Uses of Class

Packages that use Procedure0
gnu.expr Supports Expression, and various related classes need to compile programming languages. 
gnu.jemacs.buffer Provides various building blocks for building an Emacs-like text editor. 
gnu.kawa.functions Various core run-time functions and operators. 
gnu.kawa.reflect Contains classes to use reflection. 
kawa Classes for user interaction with Kawa. 
kawa.lang Core Kawa classes for Scheme and Lisp compile-time. 

Uses of Procedure0 in gnu.expr

Subclasses of Procedure0 in gnu.expr
 class AccessExp
          A common super-type for ReferenceExpa and SetExp.
 class ApplyExp
          This class is used to represent "combination" or "application".
 class BeginExp
          This class represents a sequence of Expressions.
 class BlockExp
          Class used to implement a block that can be exited.
 class CatchClause
          A "catch" clause of a "try-catch" form.
 class ClassExp
 class ErrorExp
          Class used to mark an erroneous expression
 class ExitExp
          Expression to exit a lexically surrounding block.
 class Expression
          Abstract class for syntactic forms that evaluate to a value.
 class FluidLetExp
          Class used to implement "fluid-let" for Scheme and "let" for Emacs.
 class IfExp
          This class represents a conditional.
 class LambdaExp
          Class used to implement Scheme lambda expressions.
 class LangExp
          A language-specific expression.
 class LetExp
          Class used to implement "let" syntax (and variants) for Scheme.
 class ModuleBody
          Class for the dummy top-level function of a module.
 class ModuleExp
          Class used to implement Scheme top-level environments.
 class ModuleWithContext
 class ObjectExp
 class QuoteExp
          An Expression that evaluates to a constant value.
 class ReferenceExp
          This class represents a variable reference (an identifier).
 class ScopeExp
          Abstract class for expressions that add local variable bindings.
 class SetExp
          An Expression to set (bind) or define a new value to a named variable.
 class SynchronizedExp
 class ThisExp
          Evaluates to the "this" implicit variable.
 class TryExp
          This class represents try/catch/finally.

Uses of Procedure0 in gnu.jemacs.buffer

Subclasses of Procedure0 in gnu.jemacs.buffer
 class InfProcessMode
          Inferior process (external command) mode.
 class Mode
          Represents a "mode instance" - a mode active for a specific Buffer.
 class ProcessMode
 class ReplMode
 class TelnetMode

Uses of Procedure0 in gnu.kawa.functions

Subclasses of Procedure0 in gnu.kawa.functions
 class ConstantFunction0
          A 0-argument function that returns a constant value.
 class GetModuleClass
          Special procedure to get the Class of the current module.

Uses of Procedure0 in gnu.kawa.reflect

Subclasses of Procedure0 in gnu.kawa.reflect
 class StaticGet

Uses of Procedure0 in kawa

Subclasses of Procedure0 in kawa
 class TelnetRepl

Uses of Procedure0 in kawa.lang

Subclasses of Procedure0 in kawa.lang
 class PatternScope
          Bindings from a syntax-case/syntax-rules pattern.
 class TemplateScope
          A scope created when expanding a SyntaxTemplate.