Class LispCall

  extended by com.franz.jlinker.LispCall

public class LispCall
extends java.lang.Object

The purpose of this class is to facilitate calls from Lisp to Java. The connection to Lisp is made with static methods in this class.

Typical usage style:

LispCall x=new LispCall("cl:concatenate"); x.addSymbol("cl:string"); x.addArg("foo"); x.addArg("bar");; String v = x.stringValue(); ... // discard arguments and values to re-use the instance x.close(); x.reset();

Connection methods:

Components of a LispCall instance:

Nested Class Summary
static class LispCall.JlinkerState
          This enum defines the constants that identify the states of a Jlinker connection.
Field Summary
static java.lang.Object connectError
          Additional information about a failed connection attempt.
static int defaultPollCount
          How many times to attempt making a connection.
static int defaultPollInterval
          How often to attempt making a connection.
static int defaultPortTimeout
          How long a client should wait for a port to be available for a call to Lisp.
static int readTimeout
          Timeout value for a read operations on a socket.
static int replyTimeout
          How long a client call should wait for a reply to begin.
static int requestTimeout
          How long the server will wait for another client request.
static int RES_BOOLEAN
          Result type constant: boolean.
          Result type constant: array of floating point numbers.
static int RES_ERROR
          Result type constant: remote reference to a Lisp error.
static int RES_INT_ARRAY
          Result type constant: array of integer values.
static int RES_INTEGER
          Result type constant: integer.
          Result type constant: Java Object instance.
          Result type constant: remote reference to a Lisp object.
static int RES_LONG
          Result type constant: long integer.
static int RES_MISSING
          Result type constant: missing result.
static int RES_NULL
          Result type constant: null.
static int RES_REAL
          Result type constant: floating point number.
static int RES_STRING
          Result type constant: string.
          Result type constant: array of strings.
static int RES_SYMBOL
          Result type constant: remote reference to a Lisp symbol.
static int RES_UNKNOWN
          Result type constant: unknown type.
static int RES_WRAPPER
          Result type constant: wrapped result.
static int RES_WRONG_STATE
          Result type constant: incorrect LispCall state..
static int STATE_CLOSED
          Internal state constant: arguments and values discarded.
          Internal state constant: collecting arguments to call.
static int STATE_DONE
          Internal state constant: call completed, value(s) available.
static int STATE_NEW
          Internal state constant: new, uninitialized instance.
static int STATE_READY
          Internal state constant: ready to make call.
          Internal state constant: call completed, but value(s) not retrieved.
static int STATE_WAITING
          Internal state constant: waiting for call to complete.
static int STYLE_ASYNC_BR
          Call style constant: asynchronous call.
static int STYLE_ASYNC_GO
          Call style constant: asynchronous call.
static int STYLE_COPY
          Call style constant: default call returning Java data values if possible.
static int STYLE_IGNORE
          Call style constant: call with ignored value(s).
static int STYLE_ONEWAY
          Call style constant: one-way call.
static int STYLE_REF
          Call style constant: call returning remote reference(s) if possible.
static int verifiedConnectTimeout
          How long to wait for a verified connection response.
Constructor Summary
          Create a LispCall instance with default style and default retention strategy.
LispCall(boolean r)
          Create a LispCall instance with default style and the specified retention strategy.
LispCall(int s)
          Create a LispCall instance with the specified call style.
LispCall(java.lang.String op)
          Create a LispCall instance to call the specified Lisp function.
Method Summary
 int addArg(boolean x)
          Add a boolean argument to the call.
 int addArg(byte x)
          Add a byte argument to the call.
 int addArg(byte[] x)
          Add a byte array argument to the call.
 int addArg(double x)
          Add a double float argument to the call.
 int addArg(double[] x)
          Add a double float array argument to the call.
 int addArg(float x)
          Add an argument to the call.
 int addArg(float[] x)
          Add a float array argument to the call.
 int addArg(int x)
          Add an integer argument to the call.
 int addArg(int[] x)
          Add an argument to the call.
 int addArg(long x)
          Add a long integer argument to the call.
 int addArg(java.lang.Object x)
          Add an Java Object argument to the call.
 int addArg(short x)
          Add a short integer argument to the call.
 int addArg(short[] x)
          Add an argument to the call.
 int addArg(java.lang.String x)
          Add an argument to the call.
 int addArg(java.lang.String[] x)
          Add an argument to the call.
 int addSymbol(java.lang.String x)
          Add a Lisp symbol argument to the call.
 int addSymbol(java.lang.String x, java.lang.String pk)
          Add a Lisp symbol argument to the call.
 int addSymbol(java.lang.String x, java.lang.String pk, int action)
          Add a Lisp symbol or a value referenced by a Lisp symbol as an argument to the call.
static boolean advertise(int port, int timeoutSeconds)
          Allow a Lisp server to connect to the Java application.
static boolean advertise(java.lang.String l2j, java.lang.String host, int port, int timeoutSeconds)
          Advertise the Java host and port in a file.
 boolean booleanValue()
          Get the first or only boolean value returned from Lisp.
 boolean booleanValue(int i)
          Get the i-th value returned from Lisp when it is expected to be of type boolean.
 int call()
          Call a function in Lisp.
 int callAsyncBr()
          Call a function in Lisp after setting the style to STYLE_ASYNC.
 int callAsyncGo()
          Call a function in Lisp after setting the style to STYLE_ASYNC_GO.
 int callCopy()
          Call a function in Lisp after setting the style to STYLE_COPY.
 int callIgnore()
          Call a function in Lisp.
 int callOneWay()
          Call a function in Lisp.
 int callRef()
          Call a function in Lisp.
 void close()
          Discard all arguments and results.
static boolean connect(java.lang.String com, int pollInterval, int pollCount)
          Connect to a Lisp server when the host and port are published in a file.
static boolean connect(java.lang.String host, int port, int pollInterval, int pollCount)
          Connect to a Lisp server at a known host and port.
static void disconnect()
          End the connection to a Lisp server.
static int dispatchEvent(java.lang.String ev, java.lang.Object target, java.lang.String[] s, int[] l)
