Uses of Class

Packages that use EWindow
gnu.jemacs.buffer Provides various building blocks for building an Emacs-like text editor. 

Uses of EWindow in gnu.jemacs.buffer

Fields in gnu.jemacs.buffer declared as EWindow
 EWindow EFrame.firstWindow
protected  EWindow EWindow.nextWindow
          Next window in cyclic window ordering.
protected  EWindow EWindow.prevWindow
          Previous window in cyclic window ordering.
 EWindow EFrame.selectedWindow

Methods in gnu.jemacs.buffer that return EWindow
 EWindow Buffer.display(boolean notThisWindow, EFrame frame)
 EWindow EFrame.getFirstWindow()
 EWindow EFrame.getLastWindow()
 EWindow EWindow.getNextWindow(boolean forwards)
          Return the next/previous window in the cyclic order of windows.
 EWindow EWindow.getNextWindowInFrame(int count)
 EWindow EWindow.getOtherWindow(boolean forwards)
          Return the next/previous EWindow in the cyclic order of windows.
static EWindow EWindow.getSelected()
 EWindow EFrame.getSelectedWindow()
 EWindow EFrame.otherWindow(int count)
abstract  EWindow EWindow.split(Buffer buffer, int lines, boolean horizontal)
          Split this window into two.
 EWindow EWindow.split(int lines, boolean horizontal)
          Split this window into two, showing this buffer in both windows.

Methods in gnu.jemacs.buffer with parameters of type EWindow
protected  void EWindow.linkSibling(EWindow window, boolean horizontal)
          Link a new window after this.
static void Command.perform(java.lang.Object command, EWindow window)
static void EWindow.setSelected(EWindow window)

Constructors in gnu.jemacs.buffer with parameters of type EWindow
EFrame(EWindow win)

Uses of EWindow in gnu.jemacs.swing

Subclasses of EWindow in gnu.jemacs.swing
 class SwingWindow
          An Emacs window (EWindow) implemented using the Swing toolkits.

Methods in gnu.jemacs.swing that return EWindow
 EWindow SwingWindow.split(Buffer buffer, int lines, boolean horizontal)

Constructors in gnu.jemacs.swing with parameters of type EWindow
Modeline(EWindow window, javax.swing.text.StyledDocument modelineDocument)

Uses of EWindow in gnu.jemacs.swt

Subclasses of EWindow in gnu.jemacs.swt
 class SwtWindow

Methods in gnu.jemacs.swt that return EWindow
 EWindow SwtWindow.split(Buffer buffer, int lines, boolean horizontal)