Allegro CL version 8.2
Unrevised from 8.1 to 8.2.
8.1 version

The shell module interface

This document contains the following sections:

1.0 Introduction
2.0 Operators, variables, and classes in the Shell module

1.0 Introduction

The shell module is intended to provide UNIX shell-like commands, such as you find on a modern UNIX system, and in addition shortcuts for some common Perl idioms.

This module does not provide functionality to spawn a shell (as older functions like run-shell-command and shell and newer ones like command-output do). Instead, many commands that are available in a shell are available in this module. These commands are available on UNIX and Windows and work in a uniform fashion whatever the actual operating system. No external programs are used to implement the functions in this module, and as a result security issues associated with executing external programs by spawning shells are finessed.

The shell module's package,, is autoloaded when referenced. The module name is shell. The module can be loaded by evaluating

(require :shell)

See also os-interface.htm, in particular The Operating System Interface (OSI) module in that document, for other operators releated to those described in this document.

2.0 Operators, variables, and classes in the Shell module







Arguments: regexp string &rest keys &key &allow-other-keys

Return t if the regular expression regexp matches string As a side-effect, set the $1...$9 variables to the corresponding group match. When there is no corresponding group match, the associated variable is set to nil. If regexp is a string, it is cached in case it is used repeatedly -- it will only be compiled once for consecutive calls to this function.

See `compile-regexp' for details on compilation of regular expressions.

The keywords accepted by match-regexp are accepted by this function.

For example:

(33): ( "\\([^.]+\\)\\.\\(.*\\)" "")




This variable is used by =~ and is set to a group match by that function (or to nil if there is no corresponding group match).

There are nine variables associated with =~. This is one. The other eight are: $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7, $8, and $9.




This variable is used by =~ and is set to a group match by that function (or to nil if there is no corresponding group match).

There are nine variables associated with =~. This is one. The other eight are: $1, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7, $8, and $9.




This variable is used by =~ and is set to a group match by that function (or to nil if there is no corresponding group match).

There are nine variables associated with =~. This is one. The other eight are: $1, $2, $4, $5, $6, $7, $8, and $9.




This variable is used by =~ and is set to a group match by that function (or to nil if there is no corresponding group match).

There are nine variables associated with =~. This is one. The other eight are: $1, $2, $3, $5, $6, $7, $8, and $9.




This variable is used by =~ and is set to a group match by that function (or to nil if there is no corresponding group match).

There are nine variables associated with =~. This is one. The other eight are: $1, $2, $3, $4, $6, $7, $8, and $9.




This variable is used by =~ and is set to a group match by that function (or to nil if there is no corresponding group match).

There are nine variables associated with =~. This is one. The other eight are: $1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $7, $8, and $9.




This variable is used by =~ and is set to a group match by that function (or to nil if there is no corresponding group match).

There are nine variables associated with =~. This is one. The other eight are: $1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $8, and $9.




This variable is used by =~ and is set to a group match by that function (or to nil if there is no corresponding group match).

There are nine variables associated with =~. This is one. The other eight are: $1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7, and $9.




This variable is used by =~ and is set to a group match by that function (or to nil if there is no corresponding group match).

There are nine variables associated with =~. This is one. The other eight are: $1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7, and $8.




Arguments: delimiter list

Join the elements of list together with delimiter. This function is shorthand for (list-to-delimited-string list delimiter) (see list-to-delimited-string).

For example:

cl-user(37): ( #\, '(1 2 3 4))




Arguments: regexp string &rest args &key &allow-other-keys

split is a synonym for the function split-regexp.

For example:

cl-user(38): ( "," "1,2,3,4")
("1" "2" "3" "4")




Arguments: &rest things

Concatenate objects into a simple-string. This function is similar to concatenate, except that conversion of pathnames, numbers and symbols is done automatically into a string. The conversion of these three types is done with princ-to-string. For example: (concat 1 2 3) will yield "123", whereas (concatenate 'simple-string 1 2 3) will signal an error.




Arguments: string-or-pathname &key &allow-other-keys

Expand string-or-pathname, a pathname or string, into a list of files matching the pattern in the argument. The call is equivalent to calling common-lisp:directory on string-or-pathname and signalling an error if it returns nil.