          Dispatch an event to the Lisp handler.
static int dispatchEvent(java.lang.String ev, java.lang.Object target, java.lang.String[] s, int[] l, int timeout)
          Dispatch an event to the Lisp handler.
 double[] doubleArrayValue()
          Get the first or only double[] value returned from Lisp.
 double[] doubleArrayValue(int i)
          Get the i-th value returned from Lisp when it is expected to be of type double[].
 double doubleValue()
          Get the first or only double float value returned from Lisp.
 double doubleValue(int i)
          Get the i-th value returned from Lisp when it is expected to be of type float or double.
static int[] getDefaultConnectionPool()
          Return an array that describes the default connection pool parameters.
 java.lang.Object getOp()
          Get the Lisp operation.
 boolean getRetain()
          Get the retention strategy.
 int getState()
          Get the state of the LispCall instance.
 int getStyle()
          Get the call style of the LispCall instance.
 JLWrapper.TypeCode getTypeCode()
          Query the type of the first or only value returned from Lisp.
 JLWrapper.TypeCode getTypeCode(int i)
          Query the type of the i-th value returned from Lisp.
 java.lang.Object getValue()
          Get the first or only raw value returned by a call to Lisp.
 java.lang.Object getValue(int i)
          Get the i-th raw value returned by a call to Lisp.
static java.lang.Object identity(java.lang.Object arg)
          Returns the argument (or an equivalent object).
 int[] intArrayValue()
          Get the first or only int[] value returned from Lisp.
 int[] intArrayValue(int i)
          Get the i-th value returned from Lisp when it is expected to be of type int[].
 int intValue()
          Get the first or only value returned from Lisp when it is expected to be of type int.
 int intValue(int i)
          Get the i-th value returned from Lisp when it is expected to be of type int.
static boolean isJlinkerReady()
          Query the state of the Jlinker connection.
static boolean isJlinkerState(LispCall.JlinkerState... targets)
          Query the state of the Jlinker connection.
static boolean isJlinkerState(long timeout, LispCall.JlinkerState... targets)
          Query the state of the Jlinker connection.
 java.lang.String lispType()
          Identify the Lisp type of the first or only returned value.
 java.lang.String lispType(int i)
          Identify the Lisp type of a returned value.
 long longValue()
          Get the first or only value returned from Lisp.
 long longValue(int i)
          Get the i-th value returned from Lisp when it is expected to be of type long.
 int mayCall()
          Query if it is allowed to call Lisp in this thread.
static java.lang.String nameOfType(int type)
          Translate an integer type code to a descriptive string.
 java.lang.Object objectValue()
          Get the first or only Object value returned from Lisp.
 java.lang.Object objectValue(int i)
          Get the i-th value returned from Lisp when it is expected to be of type Object.
 int query()
          Query the state of a call to Lisp.
 int query(boolean doquery, boolean dofetch)
          Query the state of a call to Lisp.
 java.lang.String queryAsyncName()
          Query the name of the Lisp process where the call is run.
static java.lang.Object queryConnectionPool()
          Query the state of the connection pool.
 boolean reset()
          Discard the results but keep the arguments.
 void setArg(int i, boolean arg)
          Set or modify a specified argument position with a boolean value.
 void setArg(int i, double arg)
          Set or modify a specified argument position with a double value.
 void setArg(int i, double[] arg)
          Set or modify a specified argument position with a copy of an array of double values.
 void setArg(int i, int arg)
          Set or modify a specified argument position with an int value.
 void setArg(int i, int[] arg)
          Set or modify a specified argument position with a copy of an array of int values.
 void setArg(int i, long arg)
          Set or modify a specified argument position with a long value.
 void setArg(int i, java.lang.Object arg)
          Set or modify a specified argument position with a reference to a Java Object or a pre-wrapped Java or Lisp object.
 void setArg(int i, java.lang.String arg)
          Set or modify a specified argument position with a String value.
 void setArg(int i, java.lang.String[] arg)
          Set or modify a specified argument position with a copy of an array of String values.
static void setDefaultConnectionPool(int lispMin, int lispMax, int lispIdle, int javaMin, int javaMax, int javaIdle)
          Modify the default connection pool parameters.
 void setOp(java.lang.Object op)
          Specify the Lisp function that will be called.
 void setOp(java.lang.String op)
          Specify the Lisp function that will be called.
 void setRetain(boolean r)
          Set the retention strategy.
 void setStyle(int s)
          Specify the call style.
 void setSymbol(int i, java.lang.String name)
          Set or modify a specified argument position with a reference to a Lisp symbol.
 void setSymbol(int i, java.lang.String name, java.lang.String pkg)
          Set or modify a specified argument position with a reference to a Lisp symbol.
 void setSymbol(int i, java.lang.String name, java.lang.String pkg, int mode)
          Set or modify a specified argument position with a reference to a Lisp symbol.
 java.lang.String[] stringArrayValue()
          Get the first or only String[] value returned from Lisp.
 java.lang.String[] stringArrayValue(int i)
          Get the i-th value returned from Lisp when it is expected to be of type String[].
 java.lang.String stringValue()
          Get the first or only String value returned from Lisp.
 java.lang.String stringValue(int i)
          Get the i-th value returned from Lisp.
 java.lang.String symbolName()
          Get the name of the Lisp symbol returned as the first or only value of a call.
 java.lang.String symbolName(int i)
          Get the name of the Lisp symbol returned as the i-th value of a call.
 java.lang.String symbolPackage()
          Get the name of the package of a Lisp symbol returned as the first or only value of a call.
 java.lang.String symbolPackage(int i)
          Get the name of the package of a Lisp symbol returned as the i-th value of a call.
 int typeOf()
          Deprecated. use getTypeCode()
 int typeOf(int i)
          Deprecated. use getTypeCode(int)
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final int STYLE_ONEWAY
Call style constant: one-way call.

This style constant identifies a one-way Lisp call. A STYLE_ONEWAY call starts a call in Lisp and returns to the Java caller immediately without waiting for a result from Lisp.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int STYLE_IGNORE
Call style constant: call with ignored value(s).

