Uses of Class

Packages that use OutPort
gnu.expr Supports Expression, and various related classes need to compile programming languages. 
gnu.kawa.functions Various core run-time functions and operators. 
gnu.kawa.xml Classes for using XML within Kawa. 
gnu.mapping Supports Procedure, and various related classes needed at run-time by dynamically typed languages (such as Scheme and ECMAScript). 
gnu.xml Utilities for working with XML. 
kawa Classes for user interaction with Kawa. 

Uses of OutPort in gnu.expr

Methods in gnu.expr with parameters of type OutPort
static boolean ModuleExp.evalModule(Environment env, CallContext ctx, Compilation comp, url, OutPort msg)
 void ExitExp.print(OutPort out)
 void CatchClause.print(OutPort out)
 void ReferenceExp.print(OutPort ps)
 void ClassExp.print(OutPort out)
 void IfExp.print(OutPort out)
 void ApplyExp.print(OutPort out)
 void BeginExp.print(OutPort out)
 void LambdaExp.print(OutPort out)
 void SetExp.print(OutPort out)
 void ModuleExp.print(OutPort out)
 void TryExp.print(OutPort ps)
 void LetExp.print(OutPort out)
 void LangExp.print(OutPort out)
 void SynchronizedExp.print(OutPort ps)
 void ErrorExp.print(OutPort out)
 void QuoteExp.print(OutPort out)
 void FluidLetExp.print(OutPort out)
 void BlockExp.print(OutPort out)
abstract  void Expression.print(OutPort ps)
 void LetExp.print(OutPort out, java.lang.String startTag, java.lang.String endTag)
 void Declaration.printInfo(OutPort out)
 void Expression.printLineColumn(OutPort out)
          Print line and column number if specified.

Uses of OutPort in gnu.kawa.functions

Methods in gnu.kawa.functions with parameters of type OutPort
static void Format.format(OutPort dst, java.lang.Object[] args, int arg_offset)
 void DisplayFormat.writeList(LList value, OutPort out)

Uses of OutPort in gnu.kawa.xml

Methods in gnu.kawa.xml with parameters of type OutPort
static HttpPrinter HttpPrinter.make(OutPort out)

Constructors in gnu.kawa.xml with parameters of type OutPort
HttpPrinter(OutPort out)

Uses of OutPort in gnu.mapping

Subclasses of OutPort in gnu.mapping
 class CharArrayOutPort
          Similar to CharArrayWriter.

Fields in gnu.mapping declared as OutPort
protected  OutPort TtyInPort.tie

Methods in gnu.mapping that return OutPort
static OutPort OutPort.errDefault()
static OutPort OutPort.openFile(java.lang.Object fname)
static OutPort OutPort.outDefault()

Methods in gnu.mapping with parameters of type OutPort
static void OutPort.setErrDefault(OutPort e)
static void OutPort.setOutDefault(OutPort o)

Constructors in gnu.mapping with parameters of type OutPort
Future(Procedure action, Environment penvironment, InPort in, OutPort out, OutPort err)
OutPort(OutPort out, boolean autoflush)
RunnableClosure(Procedure action, Environment penvironment, InPort in, OutPort out, OutPort err)
TtyInPort( in, Path name, OutPort tie)
TtyInPort( in, Path name, OutPort tie)

Uses of OutPort in gnu.xml

Subclasses of OutPort in gnu.xml
 class XMLPrinter
          Print an event stream in XML format on a PrintWriter.

Methods in gnu.xml with parameters of type OutPort
static XMLPrinter XMLPrinter.make(OutPort out, java.lang.Object style)

Constructors in gnu.xml with parameters of type OutPort
XMLPrinter(OutPort out, boolean autoFlush)

Uses of OutPort in gnu.xquery.util

Fields in gnu.xquery.util declared as OutPort
static OutPort Debug.tracePort

Uses of OutPort in kawa

Subclasses of OutPort in kawa
 class ReplPaneOutPort
          A Writer that appends its output to a ReplPane.

Methods in kawa that return OutPort
 OutPort ReplPane.getStderr()
 OutPort ReplPane.getStdout()

Methods in kawa with parameters of type OutPort
static Consumer Shell.getOutputConsumer(OutPort out)
          Return a Consumer that formats using the appropriate format.
static void Shell.printError(java.lang.Throwable ex, SourceMessages messages, OutPort perr)
static boolean language, Environment env, InPort inp, Consumer out, OutPort perr, url)
static java.lang.Throwable language, Environment env, InPort inp, Consumer out, OutPort perr, url, SourceMessages messages)
static java.lang.Throwable language, Environment env, InPort inp, OutPort pout, OutPort perr, SourceMessages messages)