This function accepts the same keywords as common-lisp:directory and merely passes them onto directory.

See Pathname wildcard syntax in pathnames.htm for information on how wildcard characters (like * and ?) are handled.

For example:

cl-user(39): ( "*.cl") 
(#p"/stuff1/acl/acl70/src/" #p"/stuff1/acl/acl70/src/"
 #p"/stuff1/acl/acl70/src/" #p"/stuff1/acl/acl70/src/"
 #p"/stuff1/acl/acl70/src/" #p"/stuff1/acl/acl70/src/"
 #p"/stuff1/acl/acl70/src/" #p"/stuff1/acl/acl70/src/"
 #p"/stuff1/acl/acl70/src/" #p"/stuff1/acl/acl70/src/" ...)
cl-user(40): (mapcar #'enough-pathname (glob "*.cl"))
(#p"" #p"" #p"" #p"" #p"" #p""
 #p"" #p"" #p"" #p"" ...)




Arguments: filespec

Return a non-nil value if file filespec exists and is readable. A filespec must be a string or pathname.

For example:

cl-user(42): ( "makefile")
cl-user(43): ( "this-file-does-not-exist")




Arguments: filespec

Return a non-nil value if file filespec exists and is writable. A filespec must be a string or pathname.




Arguments: filespec

Return a non-nil value if file filespec exists and is executable. filespec must be a string or pathname. On Windows this function always returns t if filespec exists.




Arguments: filespec

Return a non-nil value if file filespec exists. A filespec must be a string or pathname.




Arguments: filespe

Return a non-nil value if file filespec exists and is a regular file. filespec must be a string or pathname. Note, -f will return true if given an existing file that is not a directory, including, for example, a symbolic link. This may be unintuituve (you might expect -f to return true only when given an actual file), but it is how the test program works on UNIX.




Arguments: filespec

Return a non-nil value if file filespec exists and is a directory. filespec must be a string or pathname.




Arguments: filespec

Return a non-nil value if file filespec exists and is a symbolic link. filespec must be a string or pathname. Always returns nil on Windows.




Arguments: filespec

Return a non-nil value if file filespec exists and has a size greater than zero. filespec must be a string or pathname.




Arguments: filespec &key (if-does-not-exist :create) atime mtime time reference-file

Update the access and modification times of filespec to the current time. The various keyword arguments augment this behavior:

If a file does not exists and if-does-not-exist is :ignore, touch returns nil. Otherwise, touch returns t if successful, or signals an error.




Arguments: filespec &key force recurse verbose no-execute

Remove filespec from the file system. By default it does not remove directories. The keyword arguments to rm are:

If successful t is returned, otherwise an error is signaled.




Arguments: from to &key make-links make-symbolic-links sync update to-execute force remove-destination ignore-files one-filesystem preserve-symbolic-links preserve-times preserve-ownership prune-directories recurse verbose

This function copies the file specified by from to a file specified by to. If from is a directory and the recurse keyword argument is is nil, or from and to are the same file, then an error is signaled. Other situations can also result in an error: they are described below. from and to should be objects accepted by pathname (such as pathnames and strings).

The large number of keyword arguments allows for support of the modes described next and support for fine tuning exactly how the copying is done. Simply copying one file to another can be done with specifying values for any keyword arguments.

This function has five modes:

  1. link: this is the mode when the make-links keyword argument is given a non-nil value. In this mode, cp makes hard links instead of copying files. Windows does not support links, so this mode is not supported on Windows.
  2. symlink: this is the mode when the make-symbolic-links keyword argument is given a non-nil value. In this mode, cp makes symbolic links instead of copying files. If the value is `:relative', then relative symlinks are created instead of absolute ones. Windows does not support links, so this mode is not supported on Windows.
  3. update: this is the mode when the update keyword argument is given a non-nil value. In this mode, cp only copies a file when the source file (from) is newer than the destination file (to), or when the destination file is missing, or when the destination file is a different size.
  4. sync: this is the mode when the sync keyword argument is given a non-nil value. This mode is like update mode, except when directories are involved delete files which are in the destination (to) but not in the source (from).
  5. normal: this is the mode when the none of the above keywords (make-links, make-symbolic-links, update, and sync) have a non-nil value. Plain vanilla copying of files is done

It is an error if more than one of make-links, make-symbolic-links, update, and sync is non-nil.

