This documents the flags in braces at the beginning of .look file block template definitions. The flags fall into one of three classes:
Varible definition types:
Full, mix of multi & single line property definitions:
<?template foo<= Multi line string <=foo bar=>Single line string template?>
Pipe delimited, properites are named DATA<n>, where <n> starts at 1 and increases.
<?template DATA1|second arg|DATA3 template?>
One property, and it's named DATA
<?template I am the DATA template?>
Static template definitions:
Static: output won't have more BML to expand, or properties to fill-in, so don't try.
Less static: add pRoperties, but then don't BML expand.
Controlling expansion vs. interpolation order:
Pre-parsed. BML-expand parameters first, then interpolate into template. By default, parameters are interpolated first, then everything is expanded. But if you use %%TITLE%% twice in your PAGE, for example, and your .bml file defines TITLE=> with a _CODE block, it will be run twice, so it's generally a good idea to make PAGE definitions pre-parsed. Also, then, you avoid re-running most of your output through the BML expander a second time.
Expand embedded parameterless static blocks in definition early. When the template file is read, any blocks of the form <?foo?> are expanded ahead of time. Useful in conjunction with the {S} flag. consider:
# Our image server: IMGPREFIX=>{S} # Some block that has an image: SPACER=>{Ss}<img src='<?imgprefix?>/spacer.gif' width='1' height='10'>
The SPACER block isn't really static, but because {s} is used and <?IMGPREFIX?> is static, then SPACER can also be static.