Packages that use Expression | |
gnu.commonlisp.lang | |
gnu.ecmascript | |
gnu.expr | Supports Expression ,
and various related classes need to compile programming languages. |
gnu.jemacs.lang | Contains classes to implement the Emacs Lisp language. |
gnu.kawa.brl | |
gnu.kawa.functions | Various core run-time functions and operators. |
gnu.kawa.lispexpr | Support classes for compiling and running Lisp languages. |
gnu.kawa.reflect | Contains classes to use reflection. |
gnu.kawa.servlet | |
gnu.kawa.xml | Classes for using XML within Kawa. |
gnu.kawa.xslt | |
gnu.q2.lang | Support for the experimental Q2 language. |
gnu.xquery.lang | |
gnu.xquery.util | |
kawa.lang | Core Kawa classes for Scheme and Lisp compile-time. |
kawa.standard | Primitive Scheme syntax and functions. |
Uses of Expression in gnu.commonlisp.lang |
Fields in gnu.commonlisp.lang declared as Expression | |
static Expression |
Methods in gnu.commonlisp.lang that return Expression | |
Expression |
prog1.rewrite(java.lang.Object obj,
Translator tr)
Expression |
UnwindProtect.rewrite(java.lang.Object obj,
Translator tr)
Expression |
function.rewriteForm(Pair form,
Translator tr)
Expression |
setq.rewriteForm(Pair form,
Translator tr)
Expression |
defun.rewriteForm(Pair form,
Translator tr)
Expression |
defvar.rewriteForm(Pair form,
Translator tr)
Uses of Expression in gnu.ecmascript |
Fields in gnu.ecmascript declared as Expression | |
static Expression[] |
static Expression |
Methods in gnu.ecmascript that return Expression | |
Expression |
Parser.buildLoop(Expression init,
Expression test,
Expression incr,
Expression body)
Expression |
Parser.makeCallExpression(Expression exp,
Expression[] args)
Expression |
Parser.makeNewExpression(Expression exp,
Expression[] args)
Expression |
Parser.makePropertyAccessor(Expression exp,
Expression prop)
Expression[] |
Expression |
Expression |
Parser.parseBinaryExpression(int prio)
Expression |
Expression |
Expression |
Expression |
Expression |
Expression |
Expression |
Expression |
Expression |
Expression |
Expression |
Expression |
Parser.syntaxError(java.lang.String message)
Methods in gnu.ecmascript with parameters of type Expression | |
Expression |
Parser.buildLoop(Expression init,
Expression test,
Expression incr,
Expression body)
Expression |
Parser.makeCallExpression(Expression exp,
Expression[] args)
Expression |
Parser.makeCallExpression(Expression exp,
Expression[] args)
Expression |
Parser.makeNewExpression(Expression exp,
Expression[] args)
Expression |
Parser.makeNewExpression(Expression exp,
Expression[] args)
Expression |
Parser.makePropertyAccessor(Expression exp,
Expression prop)
Uses of Expression in gnu.expr |
Subclasses of Expression in gnu.expr | |
class |
A common super-type for ReferenceExpa and SetExp. |
class |
This class is used to represent "combination" or "application". |
class |
This class represents a sequence of Expressions. |
class |
Class used to implement a block that can be exited. |
class |
A "catch" clause of a "try-catch" form. |
class |
class |
Class used to mark an erroneous expression |
class |
Expression to exit a lexically surrounding block. |
class |
Class used to implement "fluid-let" for Scheme and "let" for Emacs. |
class |
This class represents a conditional. |
class |
Class used to implement Scheme lambda expressions. |
class |
A language-specific expression. |
class |
Class used to implement "let" syntax (and variants) for Scheme. |
class |
Class used to implement Scheme top-level environments. |
class |
class |
An Expression that evaluates to a constant value. |
class |
This class represents a variable reference (an identifier). |
class |
Abstract class for expressions that add local variable bindings. |
class |
An Expression to set (bind) or define a new value to a named variable. |
class |
class |
Evaluates to the "this" implicit variable. |
class |
This class represents try/catch/finally. |
Fields in gnu.expr declared as Expression | |
Expression |
Expression |
Expression[] |
Expression[] |
static Expression[] |
Expression[] |
List of base classes and implemented interfaces. |
protected Expression |
protected Expression |
If non-null, the single expression used to set this variable. |
