Uses of Class

Packages that use FString
gnu.kawa.functions Various core run-time functions and operators. 
gnu.lists Contains utility classes and interfaces for sequences (lists), arrays, and trees. 

Uses of FString in gnu.jemacs.swt

Fields in gnu.jemacs.swt declared as FString
protected  FString SwtCharBuffer.chars

Methods in gnu.jemacs.swt that return FString
 FString SwtBuffer.getModelineFormat()

Uses of FString in gnu.kawa.functions

Methods in gnu.kawa.functions that return FString
static FString Format.formatToString(char style, java.lang.Object fmt, java.lang.Object[] args)
          Apply format and argument, yielding an FString.
static FString Format.formatToString(java.lang.Object[] args, int arg_offset)

Uses of FString in gnu.lists

Methods in gnu.lists that return FString
 FString FString.append(char c)
 FString FString.append(java.lang.CharSequence csq)
 FString FString.append(java.lang.CharSequence csq, int start, int end)
 FString FString.copy(int start, int end)

Methods in gnu.lists with parameters of type FString
 boolean FString.addAll(FString s)
          Append all the characters of another FString.

Constructors in gnu.lists with parameters of type FString
CharBuffer(FString str)