Installation instructions

Chapter 4. Installation instructions

These are the generic installation instructions for the K Desktop Environment. Please complement your reading with the READMEs and INSTALLs that come along with the package. Please read them carefully and try to help yourself out if anything goes wrong. If you need further assistance, consider joining the KDE mailing lists (see our web site instructions for joining the KDE mailing lists) or newsgroups.

4.1. To the would-be converts
4.2. What kind of hardware do I need to run KDE ?
4.3. Available package formats
4.4. Prerequisites
4.5. Description of the base packages
4.6. Installation instructions for the different package formats
4.7. Post-installation procedures
4.8. Should I remove old version xyz before installing a new one?
4.9. How do I start KDE?
4.10. Is it possible to install KDE in a user folder?
4.11. startkde fails with can not connect to X server. What is wrong?
4.12. KDE on AIX?
4.13. KDE on a laptop?
4.14. I do not like the default KDE folder after installation. How do I move it without breaking anything?
4.15. What files can I delete from my KDE install folder? Can all the *.h, *.c and *.o files be safely removed?
4.16. Will I lose my current settings when I upgrade KDE?
4.17. I upgraded KDE and it seemed to go fine, but when I start it, I get a blank gray screen, and nothing happens. There are errors in the console about DCOPserver. What's going on?
4.18. Compiling kdebase gives me a bin/sh: msgfmt: command not found error!
4.19. How do I uninstall KDE applications compiled from source?
4.20. What is up with GIF support?

To the would-be converts

So you have heard the rumors. Or you have seen the screenshots. And you are dying to get hold of KDE. But you know next to nothing about this whole “alternative OS” business. Don't worry! You only need to do some (well, maybe not some) reading, that's all!

KDE does not run on any version of Microsoft® Windows® or OS/2 (yet). To run KDE, you need to have a UNIX® system. Please refer to Q: 2.2 for more details.

Decide on a platform and set it up for your system. This FAQ can not help you with this, since KDE runs on many UNIX® platforms.

Finally, you are ready to commence the KDE installation. Please start reading from the next section. To get KDE, please refer to Q: 3.1. Last but not least, if you encounter any problems while installing KDE, please do not hesitate to make use of the KDE mailing lists and newsgroups. But do bear this in mind: no question is too silly to ask, but some are too silly to answer, especially when they are already answered in this FAQ.

Good luck and have fun!


What kind of hardware do I need to run KDE ?

To run KDE it is recommended that you have at least a pentium II processor, 64MB of memory and 500MB of free disk space for a basic installation. While KDE may run on slower configurations than this, performance can be severely impaired. Generally, if your computer runs an X-Server already with other desktop environments or window managers it's probably fast enough to run KDE.


Available package formats

You can find several kinds of binary and source packages for different distributions and operating systems on the The binary packages are not made by the KDE Team, but by the distributors themselves, or some dedicated individuals. Please refer to KDE Package Policy Explained for information about the KDE Package Policy. The only “official” release is the source tar.bz2 packages. Please refer to the READMEs and INSTALLs in the several binaries folders. For a list of the available packages for a release, refer to the relevant info page. For the latest release this is the KDE 3.4.1 Info Page.



For KDE 3.4.1, you need the Qt™ library version 3.3 or greater. Please make sure you download the correct Qt™. You will also need the header files, if you want to compile KDE yourself. They are all available, at no cost, from In addition, there are optional libraries that might improve KDE if installed on your system. An example is OpenSSL which will enable Konqueror to browse web pages securely and is needed in a version >=0.9.6. These should be provided by your distributor; if not, ask for an update.


Description of the base packages

The base distribution currently consists of twenty packages. Some are required, while others are optional. Each package is available in each of the aforementioned package formats.



This package contains shared libraries that are needed by all KDE applications.



This package contains the base applications that form the core of the K Desktop Environment like the window manager, the terminal emulator, the control center, the file manager, and the panel.



The aRts sound server. A powerful, network transparent sound server.



Various plugins for Kate, Kicker, KNewsTicker, Konqueror and Noatun



Additional wallpapers, themes, styles, sounds ...



Various bindings for other languages, including Java™, Perl, Python, ...



Various games like KMahjongg, KSnake, KAsteroids, and KPatience.



Various graphics-related programs like PostScript® previewer, DVI previewer, and a drawing program.



Various desktop tools like a calculator, an editor and other nifty stuff.



Multimedia applications like a CD player and a mixer.



Network applications. Currently contains the instant messaging client Kopete, the download manager KGet, and several other network-related programs.