Methods in gnu.expr that return Expression | |
static Expression |
BeginExp.canonicalize(Expression exp)
Simplifies BeginExp. |
static Expression |
BeginExp.canonicalize(Expression[] exps)
Expression |
ApplyExp.getArg(int i)
Expression[] |
Expression |
Expression |
Expression[] |
Expression |
Expression |
Get the Expression for calculating the new ("right-hand") value. |
Expression |
Expression |
The value of this Declaration , if known. |
Expression |
CanInline.inline(ApplyExp exp,
InlineCalls walker,
boolean argsInlined)
Inline an application of this Procedure and return result. |
Expression |
ReferenceExp.inline(ApplyExp exp,
InlineCalls walker,
Declaration decl,
boolean argsInlined)
Expression |
LambdaExp.inline(ApplyExp exp,
InlineCalls walker,
Declaration decl,
boolean argsInlined)
Expression |
QuoteExp.inline(ApplyExp exp,
InlineCalls walker,
Declaration decl,
boolean argsInlined)
Expression |
Expression.inline(ApplyExp exp,
InlineCalls walker,
Declaration decl,
boolean argsInlined)
Apply inlining transformations on a given ApplyExp. |
Expression |
ApplyExp.inlineIfConstant(Procedure proc,
ExpWalker walker)
Expression |
ApplyExp.inlineIfConstant(Procedure proc,
SourceMessages messages)
Inline this ApplyExp if parameters are constant. |
Expression |
Expression |
Compilation.loopRepeat(Expression exp)
Expression |
Compilation.loopRepeat(Expression[] exps)
static Expression |
Expression.makeWhile(java.lang.Object cond,
java.lang.Object body,
Compilation parser)
Helper method to create a `while' statement. |
Expression |
ExpWalker.noteError(java.lang.String message)
Expression |
Compilation.parse(java.lang.Object input)
This may not make sense, except for Lisp-like languages. |
Expression |
Expression.setLine(Expression old)
Expression |
Compilation.syntaxError(java.lang.String message)
Handle syntax errors (at rewrite time). |
Expression |
ExpWalker.walk(Expression exp)
Call the walk method of argument Expression. |
protected Expression |
ExitExp.walk(ExpWalker walker)
protected Expression |
ReferenceExp.walk(ExpWalker walker)
protected Expression |
ClassExp.walk(ExpWalker walker)
protected Expression |
IfExp.walk(ExpWalker walker)
protected Expression |
ApplyExp.walk(ExpWalker walker)
protected Expression |
BeginExp.walk(ExpWalker walker)
protected Expression |
LambdaExp.walk(ExpWalker walker)
protected Expression |
ScopeExp.walk(ExpWalker walker)
protected Expression |
ThisExp.walk(ExpWalker walker)
protected Expression |
SetExp.walk(ExpWalker walker)
protected Expression |
ModuleExp.walk(ExpWalker walker)
protected Expression |
TryExp.walk(ExpWalker walker)
protected Expression |
LetExp.walk(ExpWalker walker)
protected Expression |
LangExp.walk(ExpWalker walker)
protected Expression |
SynchronizedExp.walk(ExpWalker walker)
protected Expression |
QuoteExp.walk(ExpWalker walker)
protected Expression |
FluidLetExp.walk(ExpWalker walker)
protected Expression |
BlockExp.walk(ExpWalker walker)
protected Expression |
Expression.walk(ExpWalker walker)
protected Expression |
ObjectExp.walk(ExpWalker walker)
protected Expression |
FindCapturedVars.walkApplyExp(ApplyExp exp)
protected Expression |
PushApply.walkApplyExp(ApplyExp exp)
protected Expression |
ExpWalker.walkApplyExp(ApplyExp exp)
protected Expression |
FindTailCalls.walkApplyExp(ApplyExp exp)
protected Expression |
InlineCalls.walkApplyExp(ApplyExp exp)
Expression |
InlineCalls.walkApplyOnly(ApplyExp exp)
Walk an ApplyExp assuming function and arguments have been walked. |
protected Expression |
ExpWalker.walkBeginExp(BeginExp exp)
protected Expression |
FindTailCalls.walkBeginExp(BeginExp exp)
protected Expression |
ExpWalker.walkBlockExp(BlockExp exp)
protected Expression |
FindCapturedVars.walkClassExp(ClassExp exp)
protected Expression |
ExpWalker.walkClassExp(ClassExp exp)
protected Expression |
ChainLambdas.walkClassExp(ClassExp exp)
protected Expression |
FindTailCalls.walkClassExp(ClassExp exp)
protected Expression |
ExpWalker.walkExitExp(ExitExp exp)
protected Expression |
ExpWalker.walkExpression(Expression exp)
Expression[] |
ExpWalker.walkExps(Expression[] exps)
Expression[] |
ExpWalker.walkExps(Expression[] exps,
int n)
