Uses of Class

Packages that use InPort
gnu.expr Supports Expression, and various related classes need to compile programming languages. 
gnu.jemacs.buffer Provides various building blocks for building an Emacs-like text editor. 
gnu.kawa.lispexpr Support classes for compiling and running Lisp languages. 
gnu.mapping Supports Procedure, and various related classes needed at run-time by dynamically typed languages (such as Scheme and ECMAScript). 
gnu.q2.lang Support for the experimental Q2 language. 
kawa Classes for user interaction with Kawa. 
kawa.lang Core Kawa classes for Scheme and Lisp compile-time. 
kawa.standard Primitive Scheme syntax and functions. 

Uses of InPort in gnu.ecmascript

Methods in gnu.ecmascript with parameters of type InPort
static java.lang.Object Lexer.getToken(InPort inp)

Constructors in gnu.ecmascript with parameters of type InPort
Lexer(InPort port)
Parser(InPort port)

Uses of InPort in gnu.expr

Methods in gnu.expr with parameters of type InPort
static Language Language.detect(InPort port)
          Detect the programming language of a file based on its first line.
 java.lang.Object Language.eval(InPort port)
          Evaluate expression(s) read from an InPort.
 void Language.eval(InPort port, CallContext ctx)
abstract  Lexer Language.getLexer(InPort inp, SourceMessages messages)
 Compilation Language.parse(InPort port, SourceMessages messages, int options)
          Parse one or more expressions.
 Compilation Language.parse(InPort port, SourceMessages messages, ModuleInfo info)

Uses of InPort in gnu.jemacs.buffer

Subclasses of InPort in gnu.jemacs.buffer
 class BufferReader

Methods in gnu.jemacs.buffer that return InPort
abstract  InPort Buffer.openReader(int start, int count)

Uses of InPort in gnu.jemacs.swing

Subclasses of InPort in gnu.jemacs.swing
 class MarkerReader

Methods in gnu.jemacs.swing that return InPort
 InPort SwingBuffer.openReader(int start, int count)

Uses of InPort in gnu.jemacs.swt

Methods in gnu.jemacs.swt that return InPort
 InPort SwtBuffer.openReader(int start, int count)

Uses of InPort in gnu.kawa.brl

Methods in gnu.kawa.brl with parameters of type InPort
 Lexer BRL.getLexer(InPort inp, SourceMessages messages)
static java.lang.Object BRLRead.readObject(InPort port)

Constructors in gnu.kawa.brl with parameters of type InPort
BRLRead(InPort port)
BRLRead(InPort port, SourceMessages messages)

Uses of InPort in gnu.kawa.lispexpr

Methods in gnu.kawa.lispexpr with parameters of type InPort
 Lexer LispLanguage.getLexer(InPort inp, SourceMessages messages)

Uses of InPort in gnu.kawa.xslt

Methods in gnu.kawa.xslt with parameters of type InPort
 Lexer XSLT.getLexer(InPort inp, SourceMessages messages)

Uses of InPort in gnu.mapping

Subclasses of InPort in gnu.mapping
 class CharArrayInPort
          An Inport for reading from a char array.
 class TtyInPort
          An interactive input-port.

Methods in gnu.mapping that return InPort
static InPort InPort.inDefault()
static InPort InPort.openFile( strm, java.lang.Object fname)
static InPort InPort.openFile(java.lang.Object fname)

Methods in gnu.mapping with parameters of type InPort
static void InPort.setInDefault(InPort in)

Constructors in gnu.mapping with parameters of type InPort
Future(Procedure action, Environment penvironment, InPort in, OutPort out, OutPort err)
RunnableClosure(Procedure action, Environment penvironment, InPort in, OutPort out, OutPort err)

Uses of InPort in gnu.q2.lang

Methods in gnu.q2.lang with parameters of type InPort
 Lexer Q2.getLexer(InPort inp, SourceMessages messages)
static java.lang.Object Q2Read.readObject(InPort port)

Constructors in gnu.q2.lang with parameters of type InPort
Q2Read(InPort port)
Q2Read(InPort port, SourceMessages messages)

Uses of InPort in gnu.xquery.lang

Methods in gnu.xquery.lang with parameters of type InPort
 Lexer XQuery.getLexer(InPort inp, SourceMessages messages)

Constructors in gnu.xquery.lang with parameters of type InPort
XQParser(InPort port, SourceMessages messages, XQuery interp)

Uses of InPort in kawa

Methods in kawa with parameters of type InPort
static boolean language, Environment env, InPort inp, Consumer out, OutPort perr, url)
static java.lang.Throwable language, Environment env, InPort inp, Consumer out, OutPort perr, url, SourceMessages messages)
static java.lang.Throwable language, Environment env, InPort inp, OutPort pout, OutPort perr, SourceMessages messages)

Uses of InPort in kawa.lang

Methods in kawa.lang with parameters of type InPort
static Compilation port, SourceMessages messages)

Uses of InPort in kawa.standard

Methods in kawa.standard with parameters of type InPort
static java.lang.Object Scheme.eval(InPort port, Environment env)
          Evalutate Scheme expressions from stream.
static void load.loadSource(InPort port, Environment env, url)