The 'caps' column in the 'user' table is a 16 bit mask with a bit on for each capability class the user is a part of. Each site can define their own capability classes in cgi-bin/ Then, each capability class can define its own limits for the following things. The LJ::get_cap() and LJ::get_cap_min() functions will consider the limits of all the classes the member is a part of and return the max or min limit, depending on what it's being used for in the code.
This text should reflect a different view, as the developer is writing the cap _for_ the administrator.General Capabilities
(boolean) - Can post new entries
(boolean) - User can use checkfriends.
(integer) - Time before clients can call "checkfriends" (use min).
(boolean) - Posting new journal entries is disabled for this account, presumably because a trial period of some sort has expired.
(boolean) - Getting new comments in this journal is disabled, presumably because a trial period of some sort has expired.
(boolean) - This account can no longer leave comments, presumably because a trial period of some sort has expired.
(boolean) - User has ability to post via an email gateway.
(boolean) - User is able to use the similar interests matching feature
(boolean) - User's "friends of friends" /friendsfriends view is enabled
(boolean) - Can use “Popular with Friends” tool
(integer) - After how many seconds user see new friends view items.
(boolean) - Show the full text in the RSS view
(boolean) - Can receive comments
(integer) - Hide an account's email address who has not used the site in a time period longer than the given setting. If 0, the email is never hidden. The time period is in days.
(boolean) - Can leave comments on other accounts
(boolean) - User can user make a poll
(integer) - Maximum number of friends that are allowed per account
(boolean) - User can create new mood themes.
(integer) - How many times a period an account can try to log in for
(integer) - The period of time an account can try to repeat logging in for
(boolean) - No writes to the database for this journal are permitted. (this is used by cluster management tool: a journal is readonly while it is being moved to another cluster)
(boolean) - Can use all properties of S2 layouts
(boolean) - User can create & use their own styles.
(boolean) - User can create syndicated accounts.
(boolean) - User can use text messaging.
(integer) - Maximum number of todo items allowed
(boolean) - Can user make non-public todo items?
(boolean) - Can view journal at http://user.$LJ::DOMAIN/
(boolean) - User has email address @$LJ::USER_DOMAIN
(integer) - Maximum number of user pictures allowed.
(boolean) - Allow the account to ping with new updates
Local Capabilities
(boolean) - User has access to the faster (paid) servers.
(boolean) - User has paid for their account type.