Call walk on the Expressions in an array. |
protected Expression |
FindCapturedVars.walkFluidLetExp(FluidLetExp exp)
protected Expression |
ExpWalker.walkFluidLetExp(FluidLetExp exp)
protected Expression |
FindTailCalls.walkFluidLetExp(FluidLetExp exp)
protected Expression |
ExpWalker.walkIfExp(IfExp exp)
protected Expression |
FindTailCalls.walkIfExp(IfExp exp)
protected Expression |
InlineCalls.walkIfExp(IfExp exp)
protected Expression |
ExpWalker.walkLambdaExp(LambdaExp exp)
protected Expression |
ChainLambdas.walkLambdaExp(LambdaExp exp)
protected Expression |
FindTailCalls.walkLambdaExp(LambdaExp exp)
protected Expression |
InlineCalls.walkLambdaExp(LambdaExp exp)
protected Expression |
ExpWalker.walkLangExp(LangExp exp)
protected Expression |
FindCapturedVars.walkLetExp(LetExp exp)
protected Expression |
ResolveNames.walkLetExp(LetExp exp)
protected Expression |
ExpWalker.walkLetExp(LetExp exp)
protected Expression |
FindTailCalls.walkLetExp(LetExp exp)
protected Expression |
InlineCalls.walkLetExp(LetExp exp)
protected Expression |
FindCapturedVars.walkModuleExp(ModuleExp exp)
protected Expression |
ExpWalker.walkModuleExp(ModuleExp exp)
protected Expression |
ExpWalker.walkObjectExp(ObjectExp exp)
protected Expression |
ExpWalker.walkQuoteExp(QuoteExp exp)
protected Expression |
FindCapturedVars.walkReferenceExp(ReferenceExp exp)
protected Expression |
ResolveNames.walkReferenceExp(ReferenceExp exp)
protected Expression |
ExpWalker.walkReferenceExp(ReferenceExp exp)
protected Expression |
FindTailCalls.walkReferenceExp(ReferenceExp exp)
protected Expression |
InlineCalls.walkReferenceExp(ReferenceExp exp)
protected Expression |
ResolveNames.walkScopeExp(ScopeExp exp)
protected Expression |
ExpWalker.walkScopeExp(ScopeExp exp)
protected Expression |
ChainLambdas.walkScopeExp(ScopeExp exp)
protected Expression |
FindCapturedVars.walkSetExp(SetExp exp)
protected Expression |
ResolveNames.walkSetExp(SetExp exp)
protected Expression |
ExpWalker.walkSetExp(SetExp exp)
protected Expression |
FindTailCalls.walkSetExp(SetExp exp)
protected Expression |
ExpWalker.walkSynchronizedExp(SynchronizedExp exp)
protected Expression |
FindTailCalls.walkSynchronizedExp(SynchronizedExp exp)
protected Expression |
FindCapturedVars.walkThisExp(ThisExp exp)
protected Expression |
ExpWalker.walkThisExp(ThisExp exp)
protected Expression |
ExpWalker.walkTryExp(TryExp exp)
protected Expression |
FindTailCalls.walkTryExp(TryExp exp)
Methods in gnu.expr with parameters of type Expression | |
void |
BeginExp.add(Expression exp)
static Expression |
BeginExp.canonicalize(Expression exp)
Simplifies BeginExp. |
static Expression |
BeginExp.canonicalize(Expression[] exps)
static void |
ChainLambdas.chainLambdas(Expression exp,
Compilation comp)
static void |
IfExp.compile(Expression test,
Expression then_clause,
Expression else_clause,
Compilation comp,
Target target)
static void |
Expression.compileButFirst(Expression exp,
Compilation comp)
Compile all but the first sub-"statement". |
void |
Expression.compileNotePosition(Compilation comp,
Target target,
Expression position)
Compile, but take note of line number. |
static void |
ApplyExp.compileToArray(Expression[] args,
Compilation comp)
static void |
ConsumerTarget.compileUsingConsumer(Expression exp,
Compilation comp,
Target target)
Compile an expression using a temporary Consumer, if needed. |
static void |
ConsumerTarget.compileUsingConsumer(Expression exp,
Compilation comp,
Target target,
Method makeMethod,
Method resultMethod)
void |
Expression.compileWithPosition(Compilation comp,
Target target,
Expression position)
Same as 2-argument compileWithPosition, but use some other Expression's line number. |
boolean |
ConsumerTarget.compileWrite(Expression exp,
Compilation comp)
static void |
BindingInitializer.create(Declaration decl,
Expression value,
Compilation comp)
Create a BindingInitializer and link it into the correct intializer chain. |
static void |
FindCapturedVars.findCapturedVars(Expression exp,
Compilation comp)
static void |
FindTailCalls.findTailCalls(Expression exp,
Compilation comp)
static PrimProcedure |
PrimProcedure.getMethodFor(java.lang.Class procClass,
java.lang.String name,
