Class RelativeStepFilter

  extended by gnu.lists.FilterConsumer
      extended by gnu.xquery.util.RelativeStepFilter
All Implemented Interfaces:
Consumer, PositionConsumer, java.lang.Appendable

public class RelativeStepFilter
extends FilterConsumer
implements PositionConsumer

Used to filter the output of RelativeStep. Atomic values are passed though as-is, while node values are sorted by document order and duplicates removed. An exception is thrown if there is a mix of atoms and nodes. Informally: E1/E2 is implemented as: RelativeStepFilter(for $dot in E1 return E2).

Field Summary
Fields inherited from class gnu.lists.FilterConsumer
attributeType, base, inAttribute, skipping
Constructor Summary
RelativeStepFilter(Consumer base)
Method Summary
protected  void beforeContent()
 void consume(SeqPosition position)
          Consume node at current position.
 void finish()
 void writeObject(java.lang.Object v)
 void writePosition(AbstractSequence seq, int ipos)
          Consume a single position pair.
Methods inherited from class gnu.lists.FilterConsumer
append, append, append, endAttribute, endDocument, endElement, ignoring, startAttribute, startDocument, startElement, write, write, write, write, writeBoolean, writeDouble, writeFloat, writeInt, writeLong
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public RelativeStepFilter(Consumer base)
Method Detail


public void consume(SeqPosition position)
Description copied from interface: PositionConsumer
Consume node at current position. The caller may invalidate or change the position after consume returns, so if the consumer wants to save it, it needs to copy it.

Specified by:
consume in interface PositionConsumer


public void writeObject(java.lang.Object v)
Specified by:
writeObject in interface Consumer
writeObject in class FilterConsumer


protected void beforeContent()
beforeContent in class FilterConsumer


public void writePosition(AbstractSequence seq,
                          int ipos)
Description copied from interface: PositionConsumer
Consume a single position pair. This PositionConsumer may assume the sequence does no reference management; i.e. that copyPos is trivial and releasePos is a no-op. If that is not the case, use consume(TreePosition) instead.

Specified by:
writePosition in interface PositionConsumer


public void finish()