The following options control how the copy is done, aside from the modes given above.

The type of the arguments (i.e. whether a file has a bearing on the operation in each mode. The meaningful combinations are given in the table below.

In the Comments column of the table the following notation is used:

The first two sections of this table are the default behavior, without any keyword arguments (i.e., `normal' mode) specified non-nil. The first shows what happens when neither file argument is a link. The second (which applies to UNIX only since Windows does not support links) shows what happens when one or both of the file arguments is a link. The third section of the table represents non-default behavior using a non-nil value of preserve-symbolic-links.

from (a) to (b) Comments
file (non-link) [non-existent] a -> b
file (non-link) file (non-link) a -> b [2]
directory (non-link) [non-existent] a -> b
file (non-link) directory (non-link) a -> b/a
directory (non-link) directory (non-link) a -> b/a
directory (non-link) file (non-link) error [1]

In this second section, one or both of the file arguments is a link. Again, all keyword arguments are assumed to be nil. In particular preserve-symbolic-links is nil so links are dereferenced. Windows does not support links so this section of the table applies to UNIX only.

from (a) to (b) Comments
file (non-link) file (link) a -> @b [2]
file (link) [non-existent] @a -> b
directory (link) [non-existent] @a -> b
file (link) file (non-link) @a -> b [2]
file (link) file (link) @a -> @b [3]
file (link) directory (non-link) @a -> b/a
directory (link) directory (non-link) @a -> b/a
file (non-link) directory (link) a -> b/a
directory (non-link) directory (link) a -> b/a
file (link) directory (link) @a -> b/a
directory (link) directory (link) @a -> b/a
directory (non-link) directory (link) error [1]
directory (link) directory (non-link) error [1]
directory (link) directory (link) error [1]

In this third section, one or both of the file arguments is a link. Again, all keyword arguments are assumed to be nil. In particular preserve-symbolic-links is t so links are not dereferenced. Windows does not support links so this section of the table applies to UNIX only.

from (a) to (b) Comments
file (non-link) file (link) a -> @b [3]
file (link) [non-existent] a -> b
file (link) file (non-link) a -> b [2]
file (link) file (link) a -> b [2]
directory (link) file (non-link) a -> b [2]
directory (link) file (link) a -> b [2]
directory (link) [non-existent] a -> b
file (link) directory (non-link) a -> b/a
directory (link) directory (non-link) a -> b/a
file (non-link) directory (link) a -> b/a
file (link) directory (link) a -> b/a
directory (link) directory (link) a -> b/a
directory (non-link) directory (link) a -> b/a
directory (non-link) file (link) error [1]


  1. only an error in the default case, where remove-destination is nil.
  2. destination file is overwritten if permissions and ownership allow, and if they do not an error is signalled -- if the force keyword value is non-nil, then the destination is forcibly removed before the copy.
  3. similiar to 2 except the file to which the destination symbolic link points is the object of the operation.

cp return value

If successful the return value (an integer specifying a number of files) for each mode is given by the following table, otherwise an error is signaled:

mode # of files
link linked
symlink symlinked
update copied
sync copied and removed
normal copied




Arguments: from to &key force verbose no-execute dereference-source-directory

Move file from to to. If a directory is moved across filesystem boundaries, then it is copied and then the original is removed.

The keyword arguments are as follows:

The type of the file arguments (from and to) has a bearing on the operation of mv. The meaningful combinations are given in the table below.

In the Comments column of the table the following notation is used:

The first two sections of this table are the default behavior, without any keyword arguments specified non-nil. The first shows what happens when no directory specified as a value of the from is a link. The second shows what happens when a directory specified as a value of the from is a link and dereference-source-directory is nil. The third section of the table shows what happens when a directory specified as a value of the from is a link and dereference-source-directory is non-nil.

from (a) to (b) Comments
file (non-link) [non-existent] a -> b
file (link) [non-existent] a -> b
directory (non-link) [non-existent] a -> b
file (non-link) file (non-link) rm b; a -> b
file (link) file (non-link) rm b; a -> b
file (non-link) file (link) rm b; a -> b
file (link) file (link) rm b; a -> b
file (non-link) directory (non-link) a -> b/a
directory (non-link) directory (non-link) a -> b/a
file (link) directory (non-link) a -> b/a
directory (non-link) directory (link) a -> b/a
file (non-link) directory (link) a -> b/a
file (link) directory (link) a -> b/a
directory (non-link) file (non-link) error
directory (non-link) file (link) error

