For Gauche 0.9.11Search (procedure/syntax/module):

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6.2 Equality and comparison

Comparing two objects seems trivial, but if you look into deeper, there are lots of subtleties hidden in the corners. What should it mean if two procedures are equal to each other? How to order two complex numbers? It all depends on your purpose; there’s no single generic answer. So Scheme (and Gauche) provides several options, as well as the way to make your own.

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6.2.1 Equality

Scheme has three different general equality test predicates. Other than these, some types have their own comparison predicates.

Function: eq? obj1 obj2

[R7RS base] This is the fastest and finest predicate. Returns #t if obj1 and obj2 are identical objects—that is, if they represents the same object on memory or in a register. Notably, you can compare two symbols or two keywords with eq? to check if they are the same or not. You can think eq? as a pointer comparison for any heap-allocated objects.

Booleans can be compared with eq?, but you can’t compare characters and numbers reliably—objects with the same numerical value may or may not eq? to each other. If you identity comparison needs to include those objects, use eqv? below.

(eq? #t #t)               ⇒ #t
(eq? #t #f)               ⇒ #f
(eq? 'a 'a)               ⇒ #t
(eq? 'a 'b)               ⇒ #f
(eq? (list 'a) (list 'a)) ⇒ #f
(let ((x (list 'a)))
  (eq? x x))              ⇒ #t
Function: eqv? obj1 obj2

[R7RS base] When obj1 and obj2 are both exact or both inexact numbers (except NaN or -0.0), eqv? returns #t iff (= obj1 obj2) is true. -0.0 is only eqv? to -0.0, and NaN is never eqv? to anything (including itself).

When obj1 and obj2 are both characters, eqv? returns #t iff (char=? obj1 obj2) is true. Otherwise, eqv? is the same as eq? on Gauche.

(eqv? #\a #\a)             ⇒ #t
(eqv? #\a #\b)             ⇒ #f
(eqv? 1.0 1.0)             ⇒ #t
(eqv? 1 1)                 ⇒ #t
(eqv? 1 1.0)               ⇒ #f
(eqv? (list 'a) (list 'a)) ⇒ #f
(let ((x (list 'a)))
  (eqv? x x))              ⇒ #t

Note that comparison of NaNs has some peculiarity. Any numeric comparison fails if there’s at least one NaN in its argument. Therefore, (= +nan.0 +nan.0) is always #f. However, Gauche may return #t for (eq? +nan.0 +nan.0) or (eqv? +nan.0 +nan.0).

Function: equal? obj1 obj2

[R7RS+] If obj1 and obj2 are both aggregate types, equal? compares its elements recursively. Otherwise, equal? behaves the same as eqv?.

If obj1 and obj2 are not eqv? to each other, not of builtin types, and the class of both objects are the same, equal? calls the generic function object-equal?. By defining the method, users can extend the behavior of equal? for user-defined classes.

(equal? (list 1 2) (list 1 2)) ⇒ #t
(equal? "abc" "abc")           ⇒ #t
(equal? 100 100)               ⇒ #t
(equal? 100 100.0)             ⇒ #f

;; 0.0 and -0.0 is numerically equal (=), but eqv? distingushes them, so as equal?.
(equal? 0.0 -0.0)              ⇒ #f

Note: This procedure correctly handles the case when both obj1 and obj2 have cycles through pairs and vectors, as required by R6RS and R7RS. However, if the cycle involves user-defined classes, equal? may fail to terminate.

Generic Function: object-equal? obj1 obj2

This generic function is called when equal? is called on the objects it doesn’t know about. You can define this method on your class so that equal? can check equivalence. This method is supposed to return #t if obj1 is equal to obj2, #f otherwise. If you want to check equivalence of elements recursively, do not call object-equal? directly; call equal? on each element.

(define-class <foo> ()
  ((x :init-keyword :x)
   (y :init-keyword :y)))

(define-method object-equal? ((a <foo>) (b <foo>))
  (and (equal? (slot-ref a 'x) (slot-ref b 'x))
       (equal? (slot-ref a 'y) (slot-ref b 'y))))

(equal? (make <foo> :x 1 :y (list 'a 'b))
        (make <foo> :x 1 :y (list 'a 'b)))
  ⇒ #t

(equal? (make <foo> :x 1 :y (make <foo> :x 3 :y 4))
        (make <foo> :x 1 :y (make <foo> :x 3 :y 4)))
  ⇒ #t
Method: object-equal? (obj1 <top>) (obj2 <top>)

This method catches equal? between two objects of a user-defined class, in case the user doesn’t define a specialized method for the class.