Personal information management tools. Contains the email client KMail, the newsreader KNode and other related programs.



System administration programs.



Educational and entertaining applications for KDE's younger users.



KDE accessibility programs such as a screen magnifier and speech synthesizer front end.






A complete Integrated Development Environment for KDE and Qt



Web development applications. Contains such applications as Quanta, an integrated web development environment and other applications useful in web development



KDE Software Development Kit. Contains a collection of applications and tools used by KDE Developers.

aRts and then kdelibs should be installed before everything else, and kdeaddons last. The other packages can be installed in any arbitrary order.

Most package management tools will let you put all these packages in one folder and install them all at once, figuring out the dependencies as they go.


Installation instructions for the different package formats


Please do not forget to read the README and INSTALL files if they are available.

Installation of the Debian packages

The Debian packages install in accordance with the upcoming FHS (File Hierarchy Standard).

  1. become superuser

  2. run dpkg -i packagename.deb for every package you want to install.

Installation of the RPM packages

Procedure 4.2. To install binary RPMs

  1. become superuser

  2. execute rpm -ivh packagename.rpm

Installation of the source .tar.bz2 files

Since there are always changes and updates to the way KDE is compiled, please refer to Download and Install from Source for the most up to date installation instructions for the source packages.

The general approach should work in most cases though.

The source .tar.bz2 package installs into /usr/local/kde by default. You can override this setting by using the --prefix option of the configure script.

  1. unpack the packages with tar jxvf packagename.tar.bz2

  2. change folder to the package folder: cd packagename

  3. configure the package: ./configure


    Some packages (notably kdebase) have special configuration options that might be applicable to your installation. Type ./configure --help to see the available options.

  4. build the package: make

  5. install the package: su -c "make install" (if you aren't already root). If you already are, just type make install.


Post-installation procedures

First of all, please make sure that you have added KDE's binary installation folder (e.g. /usr/local/kde/bin) to your PATH and KDE's library installation folder to your LD_LIBRARY_PATH (only necessary on systems that do not support rpath; on Linux® ELF, it should work without). This environment variable may be called differently on some systems, e.g. it is called SHLIB_PATH on IRIX®. Then set the environment variable KDEDIR to the base of your KDE tree, e.g. /usr/local/kde.


Please bear in mind that it is unwise to set LD_LIBRARY_PATH blindly. In the vast majority of cases it is unnecessary and can do more harm than good. There is a web page written by Dave Barr explaining the evils of LD_LIBRARY_PATH and it can be found at

Even though you can use most of the KDE applications simply by calling them, you can only benefit fully from KDE's advanced features if you use the KDE window manager and its helper programs.

In order to make it easy for you, we have provided a simple script called startkde which gets installed in $KDEDIR/bin and is therefore in your path.

Edit the file .xinitrc in your home folder (make a backup copy first!), remove everything that looks like calling a window manager, and insert startkde instead. Restart the X-Server. If you use kdm/xdm, you will have to edit the file .xsession instead of .xinitrc. And if there is no .xinitrc or .xsession in your home folder, simply create a new one with just one line containing startkde.


Some systems (notably Red Hat® Linux®) use .Xclients instead.

This should present you with a new shining KDE desktop. You can now start to explore the wonderful world of KDE. In case you want to read some documentation first, there is a highly recommended Quick Start guide available. Furthermore, every application has an online help that is available via the help menu.


Should I remove old version xyz before installing a new one?

In principle, this is not necessary. RPM and Debian packages should take care of all dependencies.

If you compile the source code yourself, you should take more care. Instructions for running two different versions of KDE on the same system are given at However, please note that running two different versions of KDE from source can lead to problems if you are not careful.


How do I start KDE?

The most comfortable method to start KDE is to use the startkde script. Simply put the line startkde at the end of your .xsession file (or your .xinitrc or .Xclients file if you are not using kdm or xdm). Please also remove the lines that start your previous window manager. If there is no .xsession, .xinitrc, or .Xclients in your home folder, simply create a new one that contains just one line: startkde.


Is it possible to install KDE in a user folder?

Yes, you can install KDE in any folder you want. What you have to do depends on the kind of packages you want to install:

Procedure 4.4. Source packages

  1. Configure and install the package using configure --prefix=/users/myhome/kde; make; make install to install into /users/myhome/kde.

  2. Add the following to your init files. Please note that if it is not necessary for you to set LD_LIBRARY_PATH, it is better to leave it out.

