Uses of Class

Packages that use Symbol
gnu.expr Supports Expression, and various related classes need to compile programming languages. 
gnu.jemacs.buffer Provides various building blocks for building an Emacs-like text editor. 
gnu.kawa.functions Various core run-time functions and operators. 
gnu.kawa.lispexpr Support classes for compiling and running Lisp languages. 
gnu.kawa.reflect Contains classes to use reflection. 
gnu.kawa.xml Classes for using XML within Kawa. 
gnu.mapping Supports Procedure, and various related classes needed at run-time by dynamically typed languages (such as Scheme and ECMAScript). 
gnu.xml Utilities for working with XML. 
kawa.lang Core Kawa classes for Scheme and Lisp compile-time. 
kawa.standard Primitive Scheme syntax and functions. 

Uses of Symbol in gnu.commonlisp.lang

Fields in gnu.commonlisp.lang declared as Symbol
static Symbol Lisp2.TRUE

Methods in gnu.commonlisp.lang that return Symbol
protected  Symbol Lisp2.fromLangSymbol(java.lang.Object obj)
static Symbol Symbols.getSymbol(Environment env, java.lang.Object sym)
static Symbol Symbols.getSymbol(java.lang.Object sym)

Methods in gnu.commonlisp.lang with parameters of type Symbol
protected  void Lisp2.defun(Symbol sym, java.lang.Object value)
static java.lang.Object Lisp2.getString(Symbol symbol)
          Get a string for a given symbol.

Uses of Symbol in gnu.expr

Subclasses of Symbol in gnu.expr
 class Keyword

Methods in gnu.expr that return Symbol
 Symbol Keyword.asSymbol()
          Get the corresponding non-keyword symbol.
 Symbol Language.getSymbol(java.lang.String name)

Methods in gnu.expr with parameters of type Symbol
 NamedLocation BuiltinEnvironment.addLocation(Symbol name, java.lang.Object prop, Location loc)
 void BuiltinEnvironment.define(Symbol key, java.lang.Object property, java.lang.Object newValue)
 NamedLocation BuiltinEnvironment.getLocation(Symbol key, java.lang.Object property, int hash, boolean create)
 NamedLocation BuiltinEnvironment.lookup(Symbol name, java.lang.Object property, int hash)
 NamedLocation Language.lookupBuiltin(Symbol name, java.lang.Object property, int hash)

Uses of Symbol in gnu.jemacs.buffer

Methods in gnu.jemacs.buffer that return Symbol
 Symbol BufferLocal.getKeySymbol()

Methods in gnu.jemacs.buffer with parameters of type Symbol
static BufferLocal BufferLocal.make(Symbol symbol, boolean all)

Uses of Symbol in gnu.kawa.functions

Methods in gnu.kawa.functions with parameters of type Symbol
static java.lang.Object GetNamedPart.getNamedPart(java.lang.Object container, Symbol part)

Uses of Symbol in gnu.kawa.lispexpr

Fields in gnu.kawa.lispexpr declared as Symbol
static Symbol LispLanguage.lookup_sym
          Used for Kawa infix ':' operator.

Methods in gnu.kawa.lispexpr that return Symbol
protected  Symbol LispLanguage.fromLangSymbol(java.lang.Object sym)
static Symbol LispLanguage.langSymbolToSymbol(java.lang.Object sym)
          Convert the Language's idea of a symbol to a gnu.mapping.Symbol.
 Symbol LispPackage.lookup(java.lang.String name, int hash, boolean create)
 Symbol LispPackage.lookupPresent(java.lang.String name, int hash, boolean intern)

Methods in gnu.kawa.lispexpr with parameters of type Symbol
 Expression LispLanguage.checkDefaultBinding(Symbol name, Translator tr)
          If a symbol is lexically unbound, look for a default binding.
 void LispPackage.shadowingImport(Symbol symbol)
 boolean LispPackage.unintern(Symbol symbol)

Uses of Symbol in gnu.kawa.reflect

Methods in gnu.kawa.reflect with parameters of type Symbol
static StaticFieldLocation StaticFieldLocation.define(Environment environ, Symbol sym, java.lang.Object property, java.lang.String cname, java.lang.String fname)

Uses of Symbol in gnu.kawa.xml

Fields in gnu.kawa.xml declared as Symbol
static Symbol ElementType.MATCH_ANY_QNAME

Methods in gnu.kawa.xml that return Symbol
 Symbol KNode.getNodeSymbol()
          The Data Model's node-name accessor.
static Symbol MakeElement.getTagName(ApplyExp exp)

Methods in gnu.kawa.xml with parameters of type Symbol
static ElementType ElementType.make(Symbol qname)
static AttributeType AttributeType.make(Symbol qname)

Constructors in gnu.kawa.xml with parameters of type Symbol
AttributeType(java.lang.String name, Symbol qname)
AttributeType(Symbol qname)
ElementType(java.lang.String name, Symbol qname)
ElementType(Symbol qname)

Uses of Symbol in gnu.kawa.xslt

Fields in gnu.kawa.xslt declared as Symbol
static Symbol XSLT.nullMode

Methods in gnu.kawa.xslt with parameters of type Symbol
static void XSLT.applyTemplates(java.lang.String select, Symbol mode)
static void XSLT.defineApplyTemplate(java.lang.String pattern, double priority, Symbol mode, Procedure template)
static void XSLT.defineCallTemplate(Symbol name, double priority, Procedure template)
static void XSLT.defineTemplate(Symbol name, java.lang.String pattern, double priority, Symbol mode, Procedure template)

Constructors in gnu.kawa.xslt with parameters of type Symbol
TemplateTable(Symbol mode)

Uses of Symbol in gnu.mapping

Subclasses of Symbol in gnu.mapping
 class SimpleSymbol
          A Symbol in the EmptyNamespace.

