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Allegro CL version 8.2
Unrevised from 8.1 to 8.2. Moderate update since 8.2 release.
8.1 version


Arguments: window maximized-size maximized-position minimum-tracking-size maximum-tracking-size

This generic function is called whenever a window is about to be resized interactively. An application may add track-limits methods to its window classes to constrain the minimum and maximum sizes to which the end user may resize various windows, as well as their positions and sizes when maximized.

It may be particularly useful to limit how small a user can resize a dialog, in order to prevent some widgets from either being clipped off the right or bottom edges of the dialog or being resized too small when their right-attachment is :right or :scale or their bottom-attachment is :bottom or :scale.

window is the window that is being resized. The other four arguments specify the constrained sizes and positions. Any track-limits method should return these four position objects, modified if desired as described below, as the four returned values from track-limits (in the same order as in the parameter list). That is, the final form in the body of a track-limits methods should be:

  maximized-size maximized-position 
  minimum-tracking-size maximum-tracking-size)

To constrain a window's size, a track-limits method should destructively modify these four position objects before returning them. When track-limits is entered, these four positions contain the default constraints from the operating system. These typically only limit a window from being resized too small to display the gadgets in the window's title bar.

maximized-size is a position where the x and y coordinates are the width and height that the window will have when it is maximized.

maximized-position is a position where the x and y coordinates are the position of the upper left corner of the window when it is maximized.

minimum-tracking-size is a position where the x and y coordinates indicate the minimum width and height to which the window may be resized by dragging its border. The resizing box will not be drawn smaller than this minimum, to visually indicate this constraint to the end user.

maximum-tracking-size is a position where the x and y coordinates indicate the maximum width and height to which the window may be resized by dragging its border. The resizing box will not be drawn larger than this maximum, to visually indicate this constraint to the end user.

track-limits is also called when resizing a window programmatically with (setf exterior) or resize-window. It is not called when a window is created, however, even though the OS defaults still apply at that time. So if an application needs to create a window that is larger than the OS default maximum (which is approximately the size of the screen), then the application should create the window in shrunk state, then resize it as desired, and then show it.

GTK Note

On GTK platforms (currently Linux and Mac OS X), it does not appear possible to constrain the interactive resizing of a top-level window dynamically using the track-limits approach. You can instead define minimum-width and minimum-height methods to control the minimum size, though those methods must return the minimum size of a window when the window is created, and that minimum size will be enforced thereafter whenever the user resizes the window.

Example using track-limits:

(in-package :cg-user)

;; Make a custom window subclass to test.
(defclass my-frame-window (frame-window)
    ;; Add a slot for remembering the window's original width.
    ((original-width :initform nil)))

;; Add a track-limits method to constrain interactive resizing.
(defmethod track-limits ((window my-frame-window)
                         maximized-size maximized-position
   ;; Call the default method to let it constrain the minimum 
   ;; tracking size of the window as usual.
   (multiple-value-setq (maximized-size maximized-position

   ;; Constrain the maximum tracking size to the 
   ;; window's original width
   ;; and an arbitrary height of 400.
   (let* ((max-width (slot-value window 'original-width)))
      ;; The first time that this is called, save the 
      ;; window's current width as the maximum width 
      ;; to use from now on.
      (unless max-width
         (setq max-width
           (setf (slot-value window 'original-width)
                 (exterior-width window))))
      ;; Destructively modify the maximum tracking 
      ;; width to be returned.
      (setf (position-x maximum-tracking-size) max-width)
      (setf (position-y maximum-tracking-size) 400))
   ;; Specify that when the window is maximized that it should
   ;; reach only to within 50 pixels of the edges of the screen.
   ;; Note that this size will be overridden by the more      
   ;; restrictive maximum tracking size above, so you may 
   ;; want to comment out the preceding section to demonstrate 
   ;; this maximized size.
   (setf (position-x maximized-position) 50)
   (setf (position-y maximized-position) 50)
   (setf (position-x maximized-size)
         (- (interior-width (screen *system*)) 100))
   (setf (position-y maximized-size)
         (- (interior-height (screen *system*)) 100))
   ;; Return all four of the position arguments to the caller.
   (values maximized-size maximized-position
     minimum-tracking-size maximum-tracking-size))

;; Make a sample window to test the above track-limits method.
;; Resize and and maximize the window interactively to 
;; see the constraints.
(make-window :my-frame-1
  :device 'my-frame-window
  :exterior (make-box 100 100 400 400)
  :title "Track-limits test")

Copyright (c) 1998-2012, Franz Inc. Oakland, CA., USA. All rights reserved.
Documentation for Allegro CL version 8.2. This page was not revised from the 8.1 page.
Created 2010.1.21.

Allegro CL version 8.2
Unrevised from 8.1 to 8.2. Moderate update since 8.2 release.
8.1 version