Uses of Class

Packages that use IndirectableLocation
gnu.jemacs.buffer Provides various building blocks for building an Emacs-like text editor. 
gnu.mapping Supports Procedure, and various related classes needed at run-time by dynamically typed languages (such as Scheme and ECMAScript). 

Uses of IndirectableLocation in gnu.jemacs.buffer

Subclasses of IndirectableLocation in gnu.jemacs.buffer
 class BufferLocal
          A buffer-local variable (Location).

Uses of IndirectableLocation in gnu.mapping

Subclasses of IndirectableLocation in gnu.mapping
 class NamedLocation
          A Location that can be used as an entry in an Environment.
 class PlainLocation
 class SharedLocation
          A Location suitable when Environment or Location can be access by multiple threads.

Methods in gnu.mapping that return IndirectableLocation
static IndirectableLocation Location.make(java.lang.String name)
static IndirectableLocation Location.make(Symbol name)