Uses of Class

Packages that use ScopeExp
gnu.expr Supports Expression, and various related classes need to compile programming languages. 
gnu.jemacs.lang Contains classes to implement the Emacs Lisp language. 
gnu.kawa.lispexpr Support classes for compiling and running Lisp languages. 
kawa.lang Core Kawa classes for Scheme and Lisp compile-time. 
kawa.standard Primitive Scheme syntax and functions. 

Uses of ScopeExp in gnu.commonlisp.lang

Methods in gnu.commonlisp.lang with parameters of type ScopeExp
 boolean defun.scanForDefinitions(Pair st, java.util.Vector forms, ScopeExp defs, Translator tr)
 boolean defvar.scanForDefinitions(Pair st, java.util.Vector forms, ScopeExp defs, Translator tr)

Uses of ScopeExp in gnu.expr

Subclasses of ScopeExp in gnu.expr
 class CatchClause
          A "catch" clause of a "try-catch" form.
 class ClassExp
 class FluidLetExp
          Class used to implement "fluid-let" for Scheme and "let" for Emacs.
 class LambdaExp
          Class used to implement Scheme lambda expressions.
 class LetExp
          Class used to implement "let" syntax (and variants) for Scheme.
 class ModuleExp
          Class used to implement Scheme top-level environments.
 class ObjectExp

Fields in gnu.expr declared as ScopeExp
 ScopeExp Declaration.context
protected  ScopeExp Compilation.current_scope
 ScopeExp ScopeExp.outer
          The statically enclosing binding contour.

Methods in gnu.expr that return ScopeExp
 ScopeExp Compilation.currentScope()
 ScopeExp Declaration.getContext()
          Return the ScopeExp that contains (declares) this Declaration.
 ScopeExp ThisExp.getContextScope()

Methods in gnu.expr with parameters of type ScopeExp
static ThisExp ThisExp.makeGivingContext(ScopeExp context)
static int ScopeExp.nesting(ScopeExp sc)
 void NameLookup.pop(ScopeExp exp)
 void Compilation.pop(ScopeExp scope)
protected  void ResolveNames.push(ScopeExp exp)
 void NameLookup.push(ScopeExp exp)
 void Compilation.push(ScopeExp scope)
 void Compilation.pushPendingImport(ModuleInfo info, ScopeExp defs)
 void Compilation.pushScope(ScopeExp scope)
 void Compilation.setCurrentScope(ScopeExp scope)
          Set currentScope().
protected  void ExpWalker.walkDeclarationTypes(ScopeExp exp)
 void FindTailCalls.walkDecls(ScopeExp exp)
protected  Expression ResolveNames.walkScopeExp(ScopeExp exp)
protected  Expression ExpWalker.walkScopeExp(ScopeExp exp)
protected  Expression ChainLambdas.walkScopeExp(ScopeExp exp)

Constructors in gnu.expr with parameters of type ScopeExp
ThisExp(ScopeExp context)

Uses of ScopeExp in gnu.jemacs.lang

Methods in gnu.jemacs.lang with parameters of type ScopeExp
 boolean defcustom.scanForDefinitions(Pair st, java.util.Vector forms, ScopeExp defs, Translator tr)
 boolean defgroup.scanForDefinitions(Pair st, java.util.Vector forms, ScopeExp defs, Translator tr)

Uses of ScopeExp in gnu.kawa.lispexpr

Methods in gnu.kawa.lispexpr with parameters of type ScopeExp
 boolean DefineNamespace.scanForDefinitions(Pair st, java.util.Vector forms, ScopeExp defs, Translator tr)

Uses of ScopeExp in gnu.xquery.lang

Methods in gnu.xquery.lang with parameters of type ScopeExp
protected  void XQResolveNames.push(ScopeExp exp)

Uses of ScopeExp in kawa.lang

Subclasses of ScopeExp in kawa.lang
 class PatternScope
          Bindings from a syntax-case/syntax-rules pattern.
 class TemplateScope
          A scope created when expanding a SyntaxTemplate.

