An icon theme contains the images used to represent actions, files,
devices, and applications. Managing icon themes is easily done through the Icons
module in the KDE Control Center. Simply select the icon theme you want to use and
click on to switch to the new theme. To install new
icon themes, all you need to do is to click on and browse to the location of the icon theme archive. There
is no need to extract the contents of the archive into a directory. In fact, the
Icons module only accepts archived icon themes. To remove an icon theme, simply
select the theme from the list and click on .
Note that you cannot remove the icon theme that you are currently using. You
need to switch to some other theme before the current one will become removable.
You also cannot remove icon themes that were installed by the administrator
) or by your distribution's
package manager.
Other icon themes can be found in the Icon Themes subsection of