»1. Using site-specific text

To create your own site-specific language file, all you have to do is select which strings you'd like to override from $LJHOME/bin/upgrading/en.dat and put them in a new file: en_LOCAL.dat Then, you add the language to your database using the steps below:

Procedure 15.1. Creating a new site-specific language file: en_LOCAL:

  1. Create a new file under $LJHOME/bin/upgrading/, labelled en_LOCAL.dat. This file should contain all of the text that you'd like to override from $LJHOME/bin/upgrading/en.dat.

  2. If you don't have a local BML configuration file (_config-local.bml) in your $LJHOME/htdocs/ directory, you should create one now. Add the following line to your local configuration file:

    DefaultLanguage en_LOCAL

  3. If you don't have a local language directive file ($LJHOME/bin/upgrading/text-local.dat) create one now. Add the following lines to your local language file:

    # EnglishLOCAL is child of English for general domain:
    lang:100:en_LOCAL:English (Local):sim:en
    # EnglishLOCAL is root of FAQ:

  4. Run $LJHOME/bin/upgrading/texttool.pl load.