in gnu.kawa.reflect with parameters of type ClassType
ClassMemberLocation(java.lang.Object instance, ClassType type, java.lang.String mname)
FieldLocation(java.lang.Object instance, ClassType type, java.lang.String mname)
StaticFieldLocation(ClassType type, java.lang.String mname)
StaticGet(ClassType ctype, java.lang.String name, Type ftype, int flags)
StaticSet(ClassType ctype, java.lang.String name, Type ftype, int flags)

Uses of ClassType in gnu.kawa.servlet

Fields in gnu.kawa.servlet declared as ClassType
static ClassType GetRequest.typeGetRequest
static ClassType GetResponse.typeGetResponse
static ClassType GetRequest.typeHttpServletRequest
static ClassType GetResponse.typeHttpServletResponse

Uses of ClassType in gnu.kawa.xml

Fields in gnu.kawa.xml declared as ClassType
static ClassType Focus.TYPE
static ClassType AttributeType.typeAttributeType
static ClassType ElementType.typeElementType
static ClassType NodeType.typeKNode
static ClassType CoerceNodes.typeNodes
static ClassType NodeType.typeNodeType
static ClassType ProcessingInstructionType.typeProcessingInstructionType
static ClassType SortNodes.typeSortedNodes

Uses of ClassType in gnu.xquery.util

Fields in gnu.xquery.util declared as ClassType
static ClassType ValuesFilter.typeValuesFilter

Uses of ClassType in kawa.lang

Fields in kawa.lang declared as ClassType
static ClassType Pattern.typePattern

Methods in kawa.lang that return ClassType
static ClassType Record.makeRecordType(java.lang.String name, LList fnames)

Methods in kawa.lang with parameters of type ClassType
static LList Record.typeFieldNames(ClassType ctype)

Constructors in kawa.lang with parameters of type ClassType
GetFieldProc(ClassType ctype, java.lang.String fname)
GetFieldProc(ClassType ctype, java.lang.String name, Type ftype, int flags)
RecordConstructor(ClassType type)
RecordConstructor(ClassType type, Field[] fields)
RecordConstructor(ClassType type, java.lang.Object fieldsList)
SetFieldProc(ClassType ctype, java.lang.String fname)
SetFieldProc(ClassType ctype, java.lang.String name, Type ftype, int flags)