Uses of Class

Packages that use Field
gnu.bytecode Contains classes to generate, read, write, and print Java bytecode in the form of .class files. 
gnu.expr Supports Expression, and various related classes need to compile programming languages. 
gnu.kawa.lispexpr Support classes for compiling and running Lisp languages. 
gnu.kawa.reflect Contains classes to use reflection. 
kawa.lang Core Kawa classes for Scheme and Lisp compile-time. 

Uses of Field in gnu.bytecode

Methods in gnu.bytecode that return Field
 Field ClassType.addField()
          Add a new field to this class.
 Field ClassType.addField(java.lang.String name)
          Add a new field to this class, and name the field.
 Field ClassType.addField(java.lang.String name, Type type)
 Field ClassType.addField(java.lang.String name, Type type, int flags)
 Field ClassType.getDeclaredField(java.lang.String name)
          Find a field with the given name declared in this class.
 Field ClassType.getField(java.lang.String name)
          Find a field with the given name declared in this class or its ancestors.
 Field ClassType.getField(java.lang.String name, int mask)
          Find a field with the given name declared in this class or its ancestors.
 Field ObjectType.getField(java.lang.String name, int mask)
 Field ClassType.getFields()
          Get the fields of this class.
 Field Field.getNext()
static Field Field.searchField(Field fields, java.lang.String name)
          Find a field with the given name.
 Field ClassType.setOuterLink(ClassType outer)
          Note that this class needs an other link ("this$0") field.

Methods in gnu.bytecode with parameters of type Field
 CpoolRef ConstantPool.addFieldRef(Field field)
 CpoolNameAndType ConstantPool.addNameAndType(Field field)
 void CodeAttr.emitGetField(Field field)
          Compile code to get a non-static field value.
 void CodeAttr.emitGetStatic(Field field)
          Compile code to get a static field value.
 void CodeAttr.emitPutField(Field field)
          Compile code to put a non-static field value.
 void CodeAttr.emitPutStatic(Field field)
          Compile code to put a static field value.
static Field Field.searchField(Field fields, java.lang.String name)
          Find a field with the given name.

Uses of Field in gnu.expr

Fields in gnu.expr declared as Field
static Field Compilation.argsCallContextField
 Field LambdaExp.closureEnvField
          If non-null, this is a Field that is used for implementing lexical closures.
static Field Compilation.falseConstant
 Field Initializer.field
          If non-null: The Field that is being initialized.
 Field Literal.field
 Field Declaration.field
static Field Compilation.noArgsField
static Field Compilation.pcCallContextField
static Field Compilation.procCallContextField
 Field LambdaExp.staticLinkField
          Field in heapFrame.getType() that contains the static link.
static Field Compilation.trueConstant

Methods in gnu.expr that return Field
 Field Compilation.allocLocalField(Type type, java.lang.String name)
 Field Compilation.compileConstantToField(java.lang.Object value)
 Field ClassExp.compileSetField(Compilation comp)
 Field LambdaExp.compileSetField(Compilation comp)

Methods in gnu.expr with parameters of type Field
 Declaration Language.declFromField(ModuleExp mod, java.lang.Object fvalue, Field fld)
 void Compilation.freeLocalField(Field field)

Constructors in gnu.expr with parameters of type Field
Declaration(java.lang.Object name, Field field)
Literal(java.lang.Object value, Field field, LitTable litTable)
          Create a new Literal, for a value available from a static field.
ProcInitializer(LambdaExp lexp, Compilation comp, Field field)

Uses of Field in gnu.kawa.lispexpr

Methods in gnu.kawa.lispexpr that return Field
 Field LangObjType.getField(java.lang.String name, int mask)

Methods in gnu.kawa.lispexpr with parameters of type Field
 Declaration LispLanguage.declFromField(ModuleExp mod, java.lang.Object fvalue, Field fld)

Uses of Field in gnu.kawa.reflect

Methods in gnu.kawa.reflect that return Field
 Field FieldLocation.getField()

Uses of Field in kawa.lang

Constructors in kawa.lang with parameters of type Field
RecordConstructor(java.lang.Class clas, Field[] fields)
RecordConstructor(ClassType type, Field[] fields)