Code generation

A Compilation object manages the classes, methods, and temporary state generated as a result of compiling a single top-level ModuleExp.

class Compilation
{ ...;
  ClassType[] classes;
  boolean immediate;
  public ClassType addClass
    (LambdaExp lexp, String name)
  { ... }
  public ClassType(ModuleExp exp, ...)
  { ...; addClass (exp, ...); }

Each Compilation may create one or more ClassType objects, each of which generates the bytecodes for one class. Each ClassType is generated from a LambdaExp, including the top ModuleExp. The boolean immediate is true if we are compiling for immediate loading, and is false if the target is one or more .class files.

The addClass method does all the work to compile a given LambdaExp. It creates a ClassType, adds it to Compilation's classes array, and generates Method objects for the constructor and the main applyX method. Once the applyX Method has been created, addClass emits some bytecodes to set up the incoming parameters, and then invokes the virtual compile method on the body of the LambdaExp, which generates the code that does the actual work of the procedure.

The Compilation constructor gets a ModuleExp, which it passes to addClass. The compile method of LambdaExp (which gets called for all lambdas except the dummy top-level) also calls addClass to generate the class corresponding to the lambda, and then it emits instructions to create a new instance of the generated Procedure class, and pushes it on the Java stack.


Most operations in the Java VM leave their result on the VM stack, where they are available for succeeding operations. The obvious and general way to compile an expression is therefore to generate bytecode instructions that leave the result (in the form of a Object reference) on the stack. This handles most cases quite well, but we can do better. We specify a Target parameter when invoking the compile method; the Target specifies where to leave the result.

public abstract class Target
{ ...;
  public abstract void compileFromStack
    (Compilation comp, Type stackType);
  public static final Target Ignore
  = new IgnoreTarget();

An Expression's compile method does not have to handle all the kinds of Targets, as long as it can generate code to leave the result on the VM stack, and then invoke compileFromStack, which is responsible for moving the result to the actual target.

The simplest Target is an IgnoreTarget. It is used when the result of an expression will be ignored, but we still need to evaluate it for possible side-effects. The implementation of IgnoreTarget.compileFromStack just emits an instruction to pop a value from the VM stack. Expressions that have no side-effects can check if the target is an IgnoreTarget, and then immediately return. This saves a useless push-pop pair.

The usual Target is an StackTarget. This specifies that an expression should leave the result on the VM stack. Normally, the type of the result is Object, but a StackTarget can specify some other expected type, when that can be determined. The implementation of StackTarget.compileFromStack is also trivial: If the type of the result on the stack is a sub-type of the expected target type, nothing needs to be done; otherwise, it generates code to do the type conversion.

Things get more interesting when we come to ConditionalTarget.

public class ConditionalTarget
    extends Target
{ ...;
  public Label ifTrue, ifFalse;

A ConditionalTarget is used when compiling the test expression in a conditional. The expression is evaluated as a boolean value; if the result is true, control transfers to ifTrue; otherwise control transfers to ifFalse. Using ConditionalTarget makes it straight-forward to generate optimal code for nested conditionals, including and and or macros, and (when inlining) functions such as not and eq?.

The bytecode package

The ClassType and Method classes are in a separate gnu.bytecode package, which is an intermediate-level interface to code generation and Java .class files. It is essentially independent of Scheme or the rest of Kawa.

class ClassType extends Type
{ ...;
  CpoolEntry[] constant_pool;
  Method methods; // List of methods.
  Field fields; // List of fields.
  public Field addField
    (String name, Type type, int flags)
  { ...Create new field... }
  public method addMethod(String name,...)
  { ...Create new method... }
  public void writeToStream
    (OutputStream stream) { ... }
  public void writeToFile(String filename)
  { ... }
  public byte[] writeToArray()
  { ... }

The ClassType class is the main class of the bytecode package. It manages a list Fields, a list of Methods, and the constant pool. There are utility methods for adding new fields, methods, and constant pool entries.

When the ClassType has been fully built, the writeToFile method can be used to write out the contents into a file. The result has the format of a .class file [JavaVMSpec]. Alternatively, the class can be written to an internal byte array (that has the same layout as a .class file) using the writeToArray method. The resulting byte array may be used by a ClassLoader to define a new class for immediate execution. Both of the these methods are implemented on top of the more general writeToStream.

Each method is represented by a Method object.

class Method implements AttrContainer
{ ...;
  Type[] arg_types;
  Type return_type;
  Attribute attributes;

An AttrContainer is an object that contains zero or more Attributes. The Java .class file format is quite extensible. Much of the information is stored in named attributes. There are standard attributes, but an application can also define new ones (that are supposed to be ignored by applications that do not understand them). Each class file may have a set of top-level attributes. In addition, each field and method may have attributes. Some standard attributes may have nested sub-attributes.

public abstract class Attribute
{ ...;
  AttrContainer container;
  String name;

An Attribute's container specifies who owns the attribute. The attribute also has a name, plus methods to gets its size, write it out, etc.

The most interesting (and large) standard Attribute occurs in a method and has the name "Code". It contains the actual bytecode instructions of a non-native non-abstract method, and we represent it using CodeAttr.

class CodeAttr extends Attribute
{ ...;
  Variable addLocal(Type t, String name)
  { ... }
  public void emitLoad(Variable var)
  { ... }
  public void emitPushInt(int i)
  { ... }
  public void putLineNumber(int lineno)
  { ... }

As an example of the level of functionality, emitPushInt compiles code to push an integer i on stack. It selects the right instruction, and if i is too big for one of the instructions that take an inline value, it will create a constant pool entry for i, and push that.

