Indonesian (Bahasa Indonesia) More...
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Variables | |
$bookstoreList | |
$dateFormats | |
$datePreferences | |
$defaultDateFormat = 'dmy' | |
$magicWords | |
$messages | |
$namespaceAliases | |
$namespaceNames | |
$separatorTransformTable = array( ',' => '.', '.' => ',' ) | |
$specialPageAliases |
Indonesian (Bahasa Indonesia)
See MessagesQqq.php for message documentation incl. usage of parameters To improve a translation please visit
Definition in file MessagesId.php.
$bookstoreList |
array( 'AddALL' => '$1&type=ISBN', '' => '$1', 'Barnes & Noble' => '$1', ' bookstore' => '$1', 'Gramedia Cyberstore (via Google)' => '$', 'PriceSCAN' => '$1', )
Definition at line 73 of file MessagesId.php.
$dateFormats |
array( 'dmy time' => 'H.i', 'dmy date' => 'j F Y', 'dmy both' => 'j F Y H.i', 'ymd time' => 'H.i', 'ymd date' => 'Y F j', 'ymd both' => 'Y F j H.i', )
Definition at line 332 of file MessagesId.php.
$datePreferences |
array( 'default', 'dmy', 'ymd', 'ISO 8601', )
Definition at line 323 of file MessagesId.php.
$defaultDateFormat = 'dmy' |
Definition at line 330 of file MessagesId.php.
$magicWords |
Definition at line 82 of file MessagesId.php.
$messages |
Definition at line 342 of file MessagesId.php.
$namespaceAliases |
array( 'Gambar_Pembicaraan' => NS_FILE_TALK, 'MediaWiki_Pembicaraan' => NS_MEDIAWIKI_TALK, 'Templat_Pembicaraan' => NS_TEMPLATE_TALK, 'Bantuan_Pembicaraan' => NS_HELP_TALK, 'Kategori_Pembicaraan' => NS_CATEGORY_TALK, 'Gambar' => NS_FILE, 'Pembicaraan_Gambar' => NS_FILE_TALK, 'Bicara' => NS_TALK, 'Bicara_Pengguna' => NS_USER_TALK, )
Definition at line 61 of file MessagesId.php.
$namespaceNames |
array( NS_MEDIA => 'Media', NS_SPECIAL => 'Istimewa', NS_TALK => 'Pembicaraan', NS_USER => 'Pengguna', NS_USER_TALK => 'Pembicaraan_Pengguna', NS_PROJECT_TALK => 'Pembicaraan_$1', NS_FILE => 'Berkas', NS_FILE_TALK => 'Pembicaraan_Berkas', NS_MEDIAWIKI => 'MediaWiki', NS_MEDIAWIKI_TALK => 'Pembicaraan_MediaWiki', NS_TEMPLATE => 'Templat', NS_TEMPLATE_TALK => 'Pembicaraan_Templat', NS_HELP => 'Bantuan', NS_HELP_TALK => 'Pembicaraan_Bantuan', NS_CATEGORY => 'Kategori', NS_CATEGORY_TALK => 'Pembicaraan_Kategori', )
Definition at line 42 of file MessagesId.php.
$separatorTransformTable = array( ',' => '.', '.' => ',' ) |
Definition at line 40 of file MessagesId.php.
$specialPageAliases |
Definition at line 223 of file MessagesId.php.