When called, it scans the registered default comparators that can handle both obj1 and obj2, and if it finds one, use the comparator’s equality predicate to see if two arguments are equal to each other. When no matching comparators are found, it just returns #f. See Predefined comparators, about the default comparators: Look for the entries of default-comparator and comparator-register-default!.

Note: If you define object-equal? with exactly the same specializers of this method, you’ll replace it and that breaks default-comparator operation. Future versions of Gauche will prohibit such redefinition. For now, be careful not to redefine it accidentally.

Sometimes you want to test if two aggregate structures are topologically equal, i.e., if one has a shared substructure, the other has a shared substructure in the same way. Equal? can’t handle it; module util.isomorph provides a procedure isomorphic? which does the job (see Determine isomorphism).

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6.2.2 Comparison

Equality only concern about whether two objects are equivalent or not. However, sometimes we want to see the order among objects. Again, there’s no single “universal order”. It doesn’t make mathematical sense to ask if one complex number is greater than another, but having some artificial order is useful when you want a consistent result of sorting a list of objects including numbers.

Function: compare obj1 obj2

A general comparison procedure. Returns -1 if obj1 is less than obj2, 0 if obj1 is equal to obj2, and 1 if obj1 is greater than obj2.

If obj1 and obj2 are incomparable, an error is signalled. However, compare defines total order between most Scheme objects, so that you can use it on wide variety of objects. The definition is upper-compatible to the order defined in srfi-114.

Some built-in types are handled by this procedure reflecting “natural” order of comparison if any (e.g. real numbers are compared by numeric values, characters are compared by char< etc.) For convenience, it also defines superficial order between objects that doesn’t have natural order; complex numbers are ordered first by their real part, then their imaginary part, for example. That is, 1+i comes before 2-i, which comes before 2, which comes before 2+i.

Boolean false comes before boolean true.

Lists are ordered by dictionary order: Take the common prefix. If either one is () and the other is not, () comes first. If both tails are not empty, compare the heads of the tails. (This makes empty list the “smallest” of all lists).

Vectors (including uniform vectors) are compared first by their lengths, and if they are the same, elements are compared from left to right. Note that it’s different from lists and strings.

(compare '(1 2 3) '(1 3))
  ⇒ -1  ; (1 2 3) is smaller
(compare '#(1 2 3) '#(1 3))
  ⇒ 1   ; #(1 3) is smaller
(compare "123" "13")
  ⇒ -1  ; "123" is smaller

If two objects are of subclasses of <object>, a generic function object-compare is called.

If two objects are of different types and at least one of them isn’t <object>, then they are ordered by their types. Srfi-114 defines the order of builtin types as follows:

  1. Empty list.
  2. Pairs.
  3. Booleans.
  4. Characters.
  5. Strings.
  6. Symbols.
  7. Numbers.
  8. Vectors.
  9. Uniform vectors (u8 < s8 < u16 < s16 < u32 < s32 < u64 < s64 < f16 < f32 < f64)
  10. All other objects.
Generic Function: object-compare obj1 obj2

Specializing this generic function extends compare procedure for user-defined classes.

This method must return either -1 (obj1 precedes obj2), 0 (obj1 equals to obj2), 1 (obj1 succeeds obj2), or #f (obj1 and obj2 cannot be ordered).

Method: object-compare (obj1 <top>) (obj2 <top>)

This method catches compare between two objects of a user-defined class, in case the user doesn’t define a specialized method for the class.

When called, it scans the registered default comparators that can handle both obj1 and obj2, and if it finds one, use the comparator’s compare procedure to determine the order of obj1 and obj2. When no matching comparators are found, it returns #f, meaning two objects can’t be ordered. See Predefined comparators, about the default comparators: Look for the entries of default-comparator and comparator-register-default!.

Note: If you define object-compare with exactly the same specializers of this method, you’ll replace it and that breaks default-comparator operation. Future versions of Gauche will prohibit such redefinition. For now, be careful not to redefine it accidentally.