    For csh or tcsh:

    setenv KDEDIR /users/myhome/kde
    if ( $?LD_LIBRARY_PATH ) then
       setenv LD_LIBRARY_PATH $KDEDIR/lib
    if ( ! $?LIBRARY_PATH ) then

    For bash:


Procedure 4.5. RPM packages

  • rpm allows you to use the --prefix option to select the folder you want to install to. For example, executing rpm -i --prefix=/users/myhome/kde package.rpm will install the package to /users/myhome/kde.


Although KDE will run from a user folder, there are some problems with programs that require suid root, e.g. the programs in the kdeadmin package. But since they are not meant to be run by users in the first place, this is nothing to worry about.

However, on systems using shadow passwords, the screensavers have to be suid root to enable password access for unlocking the screen, so this option will not work.


startkde fails with can not connect to X server. What is wrong?

You probably tried to start the X server with startkde. The X server is started with startx. startkde is the script that should be run from your .xinitrc, .xsession, or .Xclients to activate the window manager and the necessary server daemons for KDE. See also Q: 4.9.


KDE on AIX®?

IBM now officially support KDE on AIX®. You can find details at There is also some older information at


KDE on a laptop?

If you can get X Window System® to run on your laptop, you should not have any problem getting KDE to run on it. In addition, you might find the following links helpful:


I do not like the default KDE folder after installation. How do I move it without breaking anything?

Assuming the default is /opt/kde and you want to move it to /usr/local/kde, here's what you have to do:

  1. change to superuser if you aren't already

  2. mv /opt/kde /usr/local/kde

  3. ln -s /usr/local/kde /opt/kde

This will put all your KDE files in /usr/local/kde but everything is still accessible from /opt/kde.


What files can I delete from my KDE install folder? Can all the *.h, *.c and *.o files be safely removed?

There should not be any need to keep the .c and .o files, but you might want to keep the .h files, as they are used by includes if you ever want to compile your own KDE programs. But if you wish to add patches to the source programs as they become available (rather than downloading everything again), then they should stay.


Will I lose my current settings when I upgrade KDE?

No. In most cases KDE will be able to transport your settings intact. You may need to reenter passwords in some applications (such as KMail or KNode) but most other settings will be safe.

There were mixed reports of results between some previous versions of KDE. To be safe, you may like to back up your entire KDE configuration.

Settings are kept in the $HOME/.kde or $HOME/.kde2 subfolder in your home folder. Copy your old .kde/.kde2 folder to a backup location, install KDE 3.2, and then copy back any necessary mail and news settings. That said, most people can make a direct upgrade, without removing the old .kde folder, without a hitch.

You can override the use of $HOME/.kde by setting the $KDEHOME variable.


I upgraded KDE and it seemed to go fine, but when I start it, I get a blank gray screen, and nothing happens. There are errors in the console about DCOPserver. What's going on?

KDE uses several temporary files during its operation. These are usually to be found in the following locations:

  • ~/.DCOPserver-* (there are usually two of these; one is a symlink to the other)

  • ~/.kde/socket-hostname

  • ~/.kde/tmp-hostname which is normally a symlink to the next file:

  • /tmp/tmp-kde-USER

  • ~/.kde/socket-hostname which is also normally a symlink to:

  • /tmp/ksocket-USER

If the symlinks get broken, usually because a cron or shutdown script is emptying out the /tmp folder, then strange things will happen. These files, and the symlinks, will all be created automatically at the start of KDE so you can safely remove them while KDE is not running.

If you are only getting a gray screen when you start KDE, or if you get an error message telling you to Check your installation, then shut down X and delete all the files listed above, then try to restart X.

Normally (i.e. when not upgrading between KDE versions) it's quite safe to leave these files intact, and you may shave a few seconds off your KDE startup time by doing so.


Compiling kdebase gives me a bin/sh: msgfmt: command not found error!

You need the GNU msgfmt which is part of the GNU i18n package gettext. You should be able to download it from any GNU mirror.


How do I uninstall KDE applications compiled from source?

You can uninstall your programs by typing make uninstall in the folder where you did make install. If you have already deleted that folder, then there is only one way, and it is not good: go to $KDEDIR/bin and start deleting files one by one.

If you expect to find yourself in this situation, you might want to consider a program such as GNU stow, found at


What is up with GIF support?

This has to do with issues with Unisys' LZW patent. GIF support is turned off from Qt™ 1.44 onwards by default. When you want to use GIFs and have the relevant license, recompile Qt™ with GIF support. ./configure -gif.
