Uses of Class

Packages that use ModuleExp
gnu.expr Supports Expression, and various related classes need to compile programming languages. 
gnu.kawa.lispexpr Support classes for compiling and running Lisp languages. 
kawa.lang Core Kawa classes for Scheme and Lisp compile-time. 

Uses of ModuleExp in gnu.expr

Fields in gnu.expr declared as ModuleExp
 ModuleExp Compilation.mainLambda

Methods in gnu.expr that return ModuleExp
 ModuleExp ScopeExp.currentModule()
 ModuleExp Compilation.currentModule()
          The same as getModule, until we allow nested modules.
 ModuleExp Compilation.getModule()
 ModuleExp ModuleInfo.getModuleExp()
 ModuleExp Compilation.pushNewModule(Lexer lexer)
 ModuleExp Compilation.pushNewModule(java.lang.String filename)
 ModuleExp ModuleInfo.setupModuleExp()
          If module has LAZY_DECLARATIONS, fix that.

Methods in gnu.expr with parameters of type ModuleExp
 void Compilation.addMainClass(ModuleExp module)
 void Compilation.compileToArchive(ModuleExp mexp, java.lang.String fname)
 Declaration Language.declFromField(ModuleExp mod, java.lang.Object fvalue, Field fld)
 void ResolveNames.resolveModule(ModuleExp exp)
 void Compilation.setModule(ModuleExp mexp)
 void Compilation.walkModule(ModuleExp mexp)
          Shared processing for both compiling/eval.
protected  Expression FindCapturedVars.walkModuleExp(ModuleExp exp)
protected  Expression ExpWalker.walkModuleExp(ModuleExp exp)

Uses of ModuleExp in gnu.kawa.lispexpr

Methods in gnu.kawa.lispexpr with parameters of type ModuleExp
 Declaration LispLanguage.declFromField(ModuleExp mod, java.lang.Object fvalue, Field fld)

Uses of ModuleExp in gnu.kawa.xslt

Methods in gnu.kawa.xslt with parameters of type ModuleExp
 void XslTranslator.startDocument(ModuleExp mexp)

Uses of ModuleExp in gnu.xquery.lang

Methods in gnu.xquery.lang with parameters of type ModuleExp
 void XQResolveNames.resolveModule(ModuleExp exp)

Uses of ModuleExp in kawa.lang

Methods in kawa.lang with parameters of type ModuleExp
 void Translator.finishModule(ModuleExp mexp)
 void Translator.resolveModule(ModuleExp mexp)