This style constant identifies a synchronous call to Lisp where the value(s) are ignored. A STYLE_IGNORE call to Lisp waits for the result to be computed, but the computed value or values are not returned to Java. When the values are ignored, the time taken to encode, transmit, and decode the values is saved.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int STYLE_REF
Call style constant: call returning remote reference(s) if possible.

This style constant identifies a synchronous call to Lisp; the Lisp values are returned as remote references if at all possible.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int STYLE_COPY
Call style constant: default call returning Java data values if possible.

This style constant identifies a synchronous call to Lisp; the Lisp values are returned as Java values if at all possible.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int STYLE_ASYNC_BR
Call style constant: asynchronous call.

This style constant identifies an asynchronous Lisp call. Control returns to Java before the Lisp call is completed. The Lisp call is initiated in a separate Lisp thread and the Java program can test when the operation is completed. The query() method is used to test the progress of the operation.

An important side-effect of this style of call is that Lisp errors are handled in the Lisp thread, and are not just returned to Java.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int STYLE_ASYNC_GO
Call style constant: asynchronous call.

This style constant identifies an asynchronous Lisp call. Control returns to Java before the Lisp call is completed. The Lisp call is initiated in a separate Lisp thread and the Java program can test when the operation is completed. The query() method is used to test the progress of the operation.

Lisp errors are caught and returned to Java.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int STATE_NEW
Internal state constant: new, uninitialized instance.

This constant identifies the state of a newly created LispCall instance. The Lisp operation must be specified before arguments may be added or a call can be made.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int STATE_COLLECTING
Internal state constant: collecting arguments to call.

This constant identifies the state of a LispCall instance when it is collecting arguments to be passed to Lisp.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int STATE_READY
Internal state constant: ready to make call.

This constant identifies the state of a LispCall instance when it is ready to make a call to Lisp.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int STATE_DONE
Internal state constant: call completed, value(s) available.

This constant identifies the state of a LispCall instance when the call is complete and the value or values returned from Lisp are available.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int STATE_WAITING
Internal state constant: waiting for call to complete.

This constant identifies the state of a LispCall instance when a call in the STYLE_ASYNC style is waiting for results.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int STATE_WAITDONE
Internal state constant: call completed, but value(s) not retrieved.

This constant identifies the state of a LispCall instance when a call in the STYLE_ASYNC style is done but the results have not been retrieved from Lisp.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int STATE_CLOSED
Internal state constant: arguments and values discarded.

This constant identifies the state of a LispCall instance when arguments and values have been discarded.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int RES_NULL
Result type constant: null.

This constant represents a result data type when the result is null.


public static final int RES_BOOLEAN
Result type constant: boolean.

This constant represents a result data type when the result is a boolean value.


public static final int RES_INTEGER
Result type constant: integer.

This constant represents a result data type when the result is an integer value.


public static final int RES_LONG
Result type constant: long integer.

This constant represents a result data type when the result is a long integer value.


public static final int RES_REAL
Result type constant: floating point number.

This constant represents a result data type when the result is floating point number.


public static final int RES_STRING
Result type constant: string.

This constant represents a result data type when the result is a string.


public static final int RES_SYMBOL
Result type constant: remote reference to a Lisp symbol.

This constant represents a result data type when the result is a remote reference to a Lisp symbol.


public static final int RES_LISP_POINTER
Result type constant: remote reference to a Lisp object.

This constant represents a result data type when the result is a remote reference to a Lisp object.


public static final int RES_ERROR
Result type constant: remote reference to a Lisp error.

This constant represents a result data type when the result is a remote reference to a Lisp error.


public static final int RES_INT_ARRAY
Result type constant: array of integer values.

This constant represents a result data type when the result is an array of integer values.


public static final int RES_DOUBLE_ARRAY
Result type constant: array of floating point numbers.

This constant represents a result data type when the result is an array of floating point numbers.


public static final int RES_STRING_ARRAY
Result type constant: array of strings.

This constant represents a result data type when the result is an array of strings.


public static final int RES_JAVA_POINTER
Result type constant: Java Object instance.

This constant represents a result data type when the result is a pointer to a Java Object instance.


public static final int RES_WRONG_STATE
Result type constant: incorrect LispCall state..

This constant represents a result data type when an attempt is made to extract a result from a LispCall instance in a state where results are not available.


public static final int RES_MISSING
Result type constant: missing result.

This constant represents a result data type when an attempt is made to extract a result that is not present in a LispCall instance.


public static final int RES_WRAPPER
Result type constant: wrapped result.

This constant represents a result data type when an attempt is made to extract a result that is still wrapped in a LispCall instance.


public static final int RES_UNKNOWN
Result type constant: unknown type.

This constant represents a result data type when the result is of unknown type. This value should only occur if a system error is encountered.


public static int defaultPollInterval
How often to attempt making a connection. The value of this field is the integer number of milliseconds between attempts to connect when the Lisp application is advertising.

The initial value is 1000.

A value of -1 specifies that only one attempt will be made.


public static int defaultPollCount
How many times to attempt making a connection.

The value of this field is the number of connection attempts when the Lisp application is advertising and pollInterval is positive.

The initial value is 300.


public static java.lang.Object connectError
Additional information about a failed connection attempt.

After a failed call to connect() or advertise(), this field holds an Object instance that describes the failure, usually an instance of IllegalArgumentException.


public static int readTimeout
Timeout value for a read operations on a socket.

This timeout prevents an indefinite hangup in the event that a network connection becomes inoperative. If the network between client and server is very slow this value may need to be larger. If a quicker response to a broken network is desired, this value can be smaller. The initial setting is 30000 milliseconds.

In the event of a timeout as a result of the readTimeout or replyTimeout, the sequence of events on the socket has been disrupted and the socket can no longer be used. The only possible recovery action is to close the connection that caused the timeout and start a new connection.


public static int defaultPortTimeout
How long a client should wait for a port to be available for a call to Lisp.

The initial value is -1 to denote a value a few seconds longer than replyTimeout (if a port is busy, it should be free after a normal reply delay).


public static int replyTimeout
How long a client call should wait for a reply to begin.

