Uses of Class

Packages that use PropertySet
gnu.expr Supports Expression, and various related classes need to compile programming languages. 
gnu.jemacs.buffer Provides various building blocks for building an Emacs-like text editor. 
gnu.kawa.functions Various core run-time functions and operators. 
gnu.kawa.reflect Contains classes to use reflection. 
gnu.kawa.xml Classes for using XML within Kawa. 
gnu.mapping Supports Procedure, and various related classes needed at run-time by dynamically typed languages (such as Scheme and ECMAScript). 
gnu.q2.lang Support for the experimental Q2 language. 
kawa Classes for user interaction with Kawa. 
kawa.lang Core Kawa classes for Scheme and Lisp compile-time. 
kawa.standard Primitive Scheme syntax and functions. 

Uses of PropertySet in gnu.brl

Subclasses of PropertySet in gnu.brl
 class random

Uses of PropertySet in gnu.ecmascript

Subclasses of PropertySet in gnu.ecmascript
 class BinaryOp

Uses of PropertySet in gnu.expr

Subclasses of PropertySet in gnu.expr
 class AccessExp
          A common super-type for ReferenceExpa and SetExp.
 class ApplyExp
          This class is used to represent "combination" or "application".
 class BeginExp
          This class represents a sequence of Expressions.
 class BlockExp
          Class used to implement a block that can be exited.
 class BuiltinEnvironment
          An Environment containing the default bindings for the current Language.
 class CatchClause
          A "catch" clause of a "try-catch" form.
 class ClassExp
 class ErrorExp
          Class used to mark an erroneous expression
 class ExitExp
          Expression to exit a lexically surrounding block.
 class Expression
          Abstract class for syntactic forms that evaluate to a value.
 class FluidLetExp
          Class used to implement "fluid-let" for Scheme and "let" for Emacs.
 class GenericProc
          A collection of MethodProcs; one is chosen at apply time.
 class IfExp
          This class represents a conditional.
 class LambdaExp
          Class used to implement Scheme lambda expressions.
 class LangExp
          A language-specific expression.
 class LetExp
          Class used to implement "let" syntax (and variants) for Scheme.
 class ModuleBody
          Class for the dummy top-level function of a module.
 class ModuleExp
          Class used to implement Scheme top-level environments.
 class ModuleMethod
          Call a specified method in in a ModuleBody.
 class ModuleWithContext
 class ObjectExp
 class PrimProcedure
          A primitive Procedure implemented by a plain Java method.
 class QuoteExp
          An Expression that evaluates to a constant value.
 class ReferenceExp
          This class represents a variable reference (an identifier).
 class ScopeExp
          Abstract class for expressions that add local variable bindings.
 class SetExp
          An Expression to set (bind) or define a new value to a named variable.
 class SynchronizedExp
 class ThisExp
          Evaluates to the "this" implicit variable.
 class TryExp
          This class represents try/catch/finally.

Uses of PropertySet in gnu.jemacs.buffer

Subclasses of PropertySet in gnu.jemacs.buffer
 class InfProcessMode
          Inferior process (external command) mode.
 class Mode
          Represents a "mode instance" - a mode active for a specific Buffer.
 class ProcessMode
 class ReplMode
 class SelfInsertCommand
 class TelnetMode

Uses of PropertySet in gnu.kawa.functions

Subclasses of PropertySet in gnu.kawa.functions
 class AddOp
          Implement the Scheme standard functions "+" and "-".
 class AppendValues
 class Apply
          Implement the standard Scheme function "apply".
 class ApplyToArgs
          Implement the standard Scheme function "apply".
 class ArrayRef
 class ConstantFunction0
          A 0-argument function that returns a constant value.
 class Convert
 class CountValues
          Return the number of values in the argument.
 class DivideOp
          Implement the Scheme standard function "/".
 class Format
 class GetModuleClass
          Special procedure to get the Class of the current module.
 class GetNamedInstancePart
          The value of the Kawa Scehem expression '*:PART-NAME'.
 class GetNamedPart
          Procedure to get the value of a named component of an object.
 class IsEq
          Implement the standard Scheme function eq? and the Lisp eq.
 class IsEqual
          Implement the standard Scheme procedure equal? and the Lisp equal.
 class IsEqv
          Implement that standard Scheme function "eqv?".
 class MakeList
          Implement the Scheme standard function "list".
 class MakeProcedure
 class MultiplyOp
          Implement the Scheme standard function "*".
 class NumberCompare
          This implements the numeric comparison relations: <, <=, etc.
 class ParseFormat
 class SetNamedPart
          Procedure to get the value of a named component of an object.
 class Setter
          Implements Kawa extension function "setter", as in SRFI-17.
 class ValuesMap
          Map a function over a value sequence, yielding a new sequence.

Uses of PropertySet in gnu.kawa.reflect

Subclasses of PropertySet in gnu.kawa.reflect
 class ArrayGet
 class ArrayLength
 class ArrayNew
 class ArraySet
 class ClassMethods
 class InstanceOf
 class Invoke
 class SlotGet
 class SlotSet
 class StaticGet
 class StaticSet
 class TypeSwitch
          Implement 'typeswitch' (as in XQuery) or 'typecase'.

Uses of PropertySet in gnu.kawa.servlet

Subclasses of PropertySet in gnu.kawa.servlet
 class GetRequest
          A 0-argument function that returns the current ServletRequest.
 class GetResponse
          A 0-argument function that returns the current ServletResponse.

