Splash Screen

Splash Screen

The default KDE splash screen

The default KDE splash screen

The splash screen is the animated image or screen that is displayed while KDE loads after you log in. Each user can have a different splash screen. Changing the splash screen for the current user can be done in the Splash Screen module of the KDE Control Center. Select the splash screen you want to use and click on Apply. You can also test what a splash screen will look like by selecting the splash screen and clicking on Test. Installing a new splash theme is very easy. Just click on Add... and browse to the splash screen archive you want to add. There is no need to extract the contents of the archive. Removing splash screens is also easily done by selecting the splash screen and clicking on Remove. Note that you cannot remove splash screens installed by the administrator (root) or by your distribution's package manager.

Splash screen themes can be found on, in the Splash Screens section. Take note that some splash screens require a specific KSplash engine to be installed.
