Uses of Class

Packages that use LList
gnu.jemacs.buffer Provides various building blocks for building an Emacs-like text editor. 
gnu.kawa.functions Various core run-time functions and operators. 
gnu.lists Contains utility classes and interfaces for sequences (lists), arrays, and trees. 
gnu.mapping Supports Procedure, and various related classes needed at run-time by dynamically typed languages (such as Scheme and ECMAScript). 
kawa.lang Core Kawa classes for Scheme and Lisp compile-time. 

Uses of LList in gnu.commonlisp.lang

Fields in gnu.commonlisp.lang declared as LList
static LList Lisp2.FALSE

Uses of LList in gnu.jemacs.buffer

Methods in gnu.jemacs.buffer with parameters of type LList
abstract  EMenu EToolkit.getMenu(LList menubar)
 void EMenu.setMenu(LList menu)
abstract  void EFrame.setMenuBar(LList menu)

Uses of LList in gnu.jemacs.swing

Methods in gnu.jemacs.swing with parameters of type LList
 EMenu SwingToolkit.getMenu(LList menubar)
 void SwingMenu.setMenu(LList menu)
 void SwingFrame.setMenuBar(LList menu)

Constructors in gnu.jemacs.swing with parameters of type LList
SwingMenu(LList menu)

Uses of LList in gnu.jemacs.swt

Methods in gnu.jemacs.swt with parameters of type LList
 EMenu SwtToolkit.getMenu(LList menubar)
 void SwtMenu.setMenu(LList menu)
 void SwtFrame.setMenuBar(LList list)

Uses of LList in gnu.kawa.functions

Methods in gnu.kawa.functions with parameters of type LList
 void DisplayFormat.writeList(LList value, OutPort out)

Uses of LList in gnu.lists

Subclasses of LList in gnu.lists
 class Pair
          A "pair" object, as used in Lisp-like languages.
 class PairWithPosition
          A Pair with the file name and position it was read from.

Fields in gnu.lists declared as LList
static LList LList.Empty

Methods in gnu.lists that return LList
static LList LList.makeList(java.util.List vals)
static LList LList.makeList(java.lang.Object[] vals, int offset)
static LList LList.makeList(java.lang.Object[] vals, int offset, int length)
static LList LList.reverseInPlace(java.lang.Object list)
          Reverse a list in place, by modifying the cdr fields.

Uses of LList in gnu.mapping

Methods in gnu.mapping that return LList
 LList CallContext.getRestArgsList(int next)
          Get remaining arguments as a list.

Uses of LList in kawa.lang

Methods in kawa.lang that return LList
static LList Record.typeFieldNames(java.lang.Class clas)
static LList Record.typeFieldNames(ClassType ctype)

Methods in kawa.lang with parameters of type LList
static ClassType Record.makeRecordType(java.lang.String name, LList fnames)