Uses of Class

Packages that use LetExp
gnu.expr Supports Expression, and various related classes need to compile programming languages. 
kawa.lang Core Kawa classes for Scheme and Lisp compile-time. 

Uses of LetExp in gnu.expr

Subclasses of LetExp in gnu.expr
 class FluidLetExp
          Class used to implement "fluid-let" for Scheme and "let" for Emacs.

Methods in gnu.expr that return LetExp
 LetExp Compilation.letDone(Expression body)

Methods in gnu.expr with parameters of type LetExp
protected  Expression FindCapturedVars.walkLetExp(LetExp exp)
protected  Expression ResolveNames.walkLetExp(LetExp exp)
protected  Expression ExpWalker.walkLetExp(LetExp exp)
protected  Expression FindTailCalls.walkLetExp(LetExp exp)
protected  Expression InlineCalls.walkLetExp(LetExp exp)

Uses of LetExp in kawa.lang

Subclasses of LetExp in kawa.lang
 class PatternScope
          Bindings from a syntax-case/syntax-rules pattern.
 class TemplateScope
          A scope created when expanding a SyntaxTemplate.