»Appendix C. S1 Variable Reference: Calendar view

Table of Contents

CALENDAR_DAY - This is a block of HTML for a day on the calendar, which gets insert into %%days%% in the variable.
CALENDAR_DAY_EVENT - Some HTML that gets inserted into variables when the number of events (journal entries) for that day is non-zero. For instance, this is useful if you want to display a link to the view to see what the user's events for that day were. On a day with zero events, you wouldn't want a link, so you'd put your HTML into this variable, not in . However, in , make sure you use %%dayevent%% somewhere.
CALENDAR_DAY_NOEVENT - Some HTML that gets inserted into variables when the number of events (journal entries) for that day is zero.
CALENDAR_EMPTY_DAYS - At the beginning and end of the month, there are possibilities that squares on the calendar are blank. For instance, if the 1st of the month lands on a Wednesday, the Sunday-Tuesdays squares are non-existant. In the contruction of a pretty HTML table, it will be necessary to make a TD cell with a COLSPAN equal to the number of empty days. If you are not making your calendar view look like a calendar, then simply leave this variable blank. Note: this variable is used in the %%empydays_beg%% and %%emptydays_end%% properties of the variable.
CALENDAR_HEAD - Any arbitrary HTML you want placed in the <HEAD> of the page. This is a good place to put CSS or META tags. If you want to add the same tags to all your pages, use .
CALENDAR_MONTH - The HTML for a month in the view. A bunch of these variables as well as variables form the %%months%% property of the variable.
CALENDAR_NEW_YEAR - Before any HTML for a month of a year that hasn't been shown yet, one of these variables gets inserted into %%months%% of .
CALENDAR_PAGE - The HTML page layout for the view.
CALENDAR_SORT_MODE - Determines whether months in the calendar mode (variable: ) are shown in "reverse" order (most recent month at top) or in "forward" order (oldest months at top). The value of this variable should be either "forward" or "reverse", without quotes. By default, reverse will be assumed.
CALENDAR_WEBSITE - When the user has specified their website URL, this variable goes into the %%website%% property of .
CALENDAR_WEEK - HTML for a week in the calendar. 4-5 of these week objects get concatenated together into the %%weeks%% property of the .
CALENDAR_YEAR_DISPLAYED - An bit of HTML that goes in the for the displayed year.
CALENDAR_YEAR_LINK - A link to view a different year in the calendar.
CALENDAR_YEAR_LINKS - When there are more than 1 year of entries to be shown, this variable is inserted into the %%yearlinks%% property of . The purpose of it is to indicate which year is selected and let you move between the different years by clicking links.


A page that looks like a calendar, with months shown for any month that you've submitted a journal entry. Each day on the calendar with entries for that day shows a number of how many entries were submitted on that day, and clicking the day brings you to the view.

Example page[o]»