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Allegro CL version 9.0
Unrevised from 8.2 to 9.0.
8.2 version


Arguments: standard-object

Returns or sets with setf the value of the tabs property of the argument. The value of this property is a list of distances from the left edge of the control. The distances are measured in pixels for outline and list controls, and in character widths for text-editing controls. These are spacing guides for text whenever tab characters appear in a displayed string. For list controls, these values specify the location of columns when the list control displays multiple columns.

tabs is a property of the outline, dropping-outline, multi-item-list, single-item-list, multi-line-editable-text, text-edit-pane, rich-edit, and rich-edit-pane classes.

If the rich-edit has its tabstop property turned off (the default), then pressing the tab key will insert a tab character into the control's text. If the tabstop property is turned on, then pressing the tab key will move the focus to the next widget, and control-semicolon must be pressed in order to insert a tab character interactively. A comtab or virtual-key-down method could be supplied to make some other keychord insert a tab-character by doing something like

(write-char #\tab rich-edit-pane)

See cg-rich-text.htm for information about rich text editing in Common Graphics.

Copyright (c) 1998-2012, Franz Inc. Oakland, CA., USA. All rights reserved.
Documentation for Allegro CL version 9.0. This page was not revised from the 8.2 page.
Created 2012.5.30.

Allegro CL version 9.0
Unrevised from 8.2 to 9.0.
8.2 version