»Chapter 10. Supporting the Blogger API

Like LiveJournal, the weblog service Blogger[o]» provides a programmatic interface that's been built with XML-RPC[o]». To allow our users to make use of popular Blogger-compatible tools (Radio, Blogbuddy, w.bloggar, TextRouter), we've added internal support for their API. However, the Blogger API[o]» is currently labeled as ‘experimental and alpha’, and will not be developed further.[11]

The Blogger interface address for a LiveJournal installation is /interface/blogger/[o]».

Supported Methods

LiveJournal supports the following Blogger API methods (methods are linked to relevant documentation):


[11] Blogger: ‘We are working along with others in the blogging industry to produce a new, more robust API. You can view the current state of the Echo Project here[o]».’