Uses of Interface

Packages that use Consumable
gnu.jemacs.buffer Provides various building blocks for building an Emacs-like text editor. 
gnu.kawa.xml Classes for using XML within Kawa. 
gnu.lists Contains utility classes and interfaces for sequences (lists), arrays, and trees. 
gnu.mapping Supports Procedure, and various related classes needed at run-time by dynamically typed languages (such as Scheme and ECMAScript). 
gnu.xml Utilities for working with XML. 

Uses of Consumable in gnu.jemacs.buffer

Classes in gnu.jemacs.buffer that implement Consumable
 class Buffer

Uses of Consumable in gnu.jemacs.swing

Classes in gnu.jemacs.swing that implement Consumable
 class SwingBuffer
          An Emacs buffer implemented using the Swing toolkits.

Uses of Consumable in gnu.jemacs.swt

Classes in gnu.jemacs.swt that implement Consumable
 class BufferContent
 class LineOffsets
          The purpose of this class is to maintain an ordered set of line offsets for an SwtCharBuffer.
 class SwtBuffer
 class SwtCharBuffer
          TODO Explain that this is all about.

Uses of Consumable in gnu.kawa.xml

Classes in gnu.kawa.xml that implement Consumable
 class KAttr
 class KCDATASection
 class KCharacterData
 class KComment
 class KDocument
 class KElement
 class KNode
 class KProcessingInstruction
 class KText
 class Nodes
          Manages a sequence of node references.
 class SortedNodes
          Manages a sequence of node references in document order without duplicates.

Uses of Consumable in gnu.lists

Subinterfaces of Consumable in gnu.lists
 interface CharSeq
          A sequence where each element is a character.
 interface Sequence
          A Sequence is an ordered list of elements.

Classes in gnu.lists that implement Consumable
 class BitVector
          Simple adjustable-length vector of boolean values.
 class CharBuffer
          Editable character sequence using a a buffer-gap implementstion and self-adjusting position.
 class F32Vector
          Simple adjustable-length vector whose elements are 32-bit floats.
 class F64Vector
          Simple adjustable-length vector whose elements are 64-bit floats.
 class FString
          Simple adjustable-length vector whose elements are 32-bit floats.
 class FVector
          Simple adjustable-length vector whose elements are Object references.
 class GapVector
          An array with a gap in the middle, allowing efficient insert and delete.
 class GeneralArray1
 class LList
          Semi-abstract class for traditions Lisp-style lists.
 class Pair
          A "pair" object, as used in Lisp-like languages.
 class PairWithPosition
          A Pair with the file name and position it was read from.
 class S16Vector
          Simple adjustable-length vector of signed 16-bit integers (shorts).
 class S32Vector
          Simple adjustable-length vector of signed 32-bit integers (ints).
 class S64Vector
          Simple adjustable-length vector of signed 64-bit integers (longs).
 class S8Vector
          Simple adjustable-length vector of signed 8-bit integers (bytes).
 class SimpleVector
          A SimpleVector implement as a simple array plus a current size.
 class StableVector
          Implements a stable sequence with sticky positions.
 class SubCharSeq
 class SubSequence
          A sequence consisting of a sub-range of the elements of a base sequence.
 class TreeList
          A compact representation of a tree, that is a nested list structure.
 class U16Vector
          Simple adjustable-length vector of unsigned 16-bit integers (shorts).
 class U32Vector
          Simple adjustable-length vector of unsigned 32-bit integers (ints).
 class U64Vector
          Simple adjustable-length vector of unsigned 64-bit integers (longs).
 class U8Vector
          Simple adjustable-length vector of unsigned 8-bit integers (bytes).

Uses of Consumable in gnu.mapping

Classes in gnu.mapping that implement Consumable
 class Values
          Encapsulate multiple values in a single object.
 class ValueStack

Uses of Consumable in gnu.xml

Classes in gnu.xml that implement Consumable
 class NodeTree
          Use to represent a Document or Document Fragment, in the XML DOM sense.