Uses of Class

Packages that use Numeric
gnu.jemacs.lang Contains classes to implement the Emacs Lisp language. 
gnu.kawa.functions Various core run-time functions and operators. 
gnu.kawa.xml Classes for using XML within Kawa. 
gnu.math Supports various numeric types, including complex numbers, efficient bignums, exact rational numbers, units. 
kawa.standard Primitive Scheme syntax and functions. 

Uses of Numeric in gnu.commonlisp.lang

Methods in gnu.commonlisp.lang that return Numeric
static Numeric CommonLisp.asNumber(java.lang.Object arg)

Uses of Numeric in gnu.jemacs.lang

Methods in gnu.jemacs.lang that return Numeric
static Numeric ELisp.asNumber(java.lang.Object arg)

Uses of Numeric in gnu.kawa.functions

Methods in gnu.kawa.functions that return Numeric
static Numeric Arithmetic.asNumeric(java.lang.Object value)

Uses of Numeric in gnu.kawa.xml

Subclasses of Numeric in gnu.kawa.xml
 class XInteger
          An integer that is an instance of a more specific integer type.

Uses of Numeric in gnu.math

Subclasses of Numeric in gnu.math
 class BaseUnit
          A primitive Unit of measurement (such as a meter).
 class CComplex
          General Cartesian Complex number.
 class Complex
 class CQuantity
          General Cartesian Complex quantity.
 class DateTime
          Represents a date and/or time.
 class DComplex
          A complex number using rectangular (Cartesian) plain double values.
 class DFloNum
 class DQuantity
          A Quantity represented as the product of a plain double and a Unit.
 class Duration
 class IntFraction
          Implementation of exact rational numbers a ratio of two IntNums.
 class IntNum
          A class for infinite-precision integers.
 class NamedUnit
          A Unit that has a name.
 class Quantity
          A quantity with a unit.
 class RatNum
          The abstract class of rational numbers.
 class RealNum
 class Unit

