Asking Questions

Chapter 18. Asking Questions

Chances are, you have been linked to this document from IRC or a mailing list. You've asked a question, and someone has told you that you need to learn how to ask more effectively. In order to get an appropriate, clear answer you need to ask an appropriate, clear question in a manner that's going to provide an incentive for people to take their time to help you. If you appear to be rude, lazy or use bad or unclear language then chances are your question will be ignored

18.1. What do I do before I ask?
18.2. Where do I ask?
18.3. How do I ask?
18.4. What do I do when told to look elsewhere?

What do I do before I ask?

Read the documentation and FAQ for the application. There is a wealth of KDE documentation availible both in the help center and online. A lot of time and effort has gone into this documentation, and quite often the answer to your question is here. The general KDE userguide can be found by typing help:/userguide into your Konqueror addressbar.

Search the web: Usually googling for a specific error message or searching mailing list archives can come up with a solution for you.

Try it and see! Look through all the application options, read the What's this? and tooltips for the ones you're not sure about. If you're really unsure about an option save your data and then try it. As long as you use some common sense, you are very unlikely to break anything by clicking buttons.

Above all, don't be lazy. If you show the people who you are asking that you are able to troubleshoot and research in a logical manner, you're showing them you're a reasonable person who is worth their time to help. It's your problem and not theirs so the legwork is yours to do. Save your helpers as much time as you can, they're busy people.


Where do I ask?

Usually the best place to ask a question is on the IRC channels and mailing lists devoted to user questions. Don't post simple questions about using KDE to the devel channels and mailing lists, these are for technical discussions. Some good places are #kde on, and the KDE mailing lists.


How do I ask?

Try to word your questions in a manner that gives the most information possible and is polite and courteous. Don't ask to ask, just ask!

Q: KDE sucks, it's being slow

Is not a question that is likely to get you a useful answer. It does not give any useful information about troubleshooting the problem, and it starts out attacking the software in a way that isn't productive.

Q: Since upgrading KDE on Slackware Linux® from version 3.2.3 to 3.3.2 using sources, I have noticed it's being really slow — sometimes applications take up to 20 seconds to launch. I am using the same user configuration as I had with the previous version, and I have tried creating a new user — but that account has the same problem. I can't find anything about this on the mailing lists or by a google search. Could anyone point me to some information that could help?

This question is polite, contains information to help people troubleshoot the problem and shows your helpers what avenues you have already tried. Not only does this make their job easier, but saves you the frustration of being told to try all the possible solutions you've already gone through.

Don't assume automatically that the problem is the fault of KDE. Proceed as though this is your error, otherwise you will quickly annoy people if it does indeed turn out to be your problem and not KDE.

Use clear language with correct spelling. Watch out for any ambiguities and make sure you think about what you say before you write it. If you are asked for clarification, give it as best you can. KDE is a project where many of the users and developers are not native english speakers and if you don't use correct english, misunderstandings may ensue. Use the language appropriate to the channel or mailing list you are in — if you don't, people who might have been able to help you may ignore your message because it is not in a language they understand.

Include all information that could be relevant, even if you're not sure. Have you upgraded other software or hardware on your system, particularly system libraries or a new kernel? These things could affect how KDE performs. Even if you cannot see a link, someone else might.

Don't paraphrase error messages. Paste in the exact error, and if it's more than a line or two don't paste them directly into an IRC channel. Use a paste service like If you must type them in by hand, be sure you are 100% accurate. When you provide incorrect information, your helpers cannot help you as easily.

Follow up on your solution! Tell us if it worked, or if you have solved it yourself in the meantime. This helps us know for sure if our solution worked, and helps other users who may be searching mailing list archives for a solution to the problem themselves.


What do I do when told to look elsewhere?

When you're told “google knows” or “google is your friend” then chances are, you have not followed the above advice. You've not done your research, and the solution is probably one the helper knows very well to be easy to find. When you're linked to a FAQ or a usermanual please don't ever say, “No, I don't want to have to read this I want you to just tell me”. This is very bad manners. If you cannot put in the effort to read the document, what is the incentive for your helper to put in the time and effort to help you? If you're told to go use google, take it graciously and do so.

Above all, use common courtesy. KDE users and developers are usually volunteering their time out of an already very busy schedule, and like to know that you are appreciating that they are helping you for free. Be polite, say please and thank you and try to be pleasant and friendly.

Does this seem like a lot of trouble to ask a question? If you want to be able to feel that people owe you an answer or support, then you're quite welcome to pay for commercial support from companies that support KDE on UNIX® platforms. If you don't want to pay money, then pay the people who do this for free with your politeness and appreciation :)

If you think the answer to your question should be included in the KDE FAQ please feel free to submit any patches or suggestions to the KDE FAQ Maintainer, at