Declaration decl,
Expression[] args,
Language language)
Get PrimProcedure for matching method in given class. |
static PrimProcedure |
PrimProcedure.getMethodFor(ClassType procClass,
java.lang.String name,
Declaration decl,
Expression[] args,
Language language)
static PrimProcedure |
PrimProcedure.getMethodFor(Procedure pproc,
Declaration decl,
Expression[] args,
Language language)
Search for a matching static method in a procedure's class. |
static PrimProcedure |
PrimProcedure.getMethodFor(Procedure pproc,
Expression[] args)
Type |
PrimProcedure.getReturnType(Expression[] args)
Type |
Inlineable.getReturnType(Expression[] args)
Type |
Language.getTypeFor(Expression exp)
Type |
Language.getTypeFor(Expression exp,
boolean lenient)
static void |
InlineCalls.inlineCalls(Expression exp,
Compilation comp)
boolean |
Compilation.inlineOk(Expression proc)
LetExp |
Compilation.letDone(Expression body)
Declaration |
Compilation.letVariable(java.lang.Object name,
Type type,
Expression init)
Declaration |
ResolveNames.lookup(Expression exp,
java.lang.Object symbol,
boolean function)
void |
Compilation.loopBody(Expression body)
void |
Compilation.loopCond(Expression cond)
Expression |
Compilation.loopRepeat(Expression exp)
Expression |
Compilation.loopRepeat(Expression[] exps)
Declaration |
Compilation.loopVariable(java.lang.Object name,
Type type,
Expression init)
static SetExp |
SetExp.makeDefinition(Declaration decl,
Expression val)
static SetExp |
SetExp.makeDefinition(java.lang.Object symbol,
Expression val)
void |
Declaration.makeField(ClassType frameType,
Compilation comp,
Expression value)
void |
Declaration.makeField(Compilation comp,
Expression value)
void |
Declaration.noteValue(Expression value)
static void |
PushApply.pushApply(Expression exp)
void |
ApplyExp.setArg(int i,
Expression arg)
void |
ApplyExp.setArgs(Expression[] args)
void |
CatchClause.setBody(Expression body)
void |
LetExp.setBody(Expression body)
void |
BlockExp.setBody(Expression body)
void |
BlockExp.setBody(Expression body,
Expression exitBody)
void |
BeginExp.setExpressions(Expression[] exps)
void |
ApplyExp.setFunction(Expression func)
void |
Compilation.setLine(Expression position)
Expression |
Expression.setLine(Expression old)
void |
Declaration.setTypeExp(Expression typeExp)
void |
Declaration.setValue(Expression value)
Set the value assoociated with this Declaration. |
Expression |
ExpWalker.walk(Expression exp)
Call the walk method of argument Expression. |
protected Expression |
ExpWalker.walkExpression(Expression exp)
Expression[] |
ExpWalker.walkExps(Expression[] exps)
Expression[] |
ExpWalker.walkExps(Expression[] exps,
int n)
Call walk on the Expressions in an array. |
Constructors in gnu.expr with parameters of type Expression | |
ApplyExp(Expression f,
Expression[] a)
ApplyExp(Expression f,
Expression[] a)
ApplyExp(Method m,
Expression[] a)
ApplyExp(Procedure p,
Expression[] a)
BeginExp(Expression[] ex)
BeginExp(Expression exp0,
Expression exp1)
BindingInitializer(Declaration decl,
Expression value)
ExitExp(Expression result,
BlockExp block)
FluidLetExp(Expression[] i)
IfExp(Expression i,
Expression t,
Expression e)
LambdaExp(Expression body)
LetExp(Expression[] i)
SetExp(Declaration decl,
Expression val)
SetExp(java.lang.Object symbol,
Expression val)
SynchronizedExp(Expression object,
Expression body)
TryExp(Expression try_clause,
Expression finally_clause)
Uses of Expression in gnu.jemacs.lang |
Methods in gnu.jemacs.lang that return Expression | |
Expression |
SaveExcursion.rewrite(java.lang.Object obj,
Translator tr)
Expression |
While.rewriteForm(Pair form,
Translator tr)
Expression |
defcustom.rewriteForm(Pair form,
Translator tr)
Expression |
defgroup.rewriteForm(Pair form,
Translator tr)
Uses of Expression in gnu.kawa.brl |
Methods in gnu.kawa.brl that return Expression | |
Expression |
BRL.makeBody(Expression[] exps)
Methods in gnu.kawa.brl with parameters of type Expression | |
Expression |
BRL.makeBody(Expression[] exps)
Uses of Expression in gnu.kawa.functions |
Methods in gnu.kawa.functions that return Expression | |
static Expression |
GetModuleClass.getModuleClassURI(Compilation comp)
Return an expression that evaluates to a module-relative URI. |
