Uses of Interface

Packages that use CharSeq
gnu.jemacs.buffer Provides various building blocks for building an Emacs-like text editor. 
gnu.lists Contains utility classes and interfaces for sequences (lists), arrays, and trees. 

Uses of CharSeq in gnu.jemacs.buffer

Classes in gnu.jemacs.buffer that implement CharSeq
 class Buffer

Methods in gnu.jemacs.buffer that return CharSeq
abstract  CharSeq Buffer.getStringContent()

Methods in gnu.jemacs.buffer with parameters of type CharSeq
 void ProcessMode.writeToInferior(CharSeq str)

Uses of CharSeq in gnu.jemacs.swing

Classes in gnu.jemacs.swing that implement CharSeq
 class SwingBuffer
          An Emacs buffer implemented using the Swing toolkits.

Methods in gnu.jemacs.swing that return CharSeq
 CharSeq SwingBuffer.getStringContent()

Uses of CharSeq in gnu.jemacs.swt

Classes in gnu.jemacs.swt that implement CharSeq
 class BufferContent
 class SwtBuffer

Methods in gnu.jemacs.swt that return CharSeq
 CharSeq SwtBuffer.getStringContent()

Uses of CharSeq in gnu.lists

Classes in gnu.lists that implement CharSeq
 class CharBuffer
          Editable character sequence using a a buffer-gap implementstion and self-adjusting position.
 class FString
          Simple adjustable-length vector whose elements are 32-bit floats.
 class SubCharSeq

Methods in gnu.lists with parameters of type CharSeq
static void Strings.makeCapitalize(CharSeq str)
          Capitalize this string.
static void Strings.makeLowerCase(CharSeq str)
          Change every character to be lowercase.
static void Strings.makeUpperCase(CharSeq str)
          Change every character to be uppercase.

Constructors in gnu.lists with parameters of type CharSeq
FString(CharSeq seq)
FString(CharSeq seq, int offset, int length)