In this second section, the from is a linked directory and dereference-source-directory is nil.

from (a) to (b) Comments
directory (link) [non-existent] a -> b
directory (link) file (non-link) rm b; a -> b
directory (link) file (link) rm b; a -> b
directory (link) directory (non-link) a -> b/a
directory (link) directory (link) a -> b/a

In this third section, the from is a linked directory and dereference-source-directory is non-nil.

from (a) to (b) Comments
directory (link) file (non-link) error
directory (link) file (link) error
directory (link) [non-existent] @a -> b [1]
directory (link) directory (non-link) @a -> b/a [1]
directory (link) directory (link) @a -> b/a [1]


[1] this operation leaves a dangling symbolic link. The GNU mv in fileutils version 4.1 has a bug, in our estimation. If you do this:

mkdir dir
ln -s dir link
mv link/ dir2

The trailing slash is the same as :dereference-source-directory t, according to the fileutils documentation. The above commands cause dir to be copied to dir2, and not the correct result, a symbolic link link that points to dir and dir renamed to dir2. The fileutils documentation says this:

    Warning: If you try to move a symlink that points to a directory,
    and you specify the symlink with a trailing slash, then `mv' doesn't
    move the symlink but instead moves the directory referenced by the

In other words, the fileutils documentation says that it will do the right thing, but it does not.

mv return value

If mv is successful, t is returned; otherwise an error is signalled.




Arguments: from to &key symbolic no-dereference-destination force relative no-execute verbose

This function creates a link to the from with the name to. It works on UNIX only since Windows does not support symbolic links.

The keyword arguments are:

The type of the arguments has a bearing on the operation of ln. The meaningful combinations are given in the table below.

In the Comments column of the table the following notation is used: b -> a means a link is made from b to a.

The first two sections of this table are the default behavior, without any keyword arguments specified non-nil. The first shows what happens when no directory specified as a value of the to is a link. The second shows what happens when a directory specified as a value of the to is a link and no-dereference-destination is nil. The third section of the table shows what happens when a directory specified as a value of the to is a link and no-dereference-destination is non-nil.

from (a) to (b) Comments
file (non-link) [non-existent] a -> b
file (link) [non-existent] a -> b
directory (non-link) [non-existent] a -> b
directory (link) [non-existent] a -> b
file (non-link) file (non-link) error
file (link) file (non-link) error
directory (non-link) file (non-link) error
directory (link) file (non-link) error
file (non-link) file (link) error
file (link) file (link) error
directory (non-link) file (link) error
directory (link) file (link) error
file (non-link) directory (non-link) b/a -> a
file (link) directory (non-link) b/a -> a
directory (non-link) directory (non-link) b/a -> a
directory (link) directory (non-link) b/a -> a

The second section of the table shows what happens when a directory specified as a value of the to is a link and no-dereference-destination is nil.

from (a) to (b) Comments
file (non-link) directory (link) b/a -> a
file (link) directory (link) b/a -> a
directory (non-link) directory (link) b/a -> a
directory (link) directory (link) b/a -> a

The third section of the table shows what happens when a directory specified as a value of the to is a link and no-dereference-destination is non-nil (such as when --no-dereference is specified to ln).

from (a) to (b) Comments
file (non-link) directory (link) error
file (link) directory (link) error
directory (non-link) directory (link) error
directory (link) directory (link) error

Value returned by ln

If successful, ln returns t; otherwise an error is signaled.




Arguments: format-string &rest format-args

Print an error message and then exit Lisp. The error message is sent to a stream bound to stderr.

This function does not return, and the exit status of the process executing it will be 1.




Any function which is not supported on a particular version of Lisp signals an error of this type. It is a subclass of `error'.

Copyright (c) 1998-2012, Franz Inc. Oakland, CA., USA. All rights reserved.
Documentation for Allegro CL version 8.2. This page was not revised from the 8.1 page.
Created 2010.1.21.

Allegro CL version 8.2
Unrevised from 8.1 to 8.2.
8.1 version