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Allegro CL version 9.0
Unrevised from 8.2 to 9.0.
8.2 version


Arguments: &optional dir

This command and the related :popd and :pushd work just like their Unix C shell counterparts. :cd changes the current directory to dir (if supplied) or to the user's home directory (if dir is not supplied). On Windows, the home directory is taken to be C:\. :pushd changes the current directory to dir and adds it to the directory stack. If no argument is supplied, :pushd changes to the directory at the top of the directory stack and swaps the top two directories on the stack. :popd pops the current directory off the directory stack and changes the current directory to the directory that was next on that stack.

:cd, :popd, and :pushd all change the value of *default-pathname-defaults* so that its directory component is the new current directory.

dir will be treated as a string but need not be surrounded in quotation marks.

See also chdir (which is like :cd but does not change the value of *default-pathname-defaults*) and current-directory.

See also :dirs, which prints the stack of directories and :pwd, which prints the full path of the current directory.

:cd has no abbreviation.

See top-level.htm for more information on top-level commands.

Copyright (c) 1998-2012, Franz Inc. Oakland, CA., USA. All rights reserved.
Documentation for Allegro CL version 9.0. This page was not revised from the 8.2 page.
Created 2012.5.30.

Allegro CL version 9.0
Unrevised from 8.2 to 9.0.
8.2 version