Expression |
GetNamedPart.inline(ApplyExp exp,
InlineCalls walker,
boolean argsInlined)
Expression |
GetNamedInstancePart.inline(ApplyExp exp,
InlineCalls walker,
boolean argsInlined)
Expression |
AddOp.inline(ApplyExp exp,
InlineCalls walker,
boolean argsInlined)
Expression |
Convert.inline(ApplyExp exp,
InlineCalls walker,
boolean argsInlined)
Expression |
Setter.inline(ApplyExp exp,
InlineCalls walker,
boolean argsInlined)
Expression |
DivideOp.inline(ApplyExp exp,
InlineCalls walker,
boolean argsInlined)
Expression |
NumberCompare.inline(ApplyExp exp,
InlineCalls walker,
boolean argsInlined)
Expression |
ConstantFunction0.inline(ApplyExp exp,
InlineCalls walker,
boolean argsInlined)
Expression |
MultiplyOp.inline(ApplyExp exp,
InlineCalls walker,
boolean argsInlined)
Expression |
SetNamedPart.inline(ApplyExp exp,
InlineCalls walker,
boolean argsInlined)
Expression |
IsEqv.inline(ApplyExp exp,
InlineCalls walker,
boolean argsInlined)
Expression |
MakeProcedure.inline(ApplyExp exp,
InlineCalls walker,
boolean argsInlined)
Expression |
ValuesMap.inline(ApplyExp exp,
InlineCalls walker,
boolean argsInlined)
Expression |
AppendValues.inline(ApplyExp exp,
InlineCalls walker,
boolean argsInlined)
Expression |
ApplyToArgs.inline(ApplyExp exp,
InlineCalls walker,
boolean argsInlined)
static Expression |
Convert.makeCoercion(Expression value,
Type type)
Convenience method to make an Expression that coerces a value. |
static Expression |
GetNamedInstancePart.makeExp(Expression member)
static Expression |
GetNamedPart.makeExp(Expression clas,
Expression member)
static Expression |
GetNamedPart.makeExp(Expression clas,
java.lang.String member)
static Expression |
GetNamedPart.makeExp(Type type,
java.lang.String member)
static Expression |
AddOp.pairwise(Procedure proc,
Expression rproc,
Expression[] args,
InlineCalls walker)
Convert (PROC A B C) to (PROC (PROC A B) C) etc. |
static Expression |
AddOp.primInline(int opcode,
ApplyExp exp)
Methods in gnu.kawa.functions with parameters of type Expression | |
static java.lang.String |
GetNamedPart.combineName(Expression part1,
Expression part2)
static void |
IsEq.compile(Expression[] args,
Compilation comp,
Target target,
Language language)
static void |
MakeList.compile(Expression[] args,
int offset,
Compilation comp)
static void |
ValuesMap.compileInlined(LambdaExp lambda,
Expression vals,
int startCounter,
Method matchesMethod,
Compilation comp,
Target target)
Type |
AddOp.getReturnType(Expression[] args)
Type |
Convert.getReturnType(Expression[] args)
Type |
NumberCompare.getReturnType(Expression[] args)
Type |
MakeList.getReturnType(Expression[] args)
Type |
IsEq.getReturnType(Expression[] args)
Type |
GetModuleClass.getReturnType(Expression[] args)
Type |
ValuesMap.getReturnType(Expression[] args)
Type |
AppendValues.getReturnType(Expression[] args)
static ApplyExp |
Convert.makeCoercion(Expression value,
Expression type)
Convenience method to make an Expression that coerces a value. |
static Expression |
Convert.makeCoercion(Expression value,
Type type)
Convenience method to make an Expression that coerces a value. |
static Expression |
GetNamedInstancePart.makeExp(Expression member)
static Expression |
GetNamedPart.makeExp(Expression clas,
Expression member)
static Expression |
GetNamedPart.makeExp(Expression clas,
java.lang.String member)
static Expression |
AddOp.pairwise(Procedure proc,
Expression rproc,
Expression[] args,
InlineCalls walker)
Convert (PROC A B C) to (PROC (PROC A B) C) etc. |
static Expression |
AddOp.pairwise(Procedure proc,
Expression rproc,
Expression[] args,
InlineCalls walker)
Convert (PROC A B C) to (PROC (PROC A B) C) etc. |
static void |
Convert.setCoercedReturnValue(LambdaExp lexp,
Expression type,
Language language)
Modify LambdaExp so result is coerced to given type. |
Uses of Expression in gnu.kawa.lispexpr |
Methods in gnu.kawa.lispexpr that return Expression | |
Expression |
LispLanguage.checkDefaultBinding(Symbol name,
Translator tr)
If a symbol is lexically unbound, look for a default binding. |
Expression |
LispLanguage.makeApply(Expression func,
Expression[] args)
Expression |
LispLanguage.makeBody(Expression[] exps)