Methods in gnu.math that return Numeric
 Numeric Quantity.abs()
 Numeric RealNum.abs()
abstract  Numeric Numeric.abs()
 Numeric Complex.abs()
 Numeric Numeric.add(java.lang.Object obj)
 Numeric DateTime.add(java.lang.Object y, int k)
 Numeric Quantity.add(java.lang.Object y, int k)
 Numeric IntFraction.add(java.lang.Object y, int k)
 Numeric DComplex.add(java.lang.Object y, int k)
 Numeric IntNum.add(java.lang.Object y, int k)
abstract  Numeric RealNum.add(java.lang.Object obj, int k)
 Numeric DQuantity.add(java.lang.Object y, int k)
 Numeric DFloNum.add(java.lang.Object y, int k)
abstract  Numeric Numeric.add(java.lang.Object obj, int k)
          Return this + k * obj.
 Numeric Duration.add(java.lang.Object y, int k)
 Numeric Complex.add(java.lang.Object y, int k)
 Numeric DateTime.addReversed(Numeric x, int k)
 Numeric Quantity.addReversed(Numeric x, int k)
 Numeric IntFraction.addReversed(Numeric x, int k)
 Numeric DQuantity.addReversed(Numeric x, int k)
 Numeric DFloNum.addReversed(Numeric x, int k)
 Numeric Numeric.addReversed(Numeric x, int k)
          Calculate x+k&this.
 Numeric Complex.addReversed(Numeric x, int k)
 Numeric Numeric.div_inv()
          Return the multiplicative inverse.
 Numeric Quantity.div(java.lang.Object y)
 Numeric IntFraction.div(java.lang.Object y)
 Numeric DComplex.div(java.lang.Object y)
 Numeric IntNum.div(java.lang.Object y)
abstract  Numeric RealNum.div(java.lang.Object obj)
 Numeric DQuantity.div(java.lang.Object y)
 Numeric DFloNum.div(java.lang.Object y)
abstract  Numeric Numeric.div(java.lang.Object obj)
 Numeric Duration.div(java.lang.Object y)
 Numeric Complex.div(java.lang.Object y)
 Numeric Quantity.divReversed(Numeric x)
 Numeric IntFraction.divReversed(Numeric x)
 Numeric DQuantity.divReversed(Numeric x)
 Numeric DFloNum.divReversed(Numeric x)
 Numeric Numeric.divReversed(Numeric x)
 Numeric Complex.divReversed(Numeric x)
 Numeric Numeric.mul_ident()
          Return the multiplicative identity.
 Numeric Quantity.mul(java.lang.Object y)
 Numeric IntFraction.mul(java.lang.Object y)
 Numeric DComplex.mul(java.lang.Object y)
 Numeric IntNum.mul(java.lang.Object y)
abstract  Numeric RealNum.mul(java.lang.Object obj)
 Numeric DQuantity.mul(java.lang.Object y)
 Numeric DFloNum.mul(java.lang.Object y)
abstract  Numeric Numeric.mul(java.lang.Object obj)
 Numeric Duration.mul(java.lang.Object y)
 Numeric Complex.mul(java.lang.Object y)
 Numeric Quantity.mulReversed(Numeric x)
 Numeric IntFraction.mulReversed(Numeric x)
 Numeric DQuantity.mulReversed(Numeric x)
 Numeric DFloNum.mulReversed(Numeric x)
 Numeric Numeric.mulReversed(Numeric x)
 Numeric Duration.mulReversed(Numeric x)
 Numeric Complex.mulReversed(Numeric x)
 Numeric Quantity.neg()
 Numeric IntFraction.neg()
 Numeric DComplex.neg()
 Numeric IntNum.neg()
 Numeric DFloNum.neg()
abstract  Numeric Numeric.neg()
 Numeric Complex.neg()
 Numeric Unit.power(IntNum y)
 Numeric IntNum.power(IntNum y)
 Numeric DFloNum.power(IntNum y)
 Numeric RatNum.power(IntNum y)
 Numeric Numeric.power(IntNum y)
          Return this raised to an integer power.
 Numeric Numeric.sub(java.lang.Object obj)

Methods in gnu.math with parameters of type Numeric
 Numeric DateTime.addReversed(Numeric x, int k)
 Numeric Quantity.addReversed(Numeric x, int k)
 Numeric IntFraction.addReversed(Numeric x, int k)
 Numeric DQuantity.addReversed(Numeric x, int k)
 Numeric DFloNum.addReversed(Numeric x, int k)
 Numeric Numeric.addReversed(Numeric x, int k)
          Calculate x+k&this.
 Numeric Complex.addReversed(Numeric x, int k)
 int Quantity.compareReversed(Numeric x)
 int IntFraction.compareReversed(Numeric x)
 int DFloNum.compareReversed(Numeric x)
 int Numeric.compareReversed(Numeric x)
 Numeric Quantity.divReversed(Numeric x)
 Numeric IntFraction.divReversed(Numeric x)
 Numeric DQuantity.divReversed(Numeric x)
 Numeric DFloNum.divReversed(Numeric x)
 Numeric Numeric.divReversed(Numeric x)
 Numeric Complex.divReversed(Numeric x)
 Numeric Quantity.mulReversed(Numeric x)
 Numeric IntFraction.mulReversed(Numeric x)
 Numeric DQuantity.mulReversed(Numeric x)
 Numeric DFloNum.mulReversed(Numeric x)
 Numeric Numeric.mulReversed(Numeric x)
 Numeric Duration.mulReversed(Numeric x)
 Numeric Complex.mulReversed(Numeric x)

Uses of Numeric in gnu.xquery.lang

Methods in gnu.xquery.lang that return Numeric
static Numeric XQuery.asNumber(java.lang.Object arg)

Uses of Numeric in kawa.standard

Methods in kawa.standard that return Numeric
static Numeric expt.expt(java.lang.Object arg1, java.lang.Object arg2)