Interface TypeValue

All Superinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
AttributeType, ElementType, LangObjType, LangPrimType, NodeSetType, NodeType, OccurrenceType, ProcessingInstructionType, XDataType, XIntegerType, XStringType, XTimeType

public interface TypeValue
extends java.lang.reflect.Type

A Type or a Type expression. Can be used for higher-level types that do not map directly to a Type.

Method Summary
 void emitIsInstance(Variable incoming, Compilation comp, Target target)
          Emit code for incoming instanceof this_type.
 void emitTestIf(Variable incoming, Declaration decl, Compilation comp)
          Emit code for if (incoming instanceof this_type) decl = incoming ....
 Procedure getConstructor()
          Get the constructor function for this type.
 Type getImplementationType()
          The lower-level Type used to represent instances of this type.

Method Detail


Type getImplementationType()
The lower-level Type used to represent instances of this type.


void emitTestIf(Variable incoming,
                Declaration decl,
                Compilation comp)
Emit code for if (incoming instanceof this_type) decl = incoming .... This method is designed for typeswitch applications, where this call is the first part of a conditional, so it must be followed by calls to emitElse and emitFi.

incoming - Contains the value we are testing to see if it has the type of this. If null, use top-of-stack. May not be null if incoming is non-null.
decl - If non-null, assign value after coercion to Declaration.
comp - The compilation state.


void emitIsInstance(Variable incoming,
                    Compilation comp,
                    Target target)
Emit code for incoming instanceof this_type. The implementation can use InstanceOf .emitIsInstance which is a conveniece method that calls emitTestIf.

incoming - Contains the value we are testing to see if it has the the type of 'this'. If null, use top-of-stack.
comp - The compilation state.
target - Where to leave the result.


Procedure getConstructor()
Get the constructor function for this type. Returns null if there is no contructor function. Also returns null if this extends ClassType or ArrayType and standard Java constructors ( methods) should be used.