If the application can expect a call to last longer, then this value should be increased. The initial setting is 300000 milliseconds. A small value allows a Java application to detect a network problem or Lisp problem sooner but limits the amount of work a Lisp call can do. If a short timeout is used, the STYLE_ASYNC calls can be used to allow Lisp calls to run as long a necessary.

In the event of a timeout as a result of the readTimeout or replyTimeout, the sequence of events on the socket has been disrupted and the socket can no longer be used. The only possible recovery action is to close the connection that caused the timeout and start a new connection.


public static int requestTimeout
How long the server will wait for another client request.

The initial setting is 0 for an indefinite wait. If a positive value is specified, the connection will be terminated if a remote call does not arrive before the timeout.


public static int verifiedConnectTimeout
How long to wait for a verified connection response.

In a verified connection situation, there is an immediate exchange of information once a connection is established. A timeout can mean that the Lisp program supports an older version of the connection protocol, a version that does not support verified connections. If the Lisp program is known to be up to date, this timeout value may need to be increased. The default value is 5000, one second longer than two default Lisp process quanta.

Constructor Detail


public LispCall()
Create a LispCall instance with default style and default retention strategy.

The default constructor creates and initializes a LispCall instance with the default style of STYLE_COPY and the default retention strategy.

The programmer must supply a Lisp function and any required arguments before making the call. Argument wrappers and results are retained until released with a call to close().


public LispCall(boolean r)
Create a LispCall instance with default style and the specified retention strategy.

Create and initialize a LispCall instance with the default style of STYLE_COPY and a retention strategy specified by the parameter.

The programmer must supply a Lisp function and any required arguments before making the call.

r - A boolean value that specifies the retention strategy. A true value specifies that arguments and results are retained until released with a call to close(). A false values specifies that argument wrappers are discarded immediately after the call to Lisp is made.


public LispCall(int s)
Create a LispCall instance with the specified call style.

Create and initialize a LispCall instance with the default retention strategy and a specified call style.

The programmer must supply a Lisp function and any required arguments before making the call.

s - An integer that specifies the call style. It must be one of the constants STYLE_ONEWAY, STYLE_IGNORE, STYLE_REF, STYLE_COPY, STYLE_ASYNC.


public LispCall(java.lang.String op)
Create a LispCall instance to call the specified Lisp function.

Create and initialize a LispCall instance with the default retention strategy and default call style to call the specified Lisp function.

op - A string that specifies a Lisp function name.
Method Detail


public static boolean isJlinkerReady()
Query the state of the Jlinker connection.

The call to connect() or advertise() can take some time in one thread. If another thread attempt to use the connection before it is ready, an IllegalStateException is thrown. To avoid the exception, a thread should query the state and make a call only in the READY state.

Introduced in version 7001002.

True if the connection is in the READY state. This is the only state in which calls can be made to Lisp.


public static boolean isJlinkerState(LispCall.JlinkerState... targets)
Query the state of the Jlinker connection.

In a single-threaded application, the state of the Jlinker connection is only seen as IDLE, READY, or DISCONNECTED. The other intermediate states can only be seen in parallel threads while a connection is completed or severed.

In multi-threaded applications, a thread should make calls to Lisp only when the connection is ready. If the connection is not ready, call() will throw IllegalStateException.

Introduced in version 7001002.

targets - One or more of the state tokens.
true if current state is any one of the states mentioned in the arguments (or if no targets are mentioned).


public static boolean isJlinkerState(long timeout,
                                     LispCall.JlinkerState... targets)
Query the state of the Jlinker connection.

Introduced in version 7001002.

timeout - The number of milliseconds to wait until desired state is reached.
targets - One or more of the state tokens.
true if any one of the states mentioned in the arguments is reached before the timeout expires.


public static int[] getDefaultConnectionPool()
Return an array that describes the default connection pool parameters.

An array of 6 integers.
   { lispMin, lispMax, lispIdle, javaMin, javaMax, javaIdle }


public static void setDefaultConnectionPool(int lispMin,
                                            int lispMax,
                                            int lispIdle,
                                            int javaMin,
                                            int javaMax,
                                            int javaIdle)
Modify the default connection pool parameters. This method must be called before Jlinker is initialized, or IllegalStateException is thrown. A value less than -1 leaves that default unchanged. A value of -1 specifies that the setting from Lisp will prevail. A value of zero for lispMin or javaMin suppresses the connection pool.

Introduced in version 7001000.

lispMin -
lispMax -
lispIdle -
javaMin -
javaMax -
javaIdle -


public static java.lang.Object queryConnectionPool()
Query the state of the connection pool.

The returned value is an object that depends on the state of the pool. If the pool is not running, and the default specifies no pool, the value is null. If the pool is not running but a pool is possible, the value is an array of 6 integers:
    { lispMin lispMax lispIdle javaMin javaMax javaIdle }
If the pool is running, the value is an array of 8 integers:
    { lispMin lispCur lispMax lispIdle javaMin javaCur javaMax javaIdle }

Introduced in version 7001000.


public int getState()
Get the state of the LispCall instance.

One of the state constants.


public java.lang.Object getOp()
Get the Lisp operation.

The result is always a wrapper instance that wraps the string naming the Lisp function or the remote reference to the actual Lisp function.


public int getStyle()
Get the call style of the LispCall instance.

One of the style constants.


public void setOp(java.lang.String op)
Specify the Lisp function that will be called.

op - A string that specifies a Lisp function name.


public void setOp(java.lang.Object op)
Specify the Lisp function that will be called.

This method is useful when the Java application is holding a pre-wrapped pointer to the Lisp function, or a function pointer that was returned by a previous call to Lisp.

op - A wrapper instance that specifies a Lisp function.


public void setStyle(int s)
Specify the call style.

s - An integer that specifies the call style. It must be one of the constants STYLE_ONEWAY, STYLE_IGNORE, STYLE_REF, STYLE_COPY, STYLE_ASYNC.
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if the argument is not suitable.


public boolean getRetain()
Get the retention strategy.

A boolean value that describes the retention strategy.


public void setRetain(boolean r)
Set the retention strategy.

r - A boolean value that specifies the new retention strategy.


public int addArg(byte x)
Add a byte argument to the call.