Combine a consisting of a list of expression. |
Expression |
DefineNamespace.rewriteForm(Pair form,
Translator tr)
Methods in gnu.kawa.lispexpr with parameters of type Expression | |
Expression |
LispLanguage.makeApply(Expression func,
Expression[] args)
Expression |
LispLanguage.makeApply(Expression func,
Expression[] args)
Expression |
LispLanguage.makeBody(Expression[] exps)
Combine a consisting of a list of expression. |
Uses of Expression in gnu.kawa.reflect |
Methods in gnu.kawa.reflect that return Expression | |
Expression |
SlotGet.inline(ApplyExp exp,
InlineCalls walker,
boolean argsInlined)
Expression |
SlotSet.inline(ApplyExp exp,
InlineCalls walker,
boolean argsInlined)
Expression |
Invoke.inline(ApplyExp exp,
InlineCalls walker,
boolean argsInlined)
Expression |
InstanceOf.inline(ApplyExp exp,
InlineCalls walker,
boolean argsInlined)
Expression |
TypeSwitch.inline(ApplyExp exp,
InlineCalls walker,
boolean argsInlined)
Methods in gnu.kawa.reflect with parameters of type Expression | |
Type |
ArrayLength.getReturnType(Expression[] args)
Type |
SlotGet.getReturnType(Expression[] args)
Type |
SlotSet.getReturnType(Expression[] args)
Type |
StaticSet.getReturnType(Expression[] args)
Type |
InstanceOf.getReturnType(Expression[] args)
Type |
StaticGet.getReturnType(Expression[] args)
Type |
ArraySet.getReturnType(Expression[] args)
Type |
ArrayGet.getReturnType(Expression[] args)
Type |
TypeSwitch.getReturnType(Expression[] args)
Type |
ArrayNew.getReturnType(Expression[] args)
static PrimProcedure |
Invoke.getStaticMethod(ClassType type,
java.lang.String name,
Expression[] args)
static ApplyExp |
SlotGet.makeGetField(Expression value,
java.lang.String fieldName)
Convenience method to make an Expression that gets the value of a field. |
static ApplyExp |
Invoke.makeInvokeStatic(ClassType type,
java.lang.String name,
Expression[] args)
Return an ApplyExp that will call a method with given arguments. |
Uses of Expression in gnu.kawa.servlet |
Methods in gnu.kawa.servlet with parameters of type Expression | |
Type |
GetRequest.getReturnType(Expression[] args)
Type |
GetResponse.getReturnType(Expression[] args)
Uses of Expression in gnu.kawa.xml |
Methods in gnu.kawa.xml that return Expression | |
Expression |
MakeUnescapedData.inline(ApplyExp exp,
InlineCalls walker,
boolean argsInlined)
Expression |
TreeScanner.inline(ApplyExp exp,
InlineCalls walker,
boolean argsInlined)
Methods in gnu.kawa.xml with parameters of type Expression | |
static void |
NodeConstructor.compileChild(Expression arg,
Compilation comp,
ConsumerTarget target)
static void |
NodeConstructor.compileUsingNodeTree(Expression exp,
Compilation comp,
Target target)
Compile an expression using a fresh NodeTree. |
Type |
CoerceNodes.getReturnType(Expression[] args)
Type |
MakeAttribute.getReturnType(Expression[] args)
Type |
MakeElement.getReturnType(Expression[] args)
Type |
UnionNodes.getReturnType(Expression[] args)
Type |
SortNodes.getReturnType(Expression[] args)
Type |
NodeConstructor.getReturnType(Expression[] args)
Uses of Expression in gnu.kawa.xslt |
Methods in gnu.kawa.xslt that return Expression | |
Expression |
Uses of Expression in gnu.q2.lang |
Methods in gnu.q2.lang that return Expression | |
Expression |
Q2.makeApply(Expression func,
Expression[] args)
Expression |
Q2.makeBody(Expression[] exps)
Methods in gnu.q2.lang with parameters of type Expression | |
Expression |
Q2.makeApply(Expression func,
Expression[] args)
Expression |
Q2.makeApply(Expression func,
Expression[] args)
Expression |
Q2.makeBody(Expression[] exps)
Uses of Expression in gnu.xquery.lang |
Methods in gnu.xquery.lang that return Expression | |
static Expression |
XQParser.booleanValue(Expression exp)
Coerce the value of an expresison to a boolean value. |
Expression |
XQResolveNames.checkPragma(Symbol name,
Expression contents)
Expression |
XQParser.declError(java.lang.String message)
static Expression |
XQParser.makeFunctionExp(java.lang.String className,
java.lang.String name)
static Expression |
XQParser.makeFunctionExp(java.lang.String className,
java.lang.String fieldName,
java.lang.String name)
Expression |
XQParser.parse(Compilation comp)
Parse an expression. |