The method addLocal creates a new local variable (and makes sure debugging information is emitted for it), while emitLoad pushes the value of the variable on the stack.

Kawa calls putLineNumber to indicate that the current location corresponds to a given line number. These are emitted in the .class file, and most Java interpreters will use them when printing a stack trace.

We use gnu.bytecode mainly for generating .class files, but it also has classes to read .class files, and also classes to print a ClassType in readable format. The combination makes for a decent Java dis-assembler.

There are other toolkits for creating or analyzing .class files, but gnu.bytecode was written to provide a lot of support for code generation while having little overhead. For example, some assemblers represent each instruction using an Instruction instance, whereas CodeAttr just stores all the instruction in a byte array. Using a linked list of Instructions may be more “object-oriented”, and it does make it easier to do peep-hole optimizations, but the time and space overhead compared to using an array of bytes is huge. (If you do need to do peephole optimizations, then it makes sense to use a doubly-linked list of Instructions, but to use that in conjunction with CodeAttr. You will in any case want a byte-array representation for input and output.)


A Scheme quoted form or self-evaluating form expands to a QuoteExp. Compiling a QuoteExp would seem a trivial exercise, but it is not. There is no way to embed (say) a list literal in Java code. Instead we create a static field in the top-level class for a each (different) QuoteExp in the body we are compiling. The code compiled for a QuoteExp then just needs to load the value from the corresponding static field. The tricky part is making sure that the static field gets initialized when the top-level class is loaded to the value of the literal. This is easy when compiling for immediate execution: after the compiled class has been loaded and initialized, we use reflection to set the field to the literal value. When compiling to a class file, things are harder.

The basic idea is that for:

(define (foo) '(3 . 4))

we compile the equivalent of:

class foo extends Procedure0
  Object static lit1
    = Pair.make(IntNum.make(3),
  public Object apply0()
  { return lit1; }

When the compiled class foo is loaded, we do:

Class fooCl = Class.forName("foo");
Procedure fooPr
  = (Procedure) fooCl.newInstance ();
// Using foo:
Object result = fooPr.apply0 ();

How does the Kawa compiler generate the appropriate Pair.make expression as shown above? In earlier versions of Kawa, a class whose instances could be literals implemented the Compilable interface. Then the compiler just called the methods in Compilable, and these would generate the code needed to re-create the literal. This had the advantage that the compiler was not limited to a few classes of literals it knew about. One problem is that it caused cross-package dependencies, since any class that could be a literal has to implement gnu.expr.Compilable. Another problem was that writing the Compilable methods required knowing how gnu.bytecode works.

The key insight is that saving compile-time literals and then restoring them at run-time is a kind of “object persistence”, similar to that offered by Java serialization. One option considered was to use standard serialization, but that required some way to store the serialized data in a class file. The article Long-Term Persistence for JavaBeans suggested an alternative. I realized that using Externalizable classes provided the more abstract serialization we needed.

Let us start with a summary: An object that can be a literal must implement the interface. When the compiler need to generate a reference to a literal value, it calls the object's writeExternal method. The writeExternal method expects an argument that implements the interface. The actual argument is a LitTable object owned by the compiler. A writeExternal method can call the standard ObjectOutput methods, such as writeObject, writeInt, and so on. The LitTable remembers the values that were passed to it in these writeObject, writeInt, etc calls, and creates an “argument list” from those values. When the writeExternal returns, the LitTable will take the argument list, and look for a matching constructor in the literal's class, using reflection. It will also look for methods named make or set. If found, the compiler will generate a call to the matching method. Simple values in the argument list will be pushed on the JVM stack directly; object references will use values generated using previous calls to writeExternal.

Here are more details on how the compiler selects which method to invoke to re-create an object. If the compiler detects a recursive writeObject call with the object as an argument while writeExternal is called on the object, then the object cyclically references itself. In that case, the compiler must take care to construct the object so that the cycle gets reproduced at run-time. This is done by first generating a call to the default constructor, and saving the result in a static field. The argument list is evaluated, with recursive references using the saved static field. Then we call a method to properly initialize the object using the evaluated argument list. The compiler looks for a method named set with a parameter list matching the argument list. If there is no such method, the compiler gives up. (In the future, we could use JavaBeans introspection, or look for a Java2 ObjectStreamField to determine how to set the properties.)

If an object does not have a cycle, the compiler first looks for a matching static method named make. If it does not find one, it looks a matching constructor. In the latter case, the compiler must also check to see if there is a zero-argument readResolve method, which Java 2 serialization uses to replace an object by a canonical object. (Kawa does not require Java 2, but LitTable does respect this Java 2 extension to serialization.) As a last resort, the compiler looks for a default constructor followed by set, as in the cycle case.

The writeExternal method of some classes may generate a variable number of values. Therefore, if a constructor or method takes an array parameter, then LitTable will consider it as matching the argument list if the latter contains an int (written using writeInt) followed by that number of arguments of the component type of the array. (One could argue that this feature is an unneeded kludge, since there is the alternative that writeExternal could just call writeObject with a single array argument, instead of calling writeObject a variable number of times. However, that would expose the internal array into the externalization protocol, which is wrong.)

Advantages of this implementation include:

  • No explicit dependency on any class in the the gnu.expr package. All a class needs to be used in literals is to implement Externalizable, and provide a matching method for creating object instances.

  • No need to write special code to handle literals.

  • Literals are re-created using efficient code at class initialization time.

  • Automatically handles cycles and duplicate references. (Standard Scheme does not support self-referential constants, but for example Common Lisp does. See section 25.1.4 “Similarity of Constants” in [CommonLisp2].)

  • Only requires standard JDK 1.1 features.