Uses of Class

Packages that use Method
gnu.bytecode Contains classes to generate, read, write, and print Java bytecode in the form of .class files. 
gnu.expr Supports Expression, and various related classes need to compile programming languages. 
gnu.kawa.functions Various core run-time functions and operators. 
gnu.kawa.lispexpr Support classes for compiling and running Lisp languages. 
gnu.kawa.xml Classes for using XML within Kawa. 
kawa.lang Core Kawa classes for Scheme and Lisp compile-time. 

Uses of Method in gnu.bytecode

Fields in gnu.bytecode declared as Method
static Method Type.booleanValue_method
static Method Type.clone_method
 Method ClassType.constructor
static Method Type.doubleValue_method
static Method Type.floatValue_method
static Method Type.intValue_method
static Method Type.longValue_method
static Method Type.toString_method

Methods in gnu.bytecode that return Method
 Method ClassType.addMethod(java.lang.reflect.Constructor method)
 Method ClassType.addMethod(java.lang.reflect.Method method)
 Method ClassType.addMethod(java.lang.String name)
 Method ClassType.addMethod(java.lang.String name, int flags)
 Method ClassType.addMethod(java.lang.String name, int flags, Type[] arg_types, Type return_type)
          Add a method to this ClassType.
 Method ClassType.addMethod(java.lang.String name, java.lang.String signature, int flags)
 Method ClassType.addMethod(java.lang.String name, Type[] arg_types, Type return_type, int flags)
 Method ClassType.getDeclaredMethod(java.lang.String name, int argCount)
          Get a method with matching name and number of arguments.
 Method ClassType.getDeclaredMethod(java.lang.String name, Type[] arg_types)
          Look for a matching method.
 Method ClassType.getDeclaredMethods()
 Method[] ClassType.getMatchingMethods(java.lang.String name, Type[] paramTypes, int flags)
 Method CodeAttr.getMethod()
 Method LocalVarsAttr.getMethod()
 Method ClassType.getMethod(java.lang.reflect.Method method)
          Add a method to this ClassType.
 Method ClassType.getMethod(java.lang.String name, Type[] arg_types)
 Method ObjectType.getMethod(java.lang.String name, Type[] arg_types)
 Method ClassType.getMethods()
          Get the methods of this class.
 Method[] ClassType.getMethods(Filter filter, boolean searchSupers)
 Method[] ClassType.getMethods(Filter filter, int searchSupers)
          Get methods matching a given filter.
 Method Method.getNext()
static Method Method.makeCloneMethod(Type returnType)
          Make a generic "clone" method.

Methods in gnu.bytecode with parameters of type Method
 CpoolRef ConstantPool.addMethodRef(Method method)
 CpoolNameAndType ConstantPool.addNameAndType(Method method)
 void CodeAttr.emitInvoke(Method method)
 void CodeAttr.emitInvokeInterface(Method method)
 void CodeAttr.emitInvokeMethod(Method method, int opcode)
 void CodeAttr.emitInvokeSpecial(Method method)
 void CodeAttr.emitInvokeStatic(Method method)
          Compile a static method call.
 void CodeAttr.emitInvokeVirtual(Method method)
          Compile a virtual method call.
 int ClassType.getMethods(Filter filter, int searchSupers, Method[] result, int offset)

Constructors in gnu.bytecode with parameters of type Method
CodeAttr(Method meth)
ExceptionsAttr(Method meth)
          Add a new ExceptionsAttr to a Method.
LocalVarsAttr(Method method)
          Create, but don't link into method.code's attributes list (yet).

Uses of Method in gnu.expr

Fields in gnu.expr declared as Method
static Method Compilation.apply0method
static Method Compilation.apply1method
static Method Compilation.apply2method
static Method Compilation.apply3method
static Method Compilation.apply4method
static Method Compilation.applyCpsMethod
static Method[] Compilation.applymethods
static Method Compilation.applyNmethod
static Method Compilation.getCallContextInstanceMethod
static Method Compilation.getCurrentEnvironmentMethod
static Method Compilation.getLocation1EnvironmentMethod
static Method Compilation.getLocation2EnvironmentMethod
static Method Compilation.getLocationMethod
static Method Compilation.getProcedureBindingMethod
static Method Compilation.getSymbolProcedureMethod
static Method Compilation.getSymbolValueMethod
 Method Compilation.method
          The current method.

Methods in gnu.expr that return Method
static Method Compilation.getConstructor(ClassType clas, LambdaExp lexp)
 Method Compilation.getConstructor(LambdaExp lexp)
 Method Compilation.getForNameHelper()
          Generate a method to find a named Class without initializing it.
 Method LambdaExp.getMainMethod()
          Get the method that contains the actual body of the procedure.
 Method PrimProcedure.getMethod()
 Method LambdaExp.getMethod(int argCount)
          Select the method used given an argument count.
static Method BindingInitializer.makeLocationMethod(java.lang.Object name)

Methods in gnu.expr with parameters of type Method
static void PrimProcedure.compileInvoke(Compilation comp, Method method, Target target, boolean isTailCall, int op_code, Type stackType)
          Emit the actual invoke operation, after arguments have been pushed.
static void ConsumerTarget.compileUsingConsumer(Expression exp, Compilation comp, Target target, Method makeMethod, Method resultMethod)
static boolean PrimProcedure.takesContext(Method method)

Constructors in gnu.expr with parameters of type Method
ApplyExp(Method m, Expression[] a)
PrimProcedure(Method method)
PrimProcedure(Method method, char mode, Language language)
PrimProcedure(Method method, LambdaExp source)
PrimProcedure(Method method, Language language)

Uses of Method in gnu.kawa.functions

Methods in gnu.kawa.functions with parameters of type Method
static void ValuesMap.compileInlined(LambdaExp lambda, Expression vals, int startCounter, Method matchesMethod, Compilation comp, Target target)

Uses of Method in gnu.kawa.lispexpr

Methods in gnu.kawa.lispexpr that return Method
 Method LangObjType.getMethod(java.lang.String name, Type[] arg_types)

Uses of Method in gnu.kawa.xml

Fields in gnu.kawa.xml declared as Method
static Method SortNodes.canonicalizeMethod
static Method CoerceNodes.makeNodesMethod
static Method SortNodes.makeSortedNodesMethod

Uses of Method in gnu.xquery.util

Fields in gnu.xquery.util declared as Method
static Method ValuesFilter.matchesMethod

Uses of Method in kawa.lang

Fields in kawa.lang declared as Method
static Method Pattern.matchPatternMethod