This method wraps and adds a byte argument to the list of arguments that will be passed to the Lisp function when it is called.

x - A byte value that will be passed to Lisp.
The number of arguments collected up to this point.


public int addArg(short x)
Add a short integer argument to the call.

This method wraps and adds a short argument to the list of arguments that will be passed to the Lisp function when it is called.

x - A short value that will be passed to Lisp.
The number of arguments collected up to this point.


public int addArg(int x)
Add an integer argument to the call.

This method wraps and adds an int argument to the list of arguments that will be passed to the Lisp function when it is called.

x - An int value that will be passed to Lisp.
The number of arguments collected up to this point.


public int addArg(long x)
Add a long integer argument to the call. This method wraps and adds a long argument to the list of arguments that will be passed to the Lisp function when it is called.

x - A long value that will be passed to Lisp.
The number of arguments collected up to this point.


public int addArg(boolean x)
Add a boolean argument to the call.

This method wraps and adds a boolean argument to the list of arguments that will be passed to the Lisp function when it is called.

x - A boolean value that will be passed to Lisp in a wrapper.
The number of arguments collected up to this point.


public int addArg(byte[] x)
Add a byte array argument to the call.

This method wraps and adds a byte array argument to the list of arguments that will be passed to the Lisp function when it is called.

x - A byte vector that will be passed to Lisp.
The number of arguments collected up to this point.


public int addArg(short[] x)
Add an argument to the call. This method wraps and adds a short array argument to the list of arguments that will be passed to the Lisp function when it is called.

x - A short vector that will be passed to Lisp.
The number of arguments collected up to this point.


public int addArg(int[] x)
Add an argument to the call. This method wraps and adds an int array argument to the list of arguments that will be passed to the Lisp function when it is called.

x - An int vector that will be passed to Lisp in a wrapper.
The number of arguments collected up to this point.


public int addArg(java.lang.String x)
Add an argument to the call. This method wraps and adds a String argument to the list of arguments that will be passed to the Lisp function when it is called.

x - A String value that will be passed to Lisp in a wrapper.
The number of arguments collected up to this point.


public int addArg(java.lang.String[] x)
Add an argument to the call. This method wraps and adds a String array argument to the list of arguments that will be passed to the Lisp function when it is called.

x - A String vector that will be passed to Lisp in a wrapper.
The number of arguments collected up to this point.


public int addArg(float x)
Add an argument to the call. This method wraps and adds a float argument to the list of arguments that will be passed to the Lisp function when it is called.

x - A float value that will be passed to Lisp.
The number of arguments collected up to this point.


public int addArg(double x)
Add a double float argument to the call.

This method wraps and adds a double argument to the list of arguments that will be passed to the Lisp function when it is called.

x - A double value that will be passed to Lisp.
The number of arguments collected up to this point.


public int addArg(float[] x)
Add a float array argument to the call.

This method wraps and adds a float array argument to the list of arguments that will be passed to the Lisp function when it is called.

x - A float vector that will be passed to Lisp.
The number of arguments collected up to this point.


public int addArg(double[] x)
Add a double float array argument to the call.

This method wraps and adds a double array argument to the list of arguments that will be passed to the Lisp function when it is called.

x - A double vector that will be passed to Lisp.
The number of arguments collected up to this point.


public int addArg(java.lang.Object x)
Add an Java Object argument to the call.

This method wraps and adds a pointer argument to the list of arguments that will be passed to the Lisp function when it is called.

x - An Object value that will be passed to Lisp.
The number of arguments collected up to this point.


public int addSymbol(java.lang.String x)
Add a Lisp symbol argument to the call.

This method wraps and adds a Lisp symbol reference to the list of arguments that will be passed to the Lisp function when it is called. The symbol is interned with read-from-string.

x - A String value that will be passed to read-from-string to create the symbol. The string may contain a package prefix as well as a symbol name. If the entire string is not consumed to create the symbol a Lisp error is signaled. Special characters must be escaped with the Lisp escape character.
The number of arguments collected up to this point.


public int addSymbol(java.lang.String x,
                     java.lang.String pk)
Add a Lisp symbol argument to the call.

This method wraps and adds a Lisp symbol reference to the list of arguments that will be passed to the Lisp function when it is called. The symbol is interned with read-from-string.

x - A String value that will be passed to read-from-string to create the symbol. The string may contain a package prefix as well as a symbol name.
pk - A String value that specifies the Lisp package context for read-from-string.
  • If the pk argument is the empty string, the current package is used.
  • If the pk argument is the string ":", the keyword package is used.
  • Otherwise, the string specifies a package name. The package name is interned with read-from-string to avoid case-mode issues.
If the entire string is not consumed to create the symbol a Lisp error is signaled. Special characters must be escaped with the Lisp escape character.
The number of arguments collected up to this point.


public int addSymbol(java.lang.String x,
                     java.lang.String pk,
                     int action)
Add a Lisp symbol or a value referenced by a Lisp symbol as an argument to the call.

This method wraps and adds a Lisp symbol reference to the list of arguments that will be passed to the Lisp function when it is called. The symbol is interned with read-from-string.

x - A String value that will be passed to read-from-string to create the symbol. The string may contain a package prefix as well as a symbol name.
pk - A String value that specifies the Lisp package context for read-from-string.
action -
  • 0 denotes a symbol reference
  • 1 denotes the symbol-value of the symbol
  • 2 denotes the symbol-function of the symbol
  • 3 denotes find-class of the symbol
The number of arguments collected up to this point. If the pk argument is the empty string, the current package is used. If the pk argument is the string ":", the keyword package is used. Otherwise, the string specifies a package name. The package name is interned with read-from-string to avoid case-mode issues. If the entire string is not consumed to create the symbol a Lisp error is signaled. Special characters must be escaped with the Lisp escape character.


public int call()
         throws JLinkerLispThrow,
Call a function in Lisp.

