Uses of Class

Packages that use ConstantPool
gnu.bytecode Contains classes to generate, read, write, and print Java bytecode in the form of .class files. 

Uses of ConstantPool in gnu.bytecode

Methods in gnu.bytecode that return ConstantPool
 ConstantPool CodeAttr.getConstants()
 ConstantPool Method.getConstants()
 ConstantPool ClassType.getConstants()
 ConstantPool dump.readConstants()
 ConstantPool ClassFileInput.readConstants()

Methods in gnu.bytecode with parameters of type ConstantPool
 java.lang.Object ConstantValueAttr.getValue(ConstantPool cpool)
 void Location.setName(int name_index, ConstantPool constants)
 void Location.setSignature(int signature_index, ConstantPool constants)

Constructors in gnu.bytecode with parameters of type ConstantPool
CpoolEntry(ConstantPool cpool, int h)