Function: eq-compare obj1 obj2

Returns -1 (less than), 0 (equal to) or 1 (greater than) according to a certain total ordering of obj1 and obj2. Both arguments can be any Scheme objects, and can be different type of objects. The following properties are guaranteed.

Other than these, no actual semantics are given to the ordering.

This procedure is useful when you need to order arbitrary Scheme objects, but you don’t care the actual order as far as it’s consistent.

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6.2.3 Hashing

Hash functions have close relationship with equality predicate, so we list them here.

Function: eq-hash obj
Function: eqv-hash obj

These are hash functions suitable to be used with eq? and eqv?, respectively. The returned hash value is system- and process-dependent, and can’t be carried over the boundary of the running process.

Note: don’t hash numbers by eq-hash. Two numbers are not guaranteed to be eq? even if they are numerically equal.

Function: default-hash obj

[R7RS+] This is a hash function suitable to be used with equal?. In R7RS, this is defined in scheme.comparator (originally in srfi-128).

If obj is either a number, a boolean, a character, a symbol, a keyword, a string, a list, a vector or a uniform vector, internal hash function is used to calculate the hash value. If obj is other than that, a generic function object-hash is called to calculate the hash value (see below).

The hash value also depends on hash-salt, which differs for every run of the process.

Function: portable-hash obj salt

Sometimes you need to calculate a hash value that’s “portable”, in a sense that the value won’t change across multiple runs of the process, nor between different platforms. Such hash value can be used with storing objects externally to share among processes.

This procedure calculates a hash value of obj with such characteristics; the hash value is the same for the same object and the same salt value. Here “same object” roughly means having the same external representation. Objects equal? to each other are same. If you write out an object with write, and read it back, they are also the same objects in this sense.

This means objects without read/write invariance, such as ports, can’t be handled with portable-hash. It is caller’s responsibility that obj won’t contain such objects.

The salt argument is a nonnegative fixnum and gives variations in the hash function. You have to use the same salt to get consistent results.

If obj is other than a number, a boolean, a character, a symbol, a keyword, a string, a list, a vector, or a uniform vector, this procedure calls a generic function object-hash is called to calculate the hash value (see below).

Function: legacy-hash obj

Up to 0.9.4, Gauche had a hash function called hash that was used in both equal?-hashtable and for the portable hash function. It had a problem, though.

  1. There was no way to salt the hash function, which makes the hashtables storing externally provided data vulnerable to collision attack.
  2. The hash function behaves poorly, especially on flonums.
  3. There are bugs in bignum and flonum hashing code that have produced different results on different architectures.

Since there are existing hash values calculated with the old hash function, we preserve the behavior of the original hash function as legacy-hash. Use this when you need to access old data. (The hash function also behaves as legacy-hash by default, but it has tweaks; see below.)

The new code that needs portable hash value should use portable-hash instead.

Generic Function: object-hash obj rec-hash

By defining a method for this generic function, objects of user-defined types can have a hash value and can be used in a equal? hash table.

The method has to return an exact non-negative integer, and must return the same value for two object which are equal?. Furthermore, the returned value must not rely on the platform or state of the process, if obj is a portable object (see portable-hash above for what is portable.)

If the method needs to get hash value of obj’s elements, it has to call rec-hash on them. It guarantees that the proper hash function is called recursively. So you can count on rec-hash to calculate a portable hash value when object-hash itself is called from portable-hash.

If obj has several elements, you can call combine-hash-value on the elements’ hash values.

(define-class <myclass> () (x y))

;; user-defined equality function
(define-method object-equal? ((a <myclass>) (b <myclass>))
  (and (equal? (ref a 'x) (ref b 'x))
       (= (abs (ref a 'y)) (abs (ref b 'y)))))

;; user-defined hash function
(define-method object-hash ((a <myclass>) rec-hash)
  (combine-hash-value (rec-hash (ref a 'x))
                      (rec-hash (abs (ref a 'y)))))

Note: The base method of object-hash hashes any object to a single hash value (the actual value depends on hash-salt if object-hash is called from default-hash, and a fixed constant value otherwise. It’s because object’s equality semantics can be customized separately, and we can’t compute a non-constant hash value without knowing the equality semantics.

This behavior is the last “safety net”; in general, you should define object-hash method on your class if the instances of your class can ever be hashed.

