Class ConditionalTarget

  extended by gnu.expr.Target
      extended by gnu.expr.ConditionalTarget

public class ConditionalTarget
extends Target

This is the Target of a boolean expression, in a conditional context. If the expression evaluates to true, transfer to the ifTrue label; if false, transfer to the ifFalse label.

Field Summary
 Label ifFalse
 Label ifTrue
 boolean trueBranchComesFirst
          True if the ifTrue label comes before the ifFalse label.
Fields inherited from class gnu.expr.Target
Ignore, pushObject
Constructor Summary
ConditionalTarget(Label ifTrue, Label ifFalse, Language language)
Method Summary
 void compileFromStack(Compilation comp, Type stackType)
 void emitGotoFirstBranch(CodeAttr code)
          Goto whichever of IfTrue or ifFalse is specified by trueBranchComesFirst.
 Type getType()
Methods inherited from class gnu.expr.Target
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public Label ifTrue


public Label ifFalse


public boolean trueBranchComesFirst
True if the ifTrue label comes before the ifFalse label. This is used in the hope we can optimize away a branch followed by its target.

Constructor Detail


public ConditionalTarget(Label ifTrue,
                         Label ifFalse,
                         Language language)
ifTrue - label to jump to if this evaluates to true
ifFalse - label to jump to if true
language - specifies what values are true
Method Detail


public Type getType()
Specified by:
getType in class Target


public void compileFromStack(Compilation comp,
                             Type stackType)
Specified by:
compileFromStack in class Target


public final void emitGotoFirstBranch(CodeAttr code)
Goto whichever of IfTrue or ifFalse is specified by trueBranchComesFirst. Normally, the goto should get optimized away as a no-op.