Uses of PropertySet in gnu.kawa.xml

Subclasses of PropertySet in gnu.kawa.xml
 class AncestorAxis
          Used to implement a ancestor:: step in a path expression.
 class AncestorOrSelfAxis
          Used to implement a ancestor-or-self:: step in a path expression.
 class AttributeAxis
          Used to implement an attribute:: step in a path expression.
 class Attributes
 class ChildAxis
          Used to implement a child:: step in a path expression.
 class Children
 class CoerceNodes
          Coerces an item sequence to a node sequence.
 class CommentConstructor
 class DescendantAxis
          Used to implement a descendant:: step in a path expression.
 class DescendantOrSelfAxis
          Used to implement a descendant-or-self:: step in a path expression.
 class DocumentConstructor
 class FollowingAxis
          Used to implement a following:: step in a path expression.
 class FollowingSiblingAxis
          Used to implement a following-sibling:: step in a path expression.
 class IntersectNodes
          Get the union of two node lists.
 class IteratorItems
 class ListItems
          A function that maps a List into the sequence of its elements.
 class MakeAttribute
 class MakeCDATA
 class MakeElement
 class MakeProcInst
 class MakeResponseHeader
          A procedure that implements the "response-header" function.
 class MakeText
 class MakeUnescapedData
 class MakeWithBaseUri
          A Procedure to create an included entity object, or set the base-uri property for a document or fragment.
 class NodeCompare
          Compare nodes for document order.
 class NodeConstructor
 class OutputAsXML
          A 1-argument Procedure that takes a value and return output in XML syntax.
 class ParentAxis
          Used to implement a parent:: step in a path expression.
 class PrecedingAxis
          Used to implement a following:: step in a path expression.
 class PrecedingSiblingAxis
          Used to implement a following-sibling:: step in a path expression.
 class SelfAxis
          Used to implement a self:: step in a path expression.
 class SortNodes
          Sort argument nodes in document order.
 class TreeScanner
          Abstract class that scans part of a node tree.
 class UnionNodes
          Get the union of two node lists.
 class WriteTo
          Write a value to a named file.

Uses of PropertySet in gnu.mapping

Subclasses of PropertySet in gnu.mapping
 class Environment
          A mapping from EnvironmentKey to Locations.
 class InheritingEnvironment
 class LocationProc
          A Procedure that evaluates to the value of a Location.
 class MethodProc
          Similar to a CLOS method.
 class Procedure
          The abstract parent for all Scheme functions.
 class Procedure0
          Abstract class for 0-argument procedures.
 class Procedure0or1
          Abstract class for 0- or 1-argument Scheme procedures.
 class Procedure1
          Abstract class for 1-argument Scheme procedures.
 class Procedure1or2
          Abstract class for 1- or 2-argument Scheme procedures.
 class Procedure2
          Abstract class for 2-argument Scheme procedures.
 class Procedure3
          Abstract class for 3-argument Scheme procedures..
 class Procedure4
          Abstract class for 4-argument Scheme procedures.
 class ProcedureN
          Abstract class for "N-argument" Scheme procedures, where N>4 or variable.
 class Setter0
          A special case of Setter, retricted to no arguments, except the RHS.
 class Setter1
          A special case of Setter, retricted to one argument (plus the RHS).
 class SimpleEnvironment
          Concrete implementation of Environment.

Uses of PropertySet in gnu.q2.lang

Subclasses of PropertySet in gnu.q2.lang
 class Q2Apply

Uses of PropertySet in gnu.xquery.util

Subclasses of PropertySet in gnu.xquery.util
 class ArithOp
 class Average
 class BooleanValue
 class CastableAs
 class CastAs
 class Compare
          Compares two values (or sequences) according to XPath semantics.
 class IntegerRange
 class ItemAt
          Returns a value at a given index in a sequence of values.
 class NumberValue
 class OrderedMap
          A procedure used to represent a FLWOR expression with an order by clause.
 class RelativeStep
          Implements XPath path expression.
 class SubList
          Extracts a sub-range from a value sequence.
 class ValuesEvery
          Used to implement 'some - satisfies' and 'every - satisfies'.
 class ValuesFilter

Uses of PropertySet in kawa

Subclasses of PropertySet in kawa
 class repl
          Start a "Read-Eval-Print-Loop" for the Kawa Scheme evaluator.
 class TelnetRepl

Uses of PropertySet in kawa.lang

Subclasses of PropertySet in kawa.lang
 class AutoloadProcedure
          Implement autoloading of Procedures.
 class Continuation
          A Continuation "represents an entire (default) future for the computation.
 class Eval
 class GetFieldProc
 class PatternScope
          Bindings from a syntax-case/syntax-rules pattern.
 class RecordConstructor
 class SetFieldProc
 class SyntaxRules
 class TemplateScope
          A scope created when expanding a SyntaxTemplate.

Uses of PropertySet in kawa.standard

Subclasses of PropertySet in kawa.standard
 class append
          Implement the Scheme standard function "append".
 class call_with_values
 class callcc
          Implement the Scheme standard function "call-with-current-continuation".
 class expt
          Implement the standard Scheme procedure "expt".
 class load
 class make
 class map
          Implement the Scheme standard functions "map" and "for-each".
 class not
          Implement the standard Scheme procedure "not".
 class prim_throw
 class readchar
 class throw_name
 class TracedProcedure
          A TracedProcedure is a Procedure wrapper that writes trace output.
 class vector_append
          Implement the Scheme extended function "vector-append".