Fields in gnu.mapping declared as Symbol
static Symbol Symbol.FUNCTION
          Conventional value used as a property key for function bindings.
static Symbol PropertySet.nameKey
static Symbol Symbol.PLIST
          Conventional value used as a Symbol name to access an Object's property list.

Methods in gnu.mapping that return Symbol
 Symbol Namespace.add(Symbol sym, int hash)
static Symbol Namespace.getDefaultSymbol(java.lang.String name)
 Symbol KeyPair.getKeySymbol()
 Symbol Symbol.getKeySymbol()
 Symbol Location.getKeySymbol()
 Symbol NamedLocation.getKeySymbol()
 Symbol ThreadLocation.getKeySymbol()
 Symbol EnvironmentKey.getKeySymbol()
 Symbol IndirectableLocation.getKeySymbol()
 Symbol ConstrainedLocation.getKeySymbol()
 Symbol Namespace.getSymbol(java.lang.String key)
          Get a Symbol matching the given name.
 Symbol Environment.getSymbol(java.lang.String name)
 Symbol Namespace.lookup(java.lang.String key)
          Get a Symbol matching the given name.
 Symbol Namespace.lookup(java.lang.String key, int hash, boolean create)
protected  Symbol Namespace.lookupInternal(java.lang.String key, int hash)
static Symbol Symbol.make(java.lang.Object namespace, java.lang.String name)
          Find or create a symbol in a specificed namespace.
static Symbol Symbol.make(java.lang.String uri, java.lang.String name, java.lang.String prefix)
          Find or create a symbol in a specificed namespace.
static Symbol Symbol.makeUninterned(java.lang.String name)
static Symbol Symbol.makeWithUnknownNamespace(java.lang.String local, java.lang.String prefix)
          Make a placeholder symbol with a known prefix and unknown namespace-uri.
static Symbol Symbol.parse(java.lang.String symbol)
          Parse a String as a Symbol.

Methods in gnu.mapping with parameters of type Symbol
 Symbol Namespace.add(Symbol sym, int hash)
 NamedLocation SimpleEnvironment.addLocation(Symbol name, java.lang.Object property, Location loc)
abstract  NamedLocation Environment.addLocation(Symbol name, java.lang.Object prop, Location loc)
protected  NamedLocation SimpleEnvironment.addUnboundLocation(Symbol name, java.lang.Object property, int hash)
 NamedLocation SimpleEnvironment.define(Symbol sym, java.lang.Object property, int hash, java.lang.Object newValue)
 void SimpleEnvironment.define(Symbol sym, java.lang.Object property, java.lang.Object newValue)
abstract  void Environment.define(Symbol key, java.lang.Object property, java.lang.Object newValue)
static boolean Symbol.equals(Symbol sym1, Symbol sym2)
 java.lang.Object Environment.get(Symbol sym)
 java.lang.Object Environment.get(Symbol key, java.lang.Object property, java.lang.Object defaultValue)
 java.lang.Object Environment.getFunction(Symbol sym)
 java.lang.Object Environment.getFunction(Symbol key, java.lang.Object defaultValue)
static ThreadLocation ThreadLocation.getInstance(Symbol name, java.lang.Object property)
          For a given (Symbol.
 Location Environment.getLocation(Symbol key)
          Return a location bound to key (and null property).
 Location Environment.getLocation(Symbol key, java.lang.Object property)
          Return a location bound to (key, property).
 NamedLocation Environment.getLocation(Symbol name, java.lang.Object property, boolean create)
 NamedLocation InheritingEnvironment.getLocation(Symbol name, java.lang.Object property, int hash, boolean create)
 NamedLocation SimpleEnvironment.getLocation(Symbol name, java.lang.Object property, int hash, boolean create)
abstract  NamedLocation Environment.getLocation(Symbol key, java.lang.Object property, int hash, boolean create)
 boolean Environment.isBound(Symbol key)
 boolean Environment.isBound(Symbol key, java.lang.Object property)
static java.lang.Object SimpleEnvironment.lookup_global(Symbol name)
 Location Environment.lookup(Symbol key)
 Location Environment.lookup(Symbol key, java.lang.Object property)
          Return a location bound to (key, property).
 NamedLocation InheritingEnvironment.lookup(Symbol name, java.lang.Object property, int hash)
 NamedLocation SimpleEnvironment.lookup(Symbol name, java.lang.Object property, int hash)
abstract  NamedLocation Environment.lookup(Symbol name, java.lang.Object property, int hash)
 NamedLocation SimpleEnvironment.lookupDirect(Symbol name, java.lang.Object property, int hash)
 NamedLocation InheritingEnvironment.lookupInherited(Symbol name, java.lang.Object property, int hash)
static IndirectableLocation Location.make(Symbol name)
static LocationProc LocationProc.makeNamed(Symbol name, Location loc)
static ThreadLocation ThreadLocation.makePrivate(Symbol name)
 boolean KeyPair.matches(Symbol symbol, java.lang.Object property)
 boolean Symbol.matches(Symbol symbol, java.lang.Object property)
 boolean NamedLocation.matches(Symbol symbol, java.lang.Object property)
 boolean EnvironmentKey.matches(Symbol symbol, java.lang.Object property)
 void Environment.put(Symbol key, java.lang.Object newValue)
 void SimpleEnvironment.put(Symbol key, java.lang.Object property, java.lang.Object newValue)
 void Environment.put(Symbol key, java.lang.Object property, java.lang.Object newValue)
 void Environment.putFunction(Symbol key, java.lang.Object newValue)
protected  void SimpleEnvironment.redefineError(Symbol name, java.lang.Object property, Location loc)
 boolean Namespace.remove(Symbol symbol)
 void Environment.remove(Symbol sym)
 java.lang.Object Environment.remove(Symbol symbol, java.lang.Object property)
 java.lang.Object Environment.remove(Symbol key, java.lang.Object property, int hash)
          Remove Location from this Environment and undefine it.
 void Environment.removeFunction(Symbol sym)
 Location SimpleEnvironment.unlink(Symbol symbol, java.lang.Object property, int hash)
 Location Environment.unlink(Symbol key, java.lang.Object property, int hash)
          Remove Location from this Environment.

