5. Future Enhancements

5.1. Logging

Currently, the workflow portlet has no notion of logging other than the ability to review all of the tasks that a user has assigned to them or has completed. However, jBPM provides rather robust logging functionality so administrators/users can monitor every action that has ever been taken in a particular workflow.

The reason logging functionality has not been built out in the current release is because the Liferay development team is not sure what the most effective logging metrics would be to the end user. If you or your organization has logging requirements, please submit them to the Liferay Forums, and we will add logging functionality as we see fit.

5.2. Customizable Front-End

Though the workflow portlet’s strength is that it can provide a forms-based data entry application virtually on-the-fly, the forms are very plain and would not be suitable for an organization to roll-out for their end-users. To address this concern, the Liferay development team plans to create stylesheets and templates that can be applied to the forms. The functionality would be very similar to how XSL stylesheets are currently applied to numerous web applications. This enhancement would give organizations flexibility in layout and UI design of their forms.

5.3. File Upload Data Type

There have already been several requests to add a file data type to provide a means for users to upload files that are associated with workflow tasks. This will definitely be a future enhancement.