

dbinfo — For LiveJournal installations with many databases, the database connection info, roles, and weightings can be stored in the database instead of the %LJ::DBINFO hash, for easier (web-based) management.


Column nameTypeNullDefaultDescription
dbidtinyint unsigned 0Unique database ID. Recommended to use the mysql server-id value.
namevarchar(25)YESA unique name of the server.
fdsnvarchar(255)YESThe DBI connection DSN, username, then password, delimited by pipe characters.
rootfdsnvarchar(255)YESThe fdsn to connect as root, to do administrative stuff.
masteridtinyint unsigned 0The dbid which this server replicates from, or 0 for the master server. Note: only one server should have a master of 0!
Key nameTypeColumn(s)