Expression |
Expression |
XQParser.parseFLWRExpression(boolean isFor)
Expression |
XQParser.parseFLWRInner(boolean isFor)
Parse a let- or a for-expression. |
Expression |
XQParser.parseFunctionDefinition(int declLine,
int declColumn)
Expression |
Expression |
Expression |
Expression |
XQParser.parseNamedNodeType(boolean attribute)
Expression |
Parse: ["as" SequenceType] |
Expression |
XQParser.parseQuantifiedExpr(boolean isEvery)
Parse a some- or an every-expression. |
Expression |
XQParser.syntaxError(java.lang.String message)
Expression |
XQParser.syntaxError(java.lang.String message,
java.lang.String code)
Handle syntax errors (at rewrite time). |
protected Expression |
XQResolveNames.walkApplyExp(ApplyExp exp)
protected Expression |
XQResolveNames.walkReferenceExp(ReferenceExp exp)
protected Expression |
XQResolveNames.walkReferenceExp(ReferenceExp exp,
ApplyExp call)
protected Expression |
XQResolveNames.walkSetExp(SetExp exp)
Methods in gnu.xquery.lang with parameters of type Expression | |
static Expression |
XQParser.booleanValue(Expression exp)
Coerce the value of an expresison to a boolean value. |
Expression |
XQResolveNames.checkPragma(Symbol name,
Expression contents)
void |
XQParser.maybeSetLine(Expression exp,
int line,
int column)
Uses of Expression in gnu.xquery.util |
Methods in gnu.xquery.util that return Expression | |
Expression |
BooleanValue.inline(ApplyExp exp,
InlineCalls walker,
boolean argsInlined)
Expression |
Compare.inline(ApplyExp exp,
InlineCalls walker,
boolean argsInlined)
Expression |
OrderedMap.inline(ApplyExp exp,
InlineCalls walker,
boolean argsInlined)
Expression |
CastAs.inline(ApplyExp exp,
InlineCalls walker,
boolean argsInlined)
Expression |
ValuesFilter.inline(ApplyExp exp,
InlineCalls walker,
boolean argsInlined)
Expression |
ArithOp.inline(ApplyExp exp,
InlineCalls walker,
boolean argsInlined)
Expression |
CastableAs.inline(ApplyExp exp,
InlineCalls walker,
boolean argsInlined)
Expression |
RelativeStep.inline(ApplyExp exp,
InlineCalls walker,
boolean argsInlined)
Methods in gnu.xquery.util with parameters of type Expression | |
static TreeScanner |
RelativeStep.extractStep(Expression exp)
Type |
OrderedMap.getReturnType(Expression[] args)
Type |
ValuesFilter.getReturnType(Expression[] args)
Type |
ArithOp.getReturnType(Expression[] args)
Type |
RelativeStep.getReturnType(Expression[] args)
Uses of Expression in kawa.lang |
Subclasses of Expression in kawa.lang | |
class |
Bindings from a syntax-case /syntax-rules pattern. |
class |
A scope created when expanding a SyntaxTemplate. |
Fields in kawa.lang declared as Expression | |
Expression |
Methods in kawa.lang that return Expression | |
protected Expression |
Quote.coerceExpression(java.lang.Object val,
Translator tr)
protected Expression |
Quote.leaf(java.lang.Object val,
Translator tr)
Expression |
Translator.makeBody(int first,
ScopeExp scope)
Combine a list of zero or more expression forms into a "body". |
Expression |
Translator.parse(java.lang.Object input)
Expression |
Translator.rewrite_body(java.lang.Object exp)
Re-write a Scheme in S-expression format into internal form. |
Expression |
Translator.rewrite_car(Pair pair,
boolean function)
Expression |
Translator.rewrite_car(Pair pair,
SyntaxForm syntax)
Expression |
Translator.rewrite_pair(Pair p,
boolean function)
Expression |
Translator.rewrite_with_position(java.lang.Object exp,
boolean function,
PairWithPosition pair)
Expression |
Translator.rewrite(java.lang.Object exp)
Re-write a Scheme expression in S-expression format into internal form. |
static Expression |
SyntaxForm.rewrite(java.lang.Object x)
Expression |
Translator.rewrite(java.lang.Object exp,
boolean function)
Re-write a Scheme expression in S-expression format into internal form. |
Expression |
Syntax.rewrite(java.lang.Object obj,
Translator tr)
Re-write an expression that is an "application" of this Syntax object. |
Expression |
Quote.rewrite(java.lang.Object obj,
Translator tr)
Expression |
Lambda.rewrite(java.lang.Object obj,
Translator tr)
static Expression |
SyntaxForm.rewriteBody(java.lang.Object x)
Expression |
Syntax.rewriteForm(java.lang.Object form,
Translator tr)
Expression |