The returned value depends on the call style.
JLinkerLispException - if an error is detected during the call.
JLinkerInvokeException - if an error interrupts the normal sequence of events. After this exception, the connection must be re-established before it can be used again.
JLinkerLispThrow - if the Lisp function call was terminated with a throw.
JLinkerPortException - if a port to Lisp was not available within the default port timeout interval.
java.lang.IllegalStateException - if a previous call is not complete.


public int callOneWay()
               throws JLinkerLispThrow,
Call a function in Lisp. Call a function in Lisp after setting the style to STYLE_ONEWAY. This call returns immediately without waiting for a result from Lisp.

The returned value is always zero.


public int callIgnore()
               throws JLinkerLispThrow,
Call a function in Lisp. Call a function in Lisp after setting the style to STYLE_IGNORE. This call returns only after the Lisp call runs to completion but the Lisp value is not returned.

The returned value is always zero.


public int callRef()
            throws JLinkerLispThrow,
Call a function in Lisp. Call a function in Lisp after setting the style to STYLE_REF.

The returned value is the number of values returned from Lisp.
JLinkerLispException - if there was some error in the call.


public int callCopy()
             throws JLinkerLispThrow,
Call a function in Lisp after setting the style to STYLE_COPY.

The returned value is the number of values returned from Lisp.
JLinkerLispException - if there was some error in the call.


public int callAsyncBr()
                throws JLinkerLispThrow,
Call a function in Lisp after setting the style to STYLE_ASYNC.

The returned value is always 1.
JLinkerLispException - if there was some error in the call.


public int callAsyncGo()
                throws JLinkerLispThrow,
Call a function in Lisp after setting the style to STYLE_ASYNC_GO.

The returned value is always 1.
JLinkerLispException - if there was some error in the call.


public java.lang.Object getValue()
Get the first or only raw value returned by a call to Lisp.


public java.lang.Object getValue(int i)
Get the i-th raw value returned by a call to Lisp. <[p> If the retention strategy is false, the value is discarded after it is retrieved.

i - The index of the desired value.
A weapper instance that represents a wrapped value returned from Lisp.
WrongStateException - if
  • the results are not yet available
  • for some reason the Lisp call returned null
  • the value was fetched before and getRetain()==false


public static java.lang.String nameOfType(int type)
Translate an integer type code to a descriptive string.

The returned value is one of the strings:

Integer type codeString name
"Unknown-nn" where nn is the integer type code

A string describing the value.


public static java.lang.Object identity(java.lang.Object arg)
Returns the argument (or an equivalent object).

One use for this method is to dereference Java values that were passed to Lisp by reference but can be automatically copied by the interface.

For example, (jnew-array "java.lang.String" 17) returns a remote reference to a Java array. To obtain a copy of the contents of the array, the Lisp code can call

      (jstatic "identity" "com.franz.jlinker.LispCall" ref [:copy])
The :copy argument is optional since the default is to copy string arrays.

arg -


public int typeOf()
Deprecated. use getTypeCode()

Query the type of the first or only value returned from Lisp.

The integer constant that describes the type.


public int typeOf(int i)
Deprecated. use getTypeCode(int)

Query the type of the i-th value returned from Lisp.

i - The index of the value queried.
The integer constant that describes the type.


public JLWrapper.TypeCode getTypeCode()
Query the type of the first or only value returned from Lisp.

The TypeCode constant that describes the type.


public JLWrapper.TypeCode getTypeCode(int i)
Query the type of the i-th value returned from Lisp.

i - The index of the value queried.
The TypeCode constant that describes the type.


public int intValue()
Get the first or only value returned from Lisp when it is expected to be of type int.

The int value.
java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException - when the value returned from Lisp is not convertible to int.
ArrayOutOfBoundsException - when the i-th value is not there.


public int intValue(int i)
Get the i-th value returned from Lisp when it is expected to be of type int.

i - The index of the desired value.
The int value.
java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException - when the i-th value returned from Lisp is not convertible to int.
ArrayOutOfBoundsException - when the i-th value is not there.


public long longValue()
Get the first or only value returned from Lisp.


public long longValue(int i)
Get the i-th value returned from Lisp when it is expected to be of type long.

i - The index of the desired value.
The long value.
java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException - when the i-th value returned from Lisp is not convertible to long.
ArrayOutOfBoundsException - when the i-th value is not there.


public double doubleValue()
Get the first or only double float value returned from Lisp.


public double doubleValue(int i)
Get the i-th value returned from Lisp when it is expected to be of type float or double.

i - The index of the desired value.
The double value.
java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException - when the i-th value returned from Lisp is not convertible to double.
ArrayOutOfBoundsException - when the i-th value is not there.


public boolean booleanValue()
Get the first or only boolean value returned from Lisp.


public boolean booleanValue(int i)
Get the i-th value returned from Lisp when it is expected to be of type boolean.

i - The index of the desired value.
The boolean value.
java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException - when the i-th value returned from Lisp is not boolean.
ArrayOutOfBoundsException - when the i-th value is not there.


public java.lang.String stringValue()
Get the first or only String value returned from Lisp.


public java.lang.String stringValue(int i)
Get the i-th value returned from Lisp. when it is expected to be of type String.

i - The index of the desired value.
The String value.
java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException - when the i-th value returned from Lisp is not String.
ArrayOutOfBoundsException - when the i-th value is not there.


public int[] intArrayValue()
Get the first or only int[] value returned from Lisp.


public int[] intArrayValue(int i)
Get the i-th value returned from Lisp when it is expected to be of type int[].

i - The index of the desired value.
The int[] value.
java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException - when the i-th value returned from Lisp is not int[].
ArrayOutOfBoundsException - when the i-th value is not there.


public java.lang.String[] stringArrayValue()
Get the first or only String[] value returned from Lisp.


public java.lang.String[] stringArrayValue(int i)
Get the i-th value returned from Lisp when it is expected to be of type String[].

i - The index of the desired value.
The String[] value.
java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException - when the i-th value returned from Lisp is not String[].
ArrayOutOfBoundsException - when the i-th value is not there.


public double[] doubleArrayValue()
Get the first or only double[] value returned from Lisp.


public double[] doubleArrayValue(int i)
Get the i-th value returned from Lisp when it is expected to be of type double[].

i - The index of the desired value.
The double[] value.
java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException - when the i-th value returned from Lisp is not double[].
ArrayOutOfBoundsException - when the i-th value is not there.


public java.lang.Object objectValue()
Get the first or only Object value returned from Lisp.


public java.lang.Object objectValue(int i)
Get the i-th value returned from Lisp when it is expected to be of type Object.

i - The index of the desired value.
The Object value.
java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException - when the i-th value returned from Lisp is not Object.
ArrayOutOfBoundsException - when the i-th value is not there.


public java.lang.String symbolName()
Get the name of the Lisp symbol returned as the first or only value of a call.

