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  ANSI Common Lisp   4 Types and Classes   4.2 Types

4.2.1 Data Type Definition

Information about type usage is located in the sections specified in Figure 4.2.1 Data Type Definition. Figure 4.3 Classes lists some classes that are particularly relevant to the object system. Figure 9.1.1 Condition Types lists the defined condition types.

Cross-References to Data Type Information
Section Data Type
Section 4.3 Classes Object System types
Section 7.5 Slots Object System types
Chapter 7 Objects Object System types
Section 7.6 Generic Functions and Methods Object System types
Section 9.1 Condition System Concepts Condition System types
Chapter 4 Types and Classes Miscellaneous types
Chapter 2 Syntax All types - read and print syntax
Section 22.1 The Lisp Printer All types - print syntax
Section 3.2 Compilation All types - compilation issues

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