Uses of Interface

Packages that use Inlineable
gnu.expr Supports Expression, and various related classes need to compile programming languages. 
gnu.kawa.functions Various core run-time functions and operators. 
gnu.kawa.reflect Contains classes to use reflection. 
gnu.kawa.xml Classes for using XML within Kawa. 
kawa.lang Core Kawa classes for Scheme and Lisp compile-time. 
kawa.standard Primitive Scheme syntax and functions. 

Uses of Inlineable in gnu.expr

Classes in gnu.expr that implement Inlineable
 class PrimProcedure
          A primitive Procedure implemented by a plain Java method.

Uses of Inlineable in gnu.kawa.functions

Classes in gnu.kawa.functions that implement Inlineable
 class AddOp
          Implement the Scheme standard functions "+" and "-".
 class AppendValues
 class Convert
 class GetModuleClass
          Special procedure to get the Class of the current module.
 class IsEq
          Implement the standard Scheme function eq? and the Lisp eq.
 class MakeList
          Implement the Scheme standard function "list".
 class NumberCompare
          This implements the numeric comparison relations: <, <=, etc.
 class ValuesMap
          Map a function over a value sequence, yielding a new sequence.

Uses of Inlineable in gnu.kawa.reflect

Classes in gnu.kawa.reflect that implement Inlineable
 class ArrayGet
 class ArrayLength
 class ArrayNew
 class ArraySet
 class InstanceOf
 class SlotGet
 class SlotSet
 class StaticGet
 class StaticSet
 class TypeSwitch
          Implement 'typeswitch' (as in XQuery) or 'typecase'.

Uses of Inlineable in gnu.kawa.servlet

Classes in gnu.kawa.servlet that implement Inlineable
 class GetRequest
          A 0-argument function that returns the current ServletRequest.
 class GetResponse
          A 0-argument function that returns the current ServletResponse.

Uses of Inlineable in gnu.kawa.xml

Classes in gnu.kawa.xml that implement Inlineable
 class CoerceNodes
          Coerces an item sequence to a node sequence.
 class DocumentConstructor
 class MakeAttribute
 class MakeElement
 class MakeProcInst
 class MakeText
 class MakeWithBaseUri
          A Procedure to create an included entity object, or set the base-uri property for a document or fragment.
 class NodeConstructor
 class SortNodes
          Sort argument nodes in document order.
 class UnionNodes
          Get the union of two node lists.

Uses of Inlineable in gnu.xquery.util

Classes in gnu.xquery.util that implement Inlineable
 class ArithOp
 class CastableAs
 class CastAs
 class OrderedMap
          A procedure used to represent a FLWOR expression with an order by clause.
 class RelativeStep
          Implements XPath path expression.
 class ValuesFilter

Uses of Inlineable in kawa.lang

Classes in kawa.lang that implement Inlineable
 class GetFieldProc
 class SetFieldProc

Uses of Inlineable in kawa.standard

Classes in kawa.standard that implement Inlineable
 class not
          Implement the standard Scheme procedure "not".
 class prim_throw