A string containing the symbol-name of the symbol.
java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException - when the returned value is not a Lisp symbol.


public java.lang.String symbolName(int i)
Get the name of the Lisp symbol returned as the i-th value of a call.

A string containing the symbol-name of the symbol.
java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException - when the returned value is not a Lisp symbol.


public java.lang.String symbolPackage()
Get the name of the package of a Lisp symbol returned as the first or only value of a call.

A string containing the package-name of the package of the symbol.
java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException - when the returned value is not a Lisp symbol.


public java.lang.String symbolPackage(int i)
Get the name of the package of a Lisp symbol returned as the i-th value of a call.

A string containing the package-name of the package of the symbol.
java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException - when the returned value is not a Lisp symbol.


public java.lang.String lispType()
Identify the Lisp type of the first or only returned value.

A string that describes the Lisp type of the returned Value.


public java.lang.String lispType(int i)
Identify the Lisp type of a returned value.

a string that describes the Lisp type of the i-th returned value.

If the returned value has been converted to a Java data value or Object, the string is one of the strings returned by nameOfType().

If the returned value is a remote reference to a Lisp object, then the string is the Lisp format ~A representation of the Lisp type.


public int query()
Query the state of a call to Lisp.

An integer describing the result.

The following results will be returned if the call was a synchronous call, or if an asynchronous call has completed and the results have been fetched to Java:

  • If the value is zero or positive, the Call to Lisp is completed and results are available in Java. The value is the number of values returned from Lisp. If the synchronous call ended by throwing JLinkerLispException, the value returned by query() will be 3; see the two argument form of query() for details.
  • A negative value of -100 indicates that the call has not yet been made, or a synchronous call is still in progress.
  • A negative value of -99 indicates that the call was terminated by a throw or some error, and no additional information is available.

The remaining values will only be seen if the style is set to STYLE_ASYNC and the call is still in progress. In these cases, additional information can be obtained by calling query(true,true).

  • A negative value from -1 to -10 indicates that the call is still in progress.
  • A negative value of -11 indicates that the call is done but the the values have not been retrieved.
  • A negative value of -98 indicates that the call was terminated by an error in Lisp but the error information has not been retrieved.


public int query(boolean doquery,
                 boolean dofetch)
          throws JLinkerLispThrow,
Query the state of a call to Lisp.

If the call was with style STYLE_ASYNC, then query the progress of the call in Lisp and fetch the results. If a STYLE_ASYNC call has finally completed, fetch the Lisp values.

doquery - When this argument is true, call Lisp to fetch a more detailed description of the state of the STYLE_ASYNC call. Once a call instance is identified as completed, this argument does not trigger a call to Lisp.
dofetch - When this argument is true, and an STYLE_ASYNC call is complete in Lisp, fetch the values of the call. Once the results are fetched, this argument does not trigger a call to Lisp.
An integer describing the result.

The following results will be returned if the call was a synchronous call, or if the asynchronous call has completed and the results have been fetched to Java:

  • If the value is zero or positive, it is the number of values returned from Lisp.

    If the Lisp call was terminated by an error in Lisp, the result will be 3 and the 3 results in Java are the integer -98, a string containing a description of the Lisp error, and a remote reference to the Lisp error object.

  • A negative value of -100 indicates that the call has not yet been made, or a synchronous call is still in progress.
  • A negative value of -99 indicates that the call was terminated by a throw or some error, and no additional information is available.

The following values will be returned by query(true, false) if the style was set to STYLE_ASYNC and the call is still in progress. In these cases, additional information can be obtained by calling query(true,true).

  • A negative value from -1 to -10 indicates that the call is still in progress.
  • A non-negative value indicates that the call is completed in Lisp; the value is the number of values generated in Lisp. These values must still be retrieved into Java.
  • A negative value of -11 indicates that the call is done but the the values have not been retrieved. This result will be seen only when query(false, false) is called after query(true, false) has returned -98 or a non-negative value.
  • A negative value of -98 indicates that the call was terminated by an error in Lisp but the error information has not been retrieved.

To monitor the completion of an asynchronous call:

     Call query(true, false) repeatedly
          if the result is non-negative, the call is completed
             call query(true, true) to fetch the results
          if the result is -98, the call was terminated 
             call query(true, true) to fetch the error information
          if the result is -99, the call was terminated
             there is no additional information to fetch
          otherwise, the call is still in progress
JLinkerLispException - If an error occurs when fetching the the state or results of a STYLE_ASYNC call.


public java.lang.String queryAsyncName()
                                throws JLinkerLispThrow,
Query the name of the Lisp process where the call is run.

This value may be of interest in an application that may need to terminate a LispCall in STYLE_ASYNC. The name can be used to interrupt or terminate the Lisp thread by using the Lisp functions process-name-to-process, process-interrupt, or process-kill.

The string name of a Lisp process (thread).


public void close()
Discard all arguments and results.

The style, retention strategy, and Lisp operator are retained if previously set. A call to reset() is needed before new arguments may be added.

Note that if a STYLE_ASYNC operation is in progress in Lisp, it continues but any state or result will no longer be available in Java.


public boolean reset()
Discard the results but keep the arguments.

Discard results but keep arguments so that the LispCall instance may be re-used for another call. The style, retention strategy, and Lisp operator are retained if previously set.

Note that if a STYLE_ASYNC operation is in progress in Lisp, it continues but any state or result will no longer be available in Java.

The returned value is true if the LispCall instance is ready to make another call. The methods setOp() and setArg() may be used to modify the instance before making a call.

