Logging out

Chapter 7. Logging out

Table of Contents

Session Management

We sincerely hope that using KDE gives you so much fun and pleasure that you never want to log out. But if you do, simply choose K menu->Logout.

There is also a logout button directly on the panel, which looks like a small power button. Or you can press Ctrl+Alt+Delete to log out.

Session Management

When you log out, KDE can remember which applications you had open, as well as where all the windows were located, so that it can open them for you the next time you log in. This feature is termed Session Management. KDE-aware applications will restore themselves to the state they were in when you logged out. For example, Kate remembers which files you were editing.

Non-KDE applications do not memorize their state on logout, and KDE will warn you to make sure that you have saved any important data in them when you start to log out.

To illustrate session management, choose K menu->Editors->Kate to start Kate. Open a text document to edit. Now log out and back in. You will observe that Kate will be restored to the exact same position on the screen, including the right virtual desktop, and the document we left open in Kate before we logged out is opened again automatically. Kate will even remember whether you had unsaved changes to your document before you logged out and will save them to the file you were working on if you choose Save from the File menu.
