LJ::set_userprop — Sets/deletes a userprop by name for a user.
(dbarg, uuserid, propname, value, memonly);
dbarg. Deprecated; a master database handle ($dbh) or a master/slave set of database handles ($dbs).
uuserid. The userid of the user or a user hashref.
propname. The name of the property. Or a hashref of propname keys and corresponding values.
value. The value to set to the property. If undefined or the empty string, then property is deleted.
memonly. if true, only writes to memcache, and not to database.
This adds or deletes from the userprop/userproplite tables. One crappy thing about this interface is that it doesn't allow a batch of userprops to be updated at once, which is the common thing to do.