Constructors in gnu.mapping with parameters of type Symbol
KeyPair(Symbol name, java.lang.Object property)
NamedLocation(Symbol name, java.lang.Object property)
PlainLocation(Symbol symbol, java.lang.Object property)
PlainLocation(Symbol symbol, java.lang.Object property, java.lang.Object value)
SharedLocation(Symbol symbol, java.lang.Object property, int timestamp)
ThreadLocation(Symbol name, java.lang.Object property, Location global)

Uses of Symbol in gnu.xml

Subclasses of Symbol in gnu.xml
 class XName
          A QName with namespace nodes [and future optional type annotation].

Methods in gnu.xml with parameters of type Symbol
static java.lang.String XMLFilter.duplicateAttributeMessage(Symbol attrSymbol, java.lang.Object elementName)

Constructors in gnu.xml with parameters of type Symbol
XName(Symbol symbol, NamespaceBinding namespaceNodes)

Uses of Symbol in gnu.xquery.lang

Methods in gnu.xquery.lang that return Symbol
 Symbol XQuery.getSymbol(java.lang.String name)
protected  Symbol XQParser.namespaceResolve(java.lang.String name, boolean function)

Methods in gnu.xquery.lang with parameters of type Symbol
 Expression XQResolveNames.checkPragma(Symbol name, Expression contents)
static java.lang.Object XQuery.getExternal(Symbol name, java.lang.Object type)
 void XQParser.handleOption(Symbol name, java.lang.String value)
static Declaration XQResolveNames.makeBuiltin(Symbol name, int code)
          Create a Declaration for a builtin function.

Uses of Symbol in gnu.xquery.util

Fields in gnu.xquery.util declared as Symbol
 Symbol XQException.code
static Symbol NodeUtils.collectionResolverSymbol
          Symbol used to bind a collection resolver.
static Symbol XQException.FOER0000_QNAME

Methods in gnu.xquery.util that return Symbol
static Symbol QNameUtils.makeQName(java.lang.Object paramURI, java.lang.String paramQName)
          This implements the fn:QName standard function.

Methods in gnu.xquery.util with parameters of type Symbol
static void XQException.error(Symbol error)

Constructors in gnu.xquery.util with parameters of type Symbol
XQException(Symbol code, java.lang.String description, java.lang.Object errorValue)

Uses of Symbol in kawa.lang

Methods in kawa.lang that return Symbol
static Symbol Quote.makeSymbol(Namespace ns, java.lang.Object local)
 Symbol Translator.namespaceResolve(Expression context, Expression member)
 Symbol Translator.namespaceResolve(Namespace ns, Expression member)

Methods in kawa.lang with parameters of type Symbol
 boolean Translator.matches(java.lang.Object form, SyntaxForm syntax, Symbol literal)

Constructors in kawa.lang with parameters of type Symbol
NamedException(Symbol name, java.lang.Object[] args)

Uses of Symbol in kawa.standard

Methods in kawa.standard that return Symbol
 Symbol Scheme.asSymbol(java.lang.String ident)

Methods in kawa.standard with parameters of type Symbol
 Expression Scheme.checkDefaultBinding(Symbol symbol, Translator tr)
          If a symbol is lexically unbound, look for a default binding.