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  ANSI Common Lisp   2 Syntax   2.3 Interpretation of Tokens

2.3.1 Numbers as Tokens

When a token is read, it is interpreted as a number or symbol. The token is interpreted as a number if it satisfies the syntax for numbers specified in the next figure.

Syntax For Numeric Tokens
numeric-token ::= integer | ratio | float
integer ::= [sign] {decimal-digit}+ decimal-point | [sign] {digit}+
ratio ::= [sign] {digit}+ slash {digit}+
float ::= [sign] {decimal-digit}* decimal-point {decimal-digit}+ [exponent]| [sign] {decimal-digit}+ [decimal-point {decimal-digit}*] exponent
exponent ::= exponent-marker [sign] {digit}+
sign---a sign.
slash---a slash
decimal-point---a dot.
exponent-marker---an exponent marker.
decimal-digit---a digit in radix 10.
digit---a digit in the current input radix.  Potential Numbers as Tokens

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