Uses of Class

Packages that use LambdaExp
gnu.expr Supports Expression, and various related classes need to compile programming languages. 
gnu.jemacs.lang Contains classes to implement the Emacs Lisp language. 
gnu.kawa.functions Various core run-time functions and operators. 
kawa.lang Core Kawa classes for Scheme and Lisp compile-time. 

Uses of LambdaExp in gnu.expr

Subclasses of LambdaExp in gnu.expr
 class ClassExp
 class ModuleExp
          Class used to implement Scheme top-level environments.
 class ObjectExp

Fields in gnu.expr declared as LambdaExp
 LambdaExp ClassExp.clinitMethod
          An artificial method named "$clinit$" for evaluating static initializations.
 LambdaExp Compilation.curLambda
protected  LambdaExp ExpWalker.currentLambda
 LambdaExp LambdaExp.firstChild
 LambdaExp ClassExp.initMethod
          An artificial method named "$finit$" for evaluating non-static initializations.
 LambdaExp LambdaExp.nextSibling

Methods in gnu.expr that return LambdaExp
 LambdaExp ScopeExp.currentLambda()
 LambdaExp Compilation.currentLambda()
 LambdaExp LambdaExp.getCaller()
          For an INLINE_ONLY function, return the function it gets inlined in.
 LambdaExp ExpWalker.getCurrentLambda()
 LambdaExp LambdaExp.getOwningLambda()
 LambdaExp LambdaExp.outerLambda()
 LambdaExp LambdaExp.outerLambdaNotInline()
          Return the closest outer non-inlined LambdaExp.

Methods in gnu.expr with parameters of type LambdaExp
static void CheckedTarget.emitCheckedCoerce(Compilation comp, LambdaExp proc, int argno, Type type)
static void CheckedTarget.emitCheckedCoerce(Compilation comp, LambdaExp proc, int argno, Type type, Variable argValue)
static void ProcInitializer.emitLoadModuleMethod(LambdaExp proc, Compilation comp)
          Create and load a ModuleMethod for the given procedure.
 void Compilation.generateApplyMethodsWithContext(LambdaExp lexp)
          Generate ModuleBody's apply(CallContext) method Use the applyMethods vector, which contains methods that implement the (public, readable) methods of the current module.
 void Compilation.generateApplyMethodsWithoutContext(LambdaExp lexp)
          Generate ModuleBody's apply0...applyN methods.
 void Compilation.generateConstructor(ClassType clas, LambdaExp lexp)
 void Compilation.generateConstructor(LambdaExp lexp)
 void Compilation.generateMatchMethods(LambdaExp lexp)
static Method Compilation.getConstructor(ClassType clas, LambdaExp lexp)
 Method Compilation.getConstructor(LambdaExp lexp)
static Target CheckedTarget.getInstance(Type type, LambdaExp proc, int argno)
 void FindCapturedVars.walkDefaultArgs(LambdaExp exp)
 void ExpWalker.walkDefaultArgs(LambdaExp exp)
protected  Expression ExpWalker.walkLambdaExp(LambdaExp exp)
protected  Expression ChainLambdas.walkLambdaExp(LambdaExp exp)
protected  Expression FindTailCalls.walkLambdaExp(LambdaExp exp)
protected  Expression InlineCalls.walkLambdaExp(LambdaExp exp)

Constructors in gnu.expr with parameters of type LambdaExp
CatchClause(LambdaExp lexp)
          "Convert" a LambdaExp to a CatchClause.
CheckedTarget(Type type, LambdaExp proc, int argno)
PrimProcedure(Method method, LambdaExp source)
ProcInitializer(LambdaExp lexp, Compilation comp, Field field)

Uses of LambdaExp in gnu.jemacs.lang

Methods in gnu.jemacs.lang with parameters of type LambdaExp
 void lambda.rewriteBody(LambdaExp lexp, java.lang.Object body, Translator tr)

Uses of LambdaExp in gnu.kawa.functions

Methods in gnu.kawa.functions with parameters of type LambdaExp
static void ValuesMap.compileInlined(LambdaExp lambda, Expression vals, int startCounter, Method matchesMethod, Compilation comp, Target target)
static void Convert.setCoercedReturnValue(LambdaExp lexp, Expression type, Language language)
          Modify LambdaExp so result is coerced to given type.

Uses of LambdaExp in kawa.lang

Fields in kawa.lang declared as LambdaExp
 LambdaExp Translator.curMethodLambda

Methods in kawa.lang with parameters of type LambdaExp
 void Lambda.rewrite(LambdaExp lexp, java.lang.Object formals, java.lang.Object body, Translator tr, TemplateScope templateScopeRest)
          Higher-level constructor, that does the re-writing.
 java.lang.Object Lambda.rewriteAttrs(LambdaExp lexp, java.lang.Object body, Translator tr)
 void Lambda.rewriteBody(LambdaExp lexp, java.lang.Object body, Translator tr)
 void Lambda.rewriteFormals(LambdaExp lexp, java.lang.Object formals, Translator tr, TemplateScope templateScopeRest)
 java.lang.Object Lambda.skipAttrs(LambdaExp lexp, java.lang.Object body, Translator tr)