Methods in kawa.lang that return ScopeExp
 ScopeExp Macro.getCapturedScope()

Methods in kawa.lang with parameters of type ScopeExp
 Declaration Translator.define(java.lang.Object name, SyntaxForm nameSyntax, ScopeExp defs)
static boolean SyntaxPattern.literalIdentifierEq(java.lang.Object id1, ScopeExp sc1, java.lang.Object literal2)
static boolean SyntaxPattern.literalIdentifierEq(java.lang.Object id1, ScopeExp sc1, java.lang.Object id2, ScopeExp sc2)
 Expression Translator.makeBody(int first, ScopeExp scope)
          Combine a list of zero or more expression forms into a "body".
 Declaration Translator.makeRenamedAlias(Declaration decl, ScopeExp templateScope)
 Declaration Translator.makeRenamedAlias(java.lang.Object name, Declaration decl, ScopeExp templateScope)
 void Translator.noteAccess(java.lang.Object name, ScopeExp scope)
          Note that we reference name in a given scope.
 java.lang.Object Translator.scanBody(java.lang.Object body, ScopeExp defs, boolean makeList)
          Recursive helper method for rewrite_body.
 boolean Syntax.scanForDefinitions(Pair st, java.util.Vector forms, ScopeExp defs, Translator tr)
          Check if a statement is a definition, for initial pass.
 void Translator.scanForm(java.lang.Object st, ScopeExp defs)
 void Syntax.scanForm(Pair st, ScopeExp defs, Translator tr)
 void AutoloadSyntax.scanForm(Pair st, ScopeExp defs, Translator tr)
 void Macro.scanForm(Pair st, ScopeExp defs, Translator tr)
 void Macro.setCapturedScope(ScopeExp scope)

Constructors in kawa.lang with parameters of type ScopeExp
TemplateScope(ScopeExp outer)

Uses of ScopeExp in kawa.standard

Methods in kawa.standard with parameters of type ScopeExp
static void define_autoload.findAutoloadComments(LispReader in, java.lang.String filename, ScopeExp defs, Translator tr)
static boolean require.importDefinitions(java.lang.String className, ModuleInfo info, java.lang.String uri, java.util.Vector forms, ScopeExp defs, Compilation tr)
          Import a module with a known source path.
static ModuleInfo require.lookupModuleFromSourcePath(java.lang.String sourceName, ScopeExp defs)
static boolean define_autoload.process(java.lang.Object names, java.lang.Object filename, java.util.Vector forms, ScopeExp defs, Translator tr)
 boolean define_autoload.scanFile(java.lang.String filespec, ScopeExp defs, Translator tr)
 boolean define_unit.scanForDefinitions(Pair st, java.util.Vector forms, ScopeExp defs, Translator tr)
 boolean export.scanForDefinitions(Pair st, java.util.Vector forms, ScopeExp defs, Translator tr)
 boolean module_compile_options.scanForDefinitions(Pair st, java.util.Vector forms, ScopeExp defs, Translator tr)
 boolean require.scanForDefinitions(Pair st, java.util.Vector forms, ScopeExp defs, Translator tr)
 boolean define_alias.scanForDefinitions(Pair st, java.util.Vector forms, ScopeExp defs, Translator tr)
 boolean define_variable.scanForDefinitions(Pair st, java.util.Vector forms, ScopeExp defs, Translator tr)
 boolean define_autoload.scanForDefinitions(Pair st, java.util.Vector forms, ScopeExp defs, Translator tr)
 boolean module_static.scanForDefinitions(Pair st, java.util.Vector forms, ScopeExp defs, Translator tr)
 boolean define_class.scanForDefinitions(Pair st, java.util.Vector forms, ScopeExp defs, Translator tr)
 boolean define_member_alias.scanForDefinitions(Pair st, java.util.Vector forms, ScopeExp defs, Translator tr)
 void with_compile_options.scanForm(Pair form, ScopeExp defs, Translator tr)
 void define_syntax.scanForm(Pair st, ScopeExp defs, Translator tr)
 void define.scanForm(Pair st, ScopeExp defs, Translator tr)
 void begin.scanForm(Pair st, ScopeExp defs, Translator tr)
 void module_name.scanForm(Pair form, ScopeExp defs, Translator tr)