When the returned value is false, the LispCall instance is in the STATE_NEW or STATE_COLLECTING state and is not ready for another call.


public void setArg(int i,
                   boolean arg)
Set or modify a specified argument position with a boolean value.


public void setArg(int i,
                   int arg)
Set or modify a specified argument position with an int value.


public void setArg(int i,
                   long arg)
Set or modify a specified argument position with a long value.


public void setArg(int i,
                   double arg)
Set or modify a specified argument position with a double value.


public void setArg(int i,
                   java.lang.String arg)
Set or modify a specified argument position with a String value.


public void setArg(int i,
                   java.lang.Object arg)
Set or modify a specified argument position with a reference to a Java Object or a pre-wrapped Java or Lisp object.


public void setArg(int i,
                   int[] arg)
Set or modify a specified argument position with a copy of an array of int values.


public void setArg(int i,
                   double[] arg)
Set or modify a specified argument position with a copy of an array of double values.


public void setArg(int i,
                   java.lang.String[] arg)
Set or modify a specified argument position with a copy of an array of String values.


public void setSymbol(int i,
                      java.lang.String name)
Set or modify a specified argument position with a reference to a Lisp symbol.

The symbol is interned with read-from-string.

If the entire string is not consumed to create the symbol a Lisp error is signaled. Special characters must be escaped with the Lisp escape character

i - The index of the modified argument.
name - A String value that will be passed to read-from-string to create the symbol. The string may contain a package prefix as well as a symbol name.


public void setSymbol(int i,
                      java.lang.String name,
                      java.lang.String pkg)
Set or modify a specified argument position with a reference to a Lisp symbol.

The symbol is interned with read-from-string.

If the pkg argument is the empty string, the current package is used. If the pkg argument is the string ":", the keyword package is used. Otherwise, the string specifies a package name. The package name is interned with read-from-string to avoid case-mode issues.

If the entire string is not consumed to create the symbol a Lisp error is signaled. Special characters must be escaped with the Lisp escape character.

i - The index of the modified argument.
name - A String value that will be passed to read-from-string to create the symbol. The string may contain a package prefix as well as a symbol name.
pkg - A String value that specifies the Lisp package context for read-from-string.


public void setSymbol(int i,
                      java.lang.String name,
                      java.lang.String pkg,
                      int mode)
Set or modify a specified argument position with a reference to a Lisp symbol.

The symbol is interned with read-from-string.

i - The index of the modified argument.
name - A String value that will be passed to read-from-string to create the symbol. The string may contain a package prefix as well as a symbol name.
pkg - A String value that specifies the Lisp package context for read-from-string.
action -
  • 0 denotes a symbol reference
  • 1 denotes the symbol-value of the symbol
  • 2 denotes the symbol-function of the symbol
  • 3 denotes find-class of the symbol


public int mayCall()
Query if it is allowed to call Lisp in this thread.

Some Lisp implementations allow callback only in the thread in which the Lisp application called Java in the first place.

an integer that describes the situation
  • 0 - cannot call yet, interface is not fully initialized
  • -1 - cannot call from this thread, ever
  • +1 - may call from this thread, but not from any other
  • +2 - may call from this or any other thread
These restrictions apply only in Native mode. In socket mode, there are no thread restrictions, and the result is always +2.


public static int dispatchEvent(java.lang.String ev,
                                java.lang.Object target,
                                java.lang.String[] s,
                                int[] l,
                                int timeout)
Dispatch an event to the Lisp handler.

ev - is a String that names the event. This is the name that was used in the call to register-handler on the Lisp side.
target - is the Object instance associated with the event when it was registered
s - is an array of String data associated with the event.
l - is an array of int data associated with the event.
timeout - The number of milliseconds to wait for an available port. If zero, make the call only if a port is available immediately. If negative, wait indefinitely.
Zero in the native implementation. Return a sequence number in the socket implementation, or -1 if a port to Lisp could not be obtained in the time specified.


public static int dispatchEvent(java.lang.String ev,
                                java.lang.Object target,
                                java.lang.String[] s,
                                int[] l)
Dispatch an event to the Lisp handler.

ev - is a String that names the event. This is the name that was used in the call to register-handler on the Lisp side.
target - is the Object instance associated with the event when it was registered
s - is an array of String data associated with the event.
l - is an array of int data associated with the event.
Zero in the native implementation. Return a sequence number in the socket implementation, or -1 if a port to Lisp could not be obtained in the time specified by defaultPortTimeout.


public static boolean connect(java.lang.String host,
                              int port,
                              int pollInterval,
                              int pollCount)
Connect to a Lisp server at a known host and port.

host - The name of the host, "" denotes the loopback host.
port - The port number.
pollInterval - A polling interval in milliseconds. If the value is negative, use the value of defaultPollInterval.
pollCount - The number of times to try. If the value is negative, use the value of defaultPollCount.
true if a connection was made. If the connection attempt failed, return false. An Object instance describing the failure may be available in the field connectError.


public static boolean connect(java.lang.String com,
                              int pollInterval,
                              int pollCount)
Connect to a Lisp server when the host and port are published in a file.

com - The pathname to the host and port file.
pollInterval - A polling interval in milliseconds. If the value is negative, use the value of defaultPollInterval.
pollCount - The number of times to try. If the value is negative, use the value of defaultPollCount.
true if a connection was made. If the connection attempt failed, return false. An Object instance describing the failure may be available in the field connectError.


public static boolean advertise(int port,
                                int timeoutSeconds)
Allow a Lisp server to connect to the Java application.

port - The port number where Java will listen.
timeoutSeconds - Listen for this many seconds.
true if a connection was made.

If the connection attempt failed, return false. An Object instance describing the failure may be available in the field connectError.


public static boolean advertise(java.lang.String l2j,
                                java.lang.String host,
                                int port,
                                int timeoutSeconds)
Advertise the Java host and port in a file.

l2j - The pathname to a file.
host - The host name where Lisp should connect.
port - The port number where Lisp should connect. If zero, a system assigned port will be used.
timeoutSeconds - Listen for this many seconds.
true if a connection was made. If the connection attempt failed, return false. An Object instance describing the failure may be available in the field connectError.


public static void disconnect()
End the connection to a Lisp server.