Macro.rewriteForm(java.lang.Object form,
Translator tr)
Expression |
Syntax.rewriteForm(Pair form,
Translator tr)
Expression |
AutoloadSyntax.rewriteForm(Pair form,
Translator tr)
Expression |
Lambda.rewriteForm(Pair form,
Translator tr)
Expression |
Macro.rewriteForm(Pair form,
Translator tr)
Methods in kawa.lang with parameters of type Expression | |
Type |
SetFieldProc.getReturnType(Expression[] args)
Type |
GetFieldProc.getReturnType(Expression[] args)
Symbol |
Translator.namespaceResolve(Expression context,
Expression member)
Symbol |
Translator.namespaceResolve(Namespace ns,
Expression member)
Namespace |
Translator.namespaceResolvePrefix(Expression context)
static void |
Translator.setLine(Expression exp,
java.lang.Object location)
void |
Translator.setLineOf(Expression exp)
Set the line position of the argument to the current position. |
Uses of Expression in kawa.standard |
Methods in kawa.standard that return Expression | |
Expression |
Scheme.checkDefaultBinding(Symbol symbol,
Translator tr)
If a symbol is lexically unbound, look for a default binding. |
static Expression |
syntax_error.error(java.lang.Object form,
java.lang.Object[] message)
Expression |
map.inline(ApplyExp exp,
InlineCalls walker,
boolean argsInlined)
protected Expression |
syntax.leaf(java.lang.Object val,
Translator tr)
Expression |
Scheme.makeApply(Expression func,
Expression[] args)
static Expression |
location.rewrite(Expression arg,
Translator tr)
static Expression |
try_catch.rewrite(java.lang.Object try_part,
java.lang.Object clauses)
Expression |
fluid_let.rewrite(java.lang.Object bindings,
java.lang.Object body,
Translator tr)
Expression |
constant_fold.rewrite(java.lang.Object obj,
Translator tr)
Expression |
fluid_let.rewrite(java.lang.Object obj,
Translator tr)
Expression |
let_syntax.rewrite(java.lang.Object obj,
Translator tr)
Expression |
define_alias.rewrite(java.lang.Object obj,
Translator tr)
Expression |
begin.rewrite(java.lang.Object obj,
Translator tr)
Expression |
prim_method.rewrite(java.lang.Object obj,
Translator tr)
Expression |
location.rewrite(java.lang.Object obj,
Translator tr)
Expression |
let.rewrite(java.lang.Object obj,
Translator tr)
Expression |
syntax_error.rewrite(java.lang.Object obj,
Translator tr)
Expression |
define_unit.rewriteForm(Pair form,
Translator tr)
Expression |
export.rewriteForm(Pair form,
Translator tr)
Expression |
syntax_rules.rewriteForm(Pair form,
Translator tr)
Expression |
thisRef.rewriteForm(Pair form,
Translator tr)
Expression |
with_compile_options.rewriteForm(Pair form,
Translator tr)
Expression |
module_compile_options.rewriteForm(Pair form,
Translator tr)
Expression |
define_syntax.rewriteForm(Pair form,
Translator tr)
Expression |
module_extends.rewriteForm(Pair form,
Translator tr)
Expression |
syntax.rewriteForm(Pair form,
Translator tr)
Expression |
set_b.rewriteForm(Pair form,
Translator tr)
Expression |
module_implements.rewriteForm(Pair form,
Translator tr)
Expression |
require.rewriteForm(Pair form,
Translator tr)
Expression |
define.rewriteForm(Pair form,
Translator tr)
Expression |
define_variable.rewriteForm(Pair form,
Translator tr)
Expression |
define_autoload.rewriteForm(Pair form,
Translator tr)
Expression |
module_static.rewriteForm(Pair form,
Translator tr)
Expression |
syntax_case.rewriteForm(Pair form,
Translator tr)
Expression |
define_class.rewriteForm(Pair form,
Translator tr)
Expression |
define_member_alias.rewriteForm(Pair form,
Translator tr)
Expression |
object.rewriteForm(Pair form,
Translator tr)
Methods in kawa.standard with parameters of type Expression | |
static Type |
Scheme.exp2Type(Expression exp)
Convert expression to a Type. |
Type |
prim_throw.getReturnType(Expression[] args)
Type |
not.getReturnType(Expression[] args)
static Type |
Scheme.getTypeValue(Expression exp)
If exp is a "constant" Type, return that type, otherwise return null. |
Expression |
Scheme.makeApply(Expression func,
Expression[] args)
Expression |
Scheme.makeApply(Expression func,
Expression[] args)
static Expression |
location.rewrite(Expression arg,
Translator tr)
Constructors in kawa.standard with parameters of type Expression | |
fluid_let(boolean star,
Expression defaultInit)