Uses of Class

Packages that use InlineCalls
gnu.expr Supports Expression, and various related classes need to compile programming languages. 
gnu.kawa.functions Various core run-time functions and operators. 
gnu.kawa.reflect Contains classes to use reflection. 
gnu.kawa.xml Classes for using XML within Kawa. 
kawa.standard Primitive Scheme syntax and functions. 

Uses of InlineCalls in gnu.expr

Methods in gnu.expr with parameters of type InlineCalls
 Expression CanInline.inline(ApplyExp exp, InlineCalls walker, boolean argsInlined)
          Inline an application of this Procedure and return result.
 Expression ReferenceExp.inline(ApplyExp exp, InlineCalls walker, Declaration decl, boolean argsInlined)
 Expression LambdaExp.inline(ApplyExp exp, InlineCalls walker, Declaration decl, boolean argsInlined)
 Expression QuoteExp.inline(ApplyExp exp, InlineCalls walker, Declaration decl, boolean argsInlined)
 Expression Expression.inline(ApplyExp exp, InlineCalls walker, Declaration decl, boolean argsInlined)
          Apply inlining transformations on a given ApplyExp.

Uses of InlineCalls in gnu.kawa.functions

Methods in gnu.kawa.functions with parameters of type InlineCalls
 Expression GetNamedPart.inline(ApplyExp exp, InlineCalls walker, boolean argsInlined)
 Expression GetNamedInstancePart.inline(ApplyExp exp, InlineCalls walker, boolean argsInlined)
 Expression AddOp.inline(ApplyExp exp, InlineCalls walker, boolean argsInlined)
 Expression Convert.inline(ApplyExp exp, InlineCalls walker, boolean argsInlined)
 Expression Setter.inline(ApplyExp exp, InlineCalls walker, boolean argsInlined)
 Expression DivideOp.inline(ApplyExp exp, InlineCalls walker, boolean argsInlined)
 Expression NumberCompare.inline(ApplyExp exp, InlineCalls walker, boolean argsInlined)
 Expression ConstantFunction0.inline(ApplyExp exp, InlineCalls walker, boolean argsInlined)
 Expression MultiplyOp.inline(ApplyExp exp, InlineCalls walker, boolean argsInlined)
 Expression SetNamedPart.inline(ApplyExp exp, InlineCalls walker, boolean argsInlined)
 Expression IsEqv.inline(ApplyExp exp, InlineCalls walker, boolean argsInlined)
 Expression MakeProcedure.inline(ApplyExp exp, InlineCalls walker, boolean argsInlined)
 Expression ValuesMap.inline(ApplyExp exp, InlineCalls walker, boolean argsInlined)
 Expression AppendValues.inline(ApplyExp exp, InlineCalls walker, boolean argsInlined)
 Expression ApplyToArgs.inline(ApplyExp exp, InlineCalls walker, boolean argsInlined)
static Expression AddOp.pairwise(Procedure proc, Expression rproc, Expression[] args, InlineCalls walker)
          Convert (PROC A B C) to (PROC (PROC A B) C) etc.

Uses of InlineCalls in gnu.kawa.reflect

Methods in gnu.kawa.reflect with parameters of type InlineCalls
 Expression SlotGet.inline(ApplyExp exp, InlineCalls walker, boolean argsInlined)
 Expression SlotSet.inline(ApplyExp exp, InlineCalls walker, boolean argsInlined)
 Expression Invoke.inline(ApplyExp exp, InlineCalls walker, boolean argsInlined)
 Expression InstanceOf.inline(ApplyExp exp, InlineCalls walker, boolean argsInlined)
 Expression TypeSwitch.inline(ApplyExp exp, InlineCalls walker, boolean argsInlined)
static ApplyExp Invoke.inlineClassName(ApplyExp exp, int carg, InlineCalls walker)
          Resolve class specifier to ClassType at inline time.

Uses of InlineCalls in gnu.kawa.xml

Methods in gnu.kawa.xml with parameters of type InlineCalls
 Expression MakeUnescapedData.inline(ApplyExp exp, InlineCalls walker, boolean argsInlined)
 Expression TreeScanner.inline(ApplyExp exp, InlineCalls walker, boolean argsInlined)

Uses of InlineCalls in gnu.xquery.util

Methods in gnu.xquery.util with parameters of type InlineCalls
 Expression BooleanValue.inline(ApplyExp exp, InlineCalls walker, boolean argsInlined)
 Expression Compare.inline(ApplyExp exp, InlineCalls walker, boolean argsInlined)
 Expression OrderedMap.inline(ApplyExp exp, InlineCalls walker, boolean argsInlined)
 Expression CastAs.inline(ApplyExp exp, InlineCalls walker, boolean argsInlined)
 Expression ValuesFilter.inline(ApplyExp exp, InlineCalls walker, boolean argsInlined)
 Expression ArithOp.inline(ApplyExp exp, InlineCalls walker, boolean argsInlined)
 Expression CastableAs.inline(ApplyExp exp, InlineCalls walker, boolean argsInlined)
 Expression RelativeStep.inline(ApplyExp exp, InlineCalls walker, boolean argsInlined)

Uses of InlineCalls in kawa.standard

Methods in kawa.standard with parameters of type InlineCalls
 Expression map.inline(ApplyExp exp, InlineCalls walker, boolean argsInlined)