Chapter 7. FIFO Buffer

Table of Contents

kfifo interface

kfifo interface

__kfifo_reset — removes the entire FIFO contents, no locking version
kfifo_reset — removes the entire FIFO contents
kfifo_put — puts some data into the FIFO
kfifo_get — gets some data from the FIFO
__kfifo_len — returns the number of bytes available in the FIFO, no locking version
kfifo_len — returns the number of bytes available in the FIFO
kfifo_init — allocates a new FIFO using a preallocated buffer
kfifo_alloc — allocates a new FIFO and its internal buffer
kfifo_free — frees the FIFO
__kfifo_put — puts some data into the FIFO, no locking version
__kfifo_get — gets some data from the FIFO, no locking version