Method: object-hash (obj <top>) rec-hash
Method: object-hash (obj <top>)

These two methods are defined by the system and ensures the backward compatibility and the behavior of default-comparator. Be careful not to replace these methods by defining the exactly same specializers. In future versions of Gauche, attempts to replace these methods will raise an error.

Function: combine-hash-value ha hb

Returns a hash value which is a combination of two hash values, ha and hb. The guaranteed invariance is that if (= ha1 ha2) and (= hb1 hb2) then (= (combine-hash-value ha1 hb1) (combine-hash-value ha2 hb2)). This is useful to write user-defined object-hash method.

Function: hash obj

This function is deprecated.

Calculate a hash value of obj suitable for equal? hash. By default, it returns the same value as legacy-hash. However, if this is called from default-hash or portable-hash (via object-hash method), it recurses to the calling hash function.

The behavior is to keep the legacy code work. Until 0.9.5, hash is the only hash function to be used for both portable hash and equal?-hash, and object-hash method takes single argument (an object to hash) and calls hash recursively whenever it needs to get a hash value of other objects pointed from the argument.

As of 0.9.5 we have more than one hash functions that calls object-hash, so the method takes the hash function as the second argument to recurse. However, we can’t just break the legacy code; so there’s a default method defined in object-hash which is invoked when no two-arg method is defined for the given object, and dispatches to one-arg method. As far as the legacy object-hash code calls hash, it calls proper function. The new code shouldn’t rely on this behavior, and must use the second argument of object-hash instead.

Function: boolean-hash bool
Function: char-hash char
Function: char-ci-hash char
Function: string-hash str
Function: string-ci-hash str
Function: symbol-hash sym
Function: number-hash num

[R7RS comparator] These are hash functions for specific type of objects, defined in R7RS scheme.comparator. In Gauche, these procedures are just a wrapper of default-hash with type checks (and case folding when relevant). These are mainly provided to conform scheme.comparator; in your code you might just want to use default-hash (or eq-hash/eqv-hash, depending on the equality predicate).

The case-folding versions, char-ci-hash and string-ci-hash, calls char-foldcase and string-foldcase respectively, on the argument before passing it to hash. (See Characters, for char-foldcase. See Full string case conversion, for string-foldcase).

Function: hash-bound
Function: hash-salt

[R7RS comparator] Both evaluates to an exact nonnegative integers. In R7RS, these are defined in scheme.comparator.

(Note: scheme.comparator defines these as macros, in order to allow implementations optimize runtime overhead. In Gauche we use procedures but the overhead is negligible.)

User-defined hash functions can limit the range of the result between 0 and (hash-bound), respectively, without worrying to lose quality of hash function. (User-defined hash functions don’t need to honor (hash-bound) at all; hashtables takes modulo when necessary.)

User-defined hash function can also take into account of the value (hash-salt) into hash calculation; the salt value may differ between runs of the Scheme processes, or even between hash table instances. It is to avoid collision attack. Built-in hash functions already takes the salt value into account, so if your hash function is combining the hash values of primitive types, you don’t need to worry about salt values.

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6.2.4 Basic comparators

Equality and comparison procedures are parameters in various data structures. A treemap needs to order its keys; a hashtable needs to see if the keys are the same or not, and it also need a hash function consistent with the equality predicate.

If we want to work on generic data structures, we need to abstract those variations of comparison schemes. So here comes the comparator, a record that bundles closely-related comparison procedures together.

There are two SRFIs that define comparators. The one that was originally called srfi-128 has now become a part of R7RS large as scheme.comparator, and we recommend new code to use it. Gauche has all of scheme.comparator procedures built-in. The older, and rather complex one is srfi-114; Gauche also supports it mainly for the backward compatibility. Importantly, Gauche’s native <comparator> object is compatible to both scheme.comparator and srfi-114 comparators.

Next: , Previous: , Up: Basic comparators   [Contents][Index] Comparator class and constructors

Builtin Class: <comparator>

A comparator record that bundles the following procedures:

Type test predicate

Checks if an object can be compared with this comparator.

Equality predicate

See if given two objects are equal to each other; returns a boolean value.

Ordering predicate

Compare given two objects, and returns true iff the first one is strictly precedes the second one. That is, this is a less-than predicate.

Comparison procedure

Compare given two objects, and returns either -1 (the first one is less than the second), 0 (they are equal), or 1 (the first one is greater than the second).

Hash function

Returns a hash value of the given object.

Scheme.comparator’s comparators use the ordering predicate, while SRFI-114 comparators use the comparison procedure. Gauche’s <comparator> supports both by automatically generating the missing one; that is, if you create a comparator with scheme.comparator interface, by giving an ordering predicate, Gauche automatically fills the comparison procedure, and if you create one with SRFI-114 interface by giving a comparison procedure, Gauche generates the ordering predicate.

A comparator may not have an ordering predicate / comparison procedure, and/or a hash function. You can check if the comparator can be used for ordering or hashing by comparator-ordered? and comparator-hashable?, respectively.

Some built-in data types such as hashtables (see Hashtables) and treemaps (see Treemaps), take a comparator in their constructors. The sort and merge procedures also accept comparators (see Sorting and merging).

Function: make-comparator type-test equal order hash :optional name

[R7RS comparator] Creates a new comparator form the given type-test, equal, order and hash functions, and returns it. In R7RS, this is defined in scheme.comparator

See the description of <comparator> above for the role of those procedures.

Note: Both scheme.comparator and srfi-114 defines make-comparator, but where scheme.comparator takes order argument, srfi-114 takes compare argument. Since scheme.comparator is preferable, we adopt it for the built-in interface, and give a different name (make-comparator/compare) for SRFI-114 constructor.

Actually, some arguments can be non-procedures, to use predefined procedures, for the convenience. Even if non-procedure arguments are passed, the corresponding accessors (e.g. comparator-type-test-procedure for the type-test procedure) always return a procedure—either the given one or the predefined one.

The type-test argument must be either #t or a predicate taking one argument to test suitability of the object for comparing by the resulting comparator. If it is #t, a procedure that always return #t is used.

The equal argument must a predicate taking two arguments to test equality.

the order argument must be either #f or a procedure taking two arguments and returning a boolean value. It must return #t iff the first argument strictly precedes the second one. If #f is passed, the comparator can not be used for ordering.

The hash argument must be either #f, or a procedure taking one argument and returning nonnegative exact integer. If #f is given, it indicates the comparator can’t hash objects; the predefined procedure just throws an error.

The fifth, optional argument name, is Gauche’s extension. It can be any object but usually a symbol; it is only used when printing the comparator, to help debugging.

Function: make-comparator/compare type-test equal compare hash :optional name

This is SRFI-114 comparator constructor. In SRFI-114, this is called make-comparator. Avoiding name conflict, we renamed it. If you (use srfi-114) you get the original name make-comparator (and the built-in make-comparator is shadowed). This is provided for the backward compatibility, and new code should use built-in make-comparator above.

It’s mostly the same as make-comparator above, except the following:

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Function: comparator? obj

[R7RS comparator] Returns true iff obj is a comparator. In R7RS, this is provided from scheme.comparator.

Method: object-equal? (a <comparator>) (b <comparator>)

Comparing two comparators by equal? compares their contents, via this method. Even a and b are comparators created separately, they can be equal? if all of their slots are the same.

This is Gauche’s extension. The standard says nothing about equality of comparators, but it is sometimes useful if you can compare two.

(equal? (make-comparator #t equal? #f hash 'foo)
        (make-comparator #t equal? #f hash 'foo))
  ⇒ #t

;; The following may be #t or #f, depending on how the anonymous
;; procedure is allocated.
(equal? (make-comparator (^x x) eq? #f #f)
        (make-comparator (^x x) eq? #f #f))
Function: comparator-flavor cmpr

Returns a symbol ordering if cmpr is created with scheme.comparator constructor, and returns comparison if cmpr is created with SRFI-114 constructor.

Usually applications don’t need to distinguish these two kinds of comparators, for either kind of comparators can behave just as another kind. This procedure is for some particular cases when one wants to optimize for the underlying comparator implementation.

Function: comparator-ordered? cmpr
Function: comparator-hashable? cmpr

[R7RS comparator] Returns true iff a comparator cmpr can be used to order objects, or to hash them, respectively. In R7RS, this is provided from scheme.comparator.

Function: comparator-type-test-procedure cmpr
Function: comparator-equality-predicate cmpr
Function: comparator-ordering-predicate cmpr
Function: comparator-hash-function cmpr

[R7RS comparator] Returns type test procedure, equality predicate, ordering procedure and hash function of comparator cmpr, respectively. In R7RS, this is provided from scheme.comparator.

These accessors always return procedures; if you give #f to the order or hash argument of the constructor, comparator-ordering-predicate and comparator-hash-function still return a procedure, which will just raise an error.

Function: comparator-comparison-procedure cmpr

[SRFI-114] This is a SRFI-114 procedure, but sometimes handy with scheme.comparator comparators. Returns a procedure that takes two objects that satisfy the type predicates of cmpr. The procedure returns either -1, 0 or 1, depending on whether the first object is less than, equal to, or greater than the second. The comparator must be ordered, that is, it must have an ordering predicate (or a comparison procedure, if it is created by SRFI-114 constructor).

Function: comparator-test-type cmpr obj
Function: comparator-check-type cmpr obj

[R7RS comparator] Test whether obj can be handled by a comparator cmpr, by applying cmpr’s type test predicate. The former (comparator-test-type) returns a boolean values, while the latter (comparator-check-type) signals an error when obj can’t be handled.

In R7RS, this is provided from scheme.comparator.

Function: =? cmpr obj obj2 obj3 …
Function: <? cmpr obj obj2 obj3 …
Function: <=? cmpr obj obj2 obj3 …
Function: >? cmpr obj obj2 obj3 …
Function: >=? cmpr obj obj2 obj3 …

[R7RS comparator] Compare objects using a comparator cmpr. All of obj, obj2, obj3 … must satisfy the type predicate of cmpr. When more than two objects are given, the order of comparison is undefined.

In order to use <?, <=?, >? and >=?, comparator must be ordered.

In R7RS, this is provided from scheme.comparator.

Function: comparator-hash cmpr obj

[R7RS comparator] Returns a hash value of obj with the hash function of a comparator cmpr. The comparator must be hashable, and obj must satisfy comparator’s type test predicate.

In R7RS, this is provided from scheme.comparator.

Function: comparator-compare cmpr a b

[SRFI-114] Order two objects a and b using cmpr, and returns either one of -1 (a is less than b), 0 (a equals to b), or 1 (a is greater than b). Objects must satisfy cmpr’s type test predicate.

A simple comparison can be done by <? etc, but sometimes three-way comparison comes handy. So we adopt this procedure from srfi-114.

Next: , Previous: , Up: Basic comparators   [Contents][Index] Predefined comparators

Variable: default-comparator

[SRFI-114] This variable bounds to a comparator that is used by default in many context.

It can compare most of Scheme objects, even between objects with different types. In fact, it is defined as follows:

(define default-comparator
  (make-comparator/compare #t equal? compare default-hash

As you see in the definition, equality, ordering and hashing are handled by equal?, compare and default-hash, respectively. They takes care of builtin objects, and also equal? and compare handle the case when two objects () are of different types.

For objects of user-defined classes, those procedures call generic functions object-equal?, object-compare, and object-hash, respectively. Defining methods for them automatically extended the domain of default-comparator.

Scheme.comparator defines another way to extend default-comparator. See comparator-register-default! below for the details.

Function: comparator-register-default! comparator

[R7RS comparator] In R7RS, this is provided from scheme.comparator. This is the scheme.comparator way for user programs to extend the behavior of the default-comparator (which is what make-default-comparator returns).

Note that, in Gauche, you can also extend default comparator’s behavior by defining specialized methods for object-equal?, object-compare and object-hash. See the description of default-comparator above, for the details.

In fact, Gauche uses those generic functions to handle the registered comparators; methods specialized for <top> are defined for these generic functions, which catches the case when default-comparator is applied on object(s) of user-defined classes that don’t have specialized methods defined for those generic functions. The catching method examines registered comparators to find one that can handle passed argument(s), and if it finds one, use it.

You might frown at this procedure having a global side-effect. Well, scheme.comparator explicitly prohibits comparators registered by this procedure alters the behavior of the default comparator in the existing domain—it is only allowed to handle objects that aren’t already handled by the system’s original default comparator and other already registered comparators. So, the only effect of adding new comparator should make the default comparator work on objects that had been previously raised an error.

In reality, it is impossible to enforce the condition. If you register a comparator whose domain overlaps overlaps the domain the default comparator (and its extensions via Gauche’s methods), the program becomes non-portable at that moment. In the current version, the comparators registered by comparator-register-default! has the lowest precedence on the dispatch mechanism, but you shouldn’t count on that.

Variable: eq-comparator
Variable: eqv-comparator
Variable: equal-comparator

[SRFI-114] Built-in comparators that uses eq?, eqv? and equal? for the equality predicate, respectively. They accept any kind of Scheme objects. Each has corresponding hash functions (i.e. eq-hash for eq-comparator, eqv-hash for eqv-comparator and default-hash for equal-comparator). Only eq-comparator is ordered, using eq-compare to order the objects (see Comparison, for eq-compare).

Note that eq-comparator and eqv-comparator are not equivalent from what make-eq-comparator and make-eqv-comparator return, respectively. The latter two are defined in scheme.comparator and specified to use default-hash for the hash function. It is heavier than eq-hash/eqv-hash, and it can’t be used for circular objects, nor for the mutable objects with which you want to hash them by identity. We provide eq-comparator and eqv-comparator in case you want to avoid limitations of default-hash.

Variable: boolean-comparator
Variable: char-comparator
Variable: char-ci-comparator
Variable: string-comparator
Variable: string-ci-comparator

[SRFI-114] Compare booleans, characters, and strings, respectively. The *-ci-* variants uses case-insensitive comparison. All have appropriate hash functions, too.

The string case-insensitive comparison uses Unicode full-string case conversion (see Full string case conversion).

Variable: exact-integer-comparator
Variable: integer-comparator
Variable: rational-comparator
Variable: real-comparator
Variable: complex-comparator
Variable: number-comparator

[SRFI-114] Compare exact integers, integers, rational numbers, real numbers, complex numbers and general numbers, respectively. In Gauche number-comparator is the same as complex-comparator.

The equality are determined by =. For exact integer, integer, rational and real comparators, the order is the numerical order. Two complex numbers are compared first by their real components, and then their imaginary components only if the real components are the same.

Note that those comparator rejects NaN. You need make-inexact-real-comparator in srfi-114 module to compare NaNs with your own discretion. See Comparators, for the details.

Variable: pair-comparator
Variable: list-comparator
Variable: vector-comparator
Variable: uvector-comparator
Variable: bytevector-comparator

[SRFI-114] The default comparators to compare pairs, lists, vectors, uniform vectors and bytevectors (which is synonym to u8vector). Their respective elements are compared with the default comparators.

Note that lists are compared by dictionary order ((1 2 3) comes before (1 3)), while in vector-families shorter ones are ordered first ( #(1 3) comes before #(1 2 3)).

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Function: make-default-comparator

[R7RS comparator] Returns a default comparator. In Gauche, this returns the default-comparator object. In R7RS, this is provided from scheme.comparator.

Function: make-eq-comparator
Function: make-eqv-comparator

[R7RS comparator] Returns comparators that use eq? and eqv? for its equality predicate, respectively. Note that they use default-hash for hash functions, as specified by scheme.comparator, which has a few drawbacks: You can’t use it if you want to hash based on identity of mutable objects, it diverges on circular objects, and it is slow if applied on a large structures. We recommend to use eq-comparator or eqv-comparator if possible (see Predefined comparators).

In R7RS, this is provided from scheme.comparator.

Function: make-reverse-comparator cmpr

[SRFI-114] Returns a comparator with the same type test predicate, equality procedure, and hash function as the given comparator, but the comparison procedure is flipped.

Function: make-key-comparator cmpr test key

Suppose you have some kind of structure, but you only need to look at one part of it to compare them.

Returns a new comparator that uses test as type test predicate. Its equality predicate, comparison procedure and hash function are constructed by applying key to the argument(s) then passing the result to the corresponding procedure of cmpr. If cmpr lacks comparison procedure and/or hash function, so does the returned comparator.

In the following example, the tree-map users compares the given user records only by the username slots:

(use gauche.record)

(define-record-type user #t #t
  username      ; string
  password-hash ; string
  comment)      ; string

(define users   ; table of users, managed by tree-map
    (make-key-comparator string-comparator user? user-username)))
Function: make-tuple-comparator cmpr1 cmpr2 …

Creates a comparator that compares lists of the form (x1 x2 …), where each element is compared with the corresponding comparator. For example, (make-tuple-comparator c1 c2 c3) will compare three-element list, whose first elements are compared by c1, second elements by c2 and third elements by c3.

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For Gauche